Page:Bryan's dictionary of painters and engravers, volume 1.djvu/423

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nino di Drea Cennini, was born at Colle di Val d' Eisa, and is well known as the author of a manuscript work on the technical process of painting in the 14th century, which has been translated by ilrs. Herrii;gliam (Allen, Lond. 1899). He was a pupil of Agnolo GadJi for twelve years, but his paintings have nearly all disappeared. A fresco of the Virgin and Saints by him, in the Hospital of S. Giovanni Battista, at Florence, was destroyed when the building was altered in 1787. Works by him may be seen in the churches of San Gimignano. In the chapel of La Croce di Giomo in San Francesco, at Volterra, is a series of frescoes, representing scenes from the life of Christ, and ' The Finding of the Cross ' ; one of these, repre- senting the ' Massacre of the Innocents,' bears the date 3ICCCCX., and the signature, ' Cienni di Fran- cesco di Ser Cienni da Firenze,' and it is considered most probable that Cienni and Cennini are identical. He was living at Padua in 139S.

CENTO. Pebegrisi da. See Peregrini.

CEPHALUS. See Bloemen, Nobbert tax.

CEPHISODORUS, an illustrious Greek painter, who is mentioned by Pliny as having flourished about B.C. 420.

CERAJUOLO. See Del Cerajcolo.

CERAXO, II. See Crespi, Giovansi Battista.


CERCOZZI, Michelangelo. See CEBQrozzi.

CEREGHETTI, Joseph, a Bohemian painter, was born at Chrudim in 1722, and died there in 1799. He studied under Hermann, and is known by his altar-pieces and portraits, among the latter being those of the Empress Maria Theresa and the Prince of Auersperg.

CERESA, Carlo, was bom at Bergamo in 1609, and was educated under Daniele Crespi, an able painter cf Milan. In a short time he acquired a style of design and colouring nearly approaching in merit to that of his master. A tasteful arrange- mei:t of his figures, great tenderness of colour, and an agreeable expression in his heads and forms, are amongst the characteristics of the works of this painter as given by Tassi. He was also eminent as a portrait painter. He died in 1679. His works are chiefly in the churches of Bergamo ; among them are :

Bergamo. Cathedral. St. Vincent carried up to Heaven by Augels. ,, S. Francesco. Four of the Prophets. ,, a. Pietro. The Resurrection.

CEREZO, Mateo, a Spanish painter, was bom in 1635 at Burgos, where he learned the rudiments of art from his father, Mateo Cerezc. When fifteen years of age he went to Madrid, and frequented the school of Juan Carreno de Miranda. After having established his reputation by his 'Conceptions,' painted for the churches of Madrid, VaUadolid, Valencia, Burgos, and Malaga, he was employed by Francisco de Herrera, the younger, to assist him with his frescoes in the dome of the church of Our Lady of Atocha. He endeavoured to imi- tate the colouring of Van Djxk, but was always inferior to that master. He died at Madrid in 1685. The Galleries of the Hague, Madrid, and Berlin, and the Czernin Collection at Vienna, all possess pictures of the 'Penitent Magdalen' by him. His most esteemed work was his picture of ' Christ with the Disciples at Emmaus,' painted for the refectory of the Recolete Friars in Madrid. The Madrid Gallery has by him a fine 'Assumption of the Virgin ' and the ' Mystic Marriage of St. Catharine of Alexand ria. A ' Crucifixion , " formerly in the Suermondt Collection, is now in the Berlin Gallery ; a ' Portrait of Cardinal Puerto-Carrero ' is in the Hermitage, St. Petersburg : and a ■ St. John the Baptist ', in the Cassel Gallerj-.

CERMAK, Jaroslav, a Bohemian painter, was born at Prague in 1831, and was educated in the Academy of that town under Christian Ruben, in Antwerp, in Brassels under Gallait, whom he closely followed both in his excellencies and in his defects, and lastly in Paris imder Robert-Fleury. He settled in the last-named city, and at first executed scenes from Bohemian history, as ' A Night Attack on the Hussites,' ' Bohemian Conversion Scene.' and ' The Begging Court-Poets of Rudolph II.' (1850), the last of which gained him his first reputation. A tour in European Turkey in 1858 afforded him new ma- terial, as instanced in some pictures mentioned below. He was also particularly successful in the portraiture of children. He died in Paris in 1878. His later pictures comprise among others :

The Montenegrin Woman and her Child. Turks assaulting a Herzegoviuian Woman. Kazzia of Eashi-Bazonks. 1861. The Return to the Country. Rendezvous in Montenegro. 1S74. The Hussites before Xaumbnrg. 1S75. Taking of Lauenburg. IS ( 6.

CERNEL, Mabie Louise Suzanne Chaupion DE. See Chaupion de Cernel.

CERQUOZZI, Michelangelo, commonly known as Michelangelo delle Battaglie, from his fond- ness for painting battle-pieces, was bom at Rome in 1602. He was instructed in the school of Bonzi (11 Gobbo da Cortona), and afterwards under Leckerbetjen and the 6am6ocaa-painter De Laar, in imitation of the last of whom he depicted low scenes in a style that rivals that of his master. He also painted fairs, markets, shipwrecks, and doings of the Lazzaroni. His battle scenes are full of life, and exhibit much richness of invention, but are often too hastily executed. He finally took to painting flowers and fruits, and his productions of this class are highly esteemed. He died at Rome in 1660. Some of his productions are to be seen in the public galleries of Europe ; but the best have been considered to be those representing 'The Four Seasons,' which were painted for the Salviati Palace at Rome.

Berlin. Gallery. Procession of a Pope in Rome. Dresden. Gallery. A Battle-piece. Florence. Uffizi An Old Woman. Munich. Pinakothek. Hunting-scene. M n A Cobbler. Parii. Louvre, Fruit-pieces (two).

CERRINI, Giovanni Domenico, called II Cava- LIERE Perugino, was bom at Perugia in 1609. He frequented the school of Guido Reni for some time, and became a graceful and elegant designer, with an expression in his heads that occasioned some of his works to be taken for those of his master. His best production is a fresco in the cupola of La Madonna della Vittoria, at Perugia, representing St. Paul taken up into Heaven. Other works by him are in the galleries and churches of Brescia, Cassel, Dresden, and Munich. He died in 1681.

CERTOSINO, IL. See Cassiani.

CERVA, Giovanni Battista, was a native of Milan, who flourished about the year 1550. According to Lanzi, he was a pupil of Gaudenzio Ferrari. His ' Incredulity of St. Thomas ' is considered to be one of the finest pictures in Milan.