Page:Bryan's dictionary of painters and engravers, volume 1.djvu/43

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A Blind Beggar and his dog ; after Carracci. The Cries of Bologna, after Anntbale Carracci, in eiguty plates, engraved by Algardi, in conjunction with Himon Guillain.

ALGAROTTI, Cunte Francesco, was born nt Venice in 1712. Tliis eminent writer was con- sidered one of the greatest connoisseurs in Europe in painting, sculpture, and architecture. He de- signed and etched for his amusement several groups of heads, one of which, containing thirteen heads, in the style of the antique, is dated 1744. The best edition of his works on art was published at Venice in 1791-94. He died at Pisa in 1764.

ALGHISI. See Galassi.

ALIAMET, FRANgois-GERMAis, younger brother of Jean Jacques, was born at Abbeville, in 1734. After having learned engraving at Paris, he came to London, and worked for some time under Sir Robert Strange. His works are considered in- ferior to those of his brother. He died in 1790. He engraved several portraits, and historical sub- jects, of which the following are the principal : Mrs. Pritchaxd, in the character of Hermione ; after Pine. The Flattery of the Courtiers of Canute reproved; after Pine, The Adoration of the Shepherds; after Annilale Carracci. The Circumcision ; after Gidio. The Annunciation ; after Le Maine. St. Ignatius kneeling ; after the same. The Stoning of Stephen ; after Le Sueur. A Sacrifice to Pan ; after A. Sacchi. The Surrender of Calais to Edward III.; after Pine. The Bather? ; after Waiteau.

ALIAMET, Jacqites, a clever French engraver, was born at Abbeville in 1726. He was a pupil of J. P. le Bas, and was first employed in vignettes for the booksellers, but he soon attempted more important works, and distinguished himself by some plates he engraved from the pictures of Joseph Vernet. He priricipally excelled in landscapes and eea-pieces, and was one of the eight engravers who executed the series of 'Batailles de la Chine' for the Emperor of China in the years 1765 to 1774. His style of engraving was very neat ; he worked with the graver and dry point, expressed the various degrees of colour well, and carefully avoided any exnt^geration of shadow. He dii^i in Paris in 1788. The following are among his best prints :

A Landscape, with figures and cattle ; after Berchem. The Port of Geuoa ; after the same. A Landscape, with a stag-hunt ; after the sam The Female Villagers; after the same The Village Pleasures ; after the same. The Spanisli Halt ; after Wouicerman. A Guard of Uhlans ; after the same. The Moon rising; after A. ran der Neer. A View of Boom, by moonlight ; after the iame. The Amusements of Winter ; after A. van de Veldc. A Storm ; after Joseph Vernet. A Fog ; after the same. A Fire in a Sea-port by Night ; after the same Two Sea-pieces — The Fishermen, and Return from Fishing ; after the same Four — The Four Times of the Day ; after the same. Two plates of the Witches' Meetings ; after Teuiers. The Birth of Venus; after Jeatirat.

ALIBERTI, Giovanni Carlo, a Piedmontese painter, was bom at Asti, in 1680. It is not stated under whom he studied ; but, according to Lanzi, he executed several considerable works in fresco in the churches of his native city. He painted the ceiling of the church of Sanl' Agostino, represent- ing that saint taken up into heaven surrounded by angels ; .-md in the choir of the same church, a picture of St. Augustine baptizing a number of children, and other figures. The composition is ingenious, with a fine expression in the lieads, and embellished with architecture. He died about the year 1740. His style consists of a mixture of Maratti, of Giovanni da San Giovanni, and of Correggio ; heads and feet that might be attri- buted to Guido or Domenichino ; forms peculiar to the Carracci, drapery of Paolo Veronese, and colours of Guercino.

ALIBRANDO, Girolamo, a Sicilian painter, called 'the Raphael of Messina,' was born in 1470, and received his first instruction in the school of the Antonj. The fame which Antonello da Messina, his countryman, had acquired in Venice, induced hira to visit that city, and he there re- ceived, for a short time, instruction from Anto- nello. He also enjoyed the friendship of Gior- gione. He afterwards went to Milan, where he became a disciple of Leonardo da Vinci. He then went to Rome and studied the antique, and the works of Raphael ; from Rome he went to Parma, and thence back to Messina, which town possesses his best woiks, the most important of which was a large picture of the ' Presentation in the Temple,' painted in 1519, for the Chiesa della Candelora. It was in existence in the early part of the century, but is now no longer to be found. Alibrando died of the plague in 1524 at Messina.

ALIENSE, L'. See Vassilacchi.

ALIGHIERI, Giovanni, a monk who flourished in Ferrara about 1195, painted miniatures in the codex of Virgil in the possession of the Carmel- ites in that city.

ALIGN Y, See Caruelle d'Alignt.

ALIPRANDI, Michelangelo, a painter of Verona, flourislied from about 1560 to 1582. He was an hnitator, if not a pupil, of Paolo Veronese, and executed after the manner of that master an altar-piece — the ' Madonna and Child between St. Rooh and St. Sebastian' — in the church of SS. Nazaro e Celso, at Verona, where it is still pre- served.

ALISAL. See Cakado.

ALIX, Jean, a French painter and engraver, born in Paris in 1615, was a scliolar of Phil- lippe de Champagne, son.e of whose paintings he engraved in the style of Mortn, but as a painter we have no account of his works. There is an etching by him, of a ' Holy Family,' after Raphael, executed in a very light and pleasing style.

ALIX, Pierre Michel, born at Honfleur, in 1752, was a scholar of Le Bas. He engraved in line and executed in aquatint a set of por- traits of eminent men, which were printed in colours, as well as a large portrait of Napoleon in his coronation robes. He died in Paris in 1817 In Meyer's ' Kiinstler-Lexikon ' is a list of 104 of his plates — historical pieces and portraits after various p.iinters.

ALKEN, Henry, a well-known painter and en- graver of sporting subjects, published, in 1816, ' The Beauties and Defects of the Horse ; ' in 1821, 'National Sports of Great Britain,' with fifty coloured plates, and in succeeding years, several similar works. He also published in 1849, 'The Art and Practice of Etching,' and in 1869, ' Jor- rock's Jaunts and Jollities.'

ALKEN, Samuel, worked in London as an engraver in aquatint towards the close of the 18th