Page:Bryan's dictionary of painters and engravers, volume 1.djvu/425

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Rome. Lateran Mus. The Annunciation. Vienna. Gallery. Perseus delivering Andromeda. 1602. Cesari executed several etchings after liis owii designs.

CESARIANO, Cesaee, bom at Milan in 1483, was an architect as well as a painter of miniatures, which branches of art he learned under the tuition of Bramante and Leonardo da Vinci. lie was employed in the decoration of the cathedral at Milan, and he translated the ' Architectura ' of Vitruvius, printed at Come in 1521, with woodcuts iiova his designs, the best of which are ' The Golden Age' ' The Building of the First Houses,' and 'The Elect of the Earth.' He died in 1546.

CESENA, Peregrini da. See Peregbini.

CESI, Baetolommeo, a Bolognese historical painter, was born at Bologna in 1556. He was first a scholar of Giovanni Francesco Brizzio, called Nosadella, but afterwards studied the works of Pellegrino Tibaldi. Contemporary with the Car- racci, and not unfrequently painting in competi- tion with them, he preserved their esteem by the amiahilitj' of his mind, as much as he excited their emulation by the display of his talents. Careful and correct in his design, without timidity, happy in the choice of his forms, and delicately tender in the purity of his tints, his works appear to have been the model from which Guido chiefly formed the suavity and elegance of his style. His powers are more extensive in his frescoes than in his oil paintings, although he has displayed an uncom- mon excellence in both in his numerous works in the public edifices at Bologna. His principal works in that city are :

Certosa. Christ in the Garden. „ Descent from the Cross. jS. jjomenico. Adoration of the Magi. „ Descent of the Holy Ghost. 5. Giacomo Maggiore. Virgin and Child with Saints. S. Martina. Crucifixion. Pinacoteca. St. Paul and St. Peter. „ St. Anne and the Virgin.

His most celebrated work is his set of ten frescoes in the Palazzo Favi, representing subjects from the life of iEneas : other works by him are in the same edifice. He died at Bologna in 1629.

CESILLES, Juan, a painter of Barcelona, who flourished towards the close of the 14th_century. He executed, in 1389, an altar-piece containing the history of the Twelve Apostles for the church of St. Peter in Reus, hut it was removed in 1557 to make way for another work,

CESIO, Carlo, a painter and engraver of the Roman school, was bom at Androdoco, in the Roman States, in 1625. He was brought up at Rome, in the school of Pietro da Cortona. and was employed with some of the best artists ofhis time in several public works during the pontificate of Alexander VII. He painted historical subjects, and his works are held in considerable estimation. He died at Rieti in 1686. In the Quirinal, he painted ' The Judgment of Solomon,' and others of his works are in Santa JIaria Maggiore and in the Rotunda. Carlo Cesio was also an engraver of some eminence ; we have bj- him several plates after the Italian painters of his time. His plates are etched and finished oS with the graver, in a free, masterly style. His drawing is generally correct, and his prints have the effect of the works of a painter. The following are his principal works as an engraver:

The Virgin and Infant Jesus with St. John ; half-length. St. Andrew led to Martyrdom, prostrating himself before the Cross ; after Guido. The Frontispiece to the book entitled Discorsi delta Jfusica. Sixteen plates from the Pamphili Gallery ; after Pietro da Cortona. Forty-one plates of the Famese Gallery; after Annib. Carracci. Eight plates of the Buongiovanni Chapel in the church of St. Augusine at Kome ; after Lanfvanco.

CESPEDES, Pablo de, called in Rome Cedaspe, a painter, sculptor, and architect, as well as a poet, scholar, and divine, and equally an ornament of the arts and literature of Spain, was born at Cordova in 1538. He was educated in the seminary at Aloala for the priesthood, was thoroughlj' acquainted with the classical and oriental languages, and spoke fluently most of the European tongues. As a painter he stands amongst the most eminent that his country has produced. To perfect himself in this art, he went twice to Rome for the purpose of studying the works of the great masters, especially those of Michelangelo and Raphael ; and he produced several fine paintings for tlie public edifices of that city. In the 'Irinita del Monte he painted frescoes of the ' Annunciation ' and the ' Nativity,' and several subjects from the life of the Virgin. Whilst at Rome he formed a close friendship with Federigo Zuccaro, from whose instructions he ac- quired a pleasing style of colouring. His learning and merit raising him to the rank of a canon of the cathedral of Cordova, he left Home for that city in 1577. When Zuccaro was applied to hy the Bishop of Cordova to paint a picture for his cathedral, he declined the commission, saying, that whilst Cfepedes was in Spain they need not send to Italy for painters. Some of his best pictures, repre- senting the ' Slartj-rdom and Burial of St. Catha- rine,' were executed for the Jesuits' College at Cordova, but all have been destroyed or lost. He died at Cordova in 1608, and was buried in the cathedral of that city. For a full account of this remarkable man, see Cean Bemiudez's 'Diccionario Historico.' We note of his paintings :

Cordova. Cathedral. Last Supper. „ „ Virgin and Cliild, with St. Anne. Seville. Cathedral. Four Allegorical Figures of the Virtues. „ Museum. Last Supper.

CESSON, Etienne Viotoe, French landscape painter ; born at Coincy(Aisne) in 1835. Studied in Paris at the ficole des Beaux Arts and became the pupil of Amaury Duval, who employed him in connection with the mural decorations of the parish church of St. Germain en Laye aiid others. Duval subsequently took him with him in his journeys to Egypt, Nubia and Syria. Cesson also gave considerable help to Puvis de Chavannes in some of his more important decorative works. From 1864 onwards he exhibited in the Salon ; among his landscapes may be cited 'Le Mont Canigou ' ; and of his figure painting, the ' Hylas,' and 'Giotto, enfant,' deserve mention. He also executed some praiseworthy portraits and char- coal sketches. His death occurred at his native place, Coincy, on June 6th, 1902.

CEULEN, Janssens van. See Jasssens.

CEXSELLI. See Caselli.

CHAFRION, Lorenzo, known as Fray Matias DE Valencla, a painter of religious, historical, and other subjects, was bom at Valencia in 1696. After