Page:Bryan's dictionary of painters and engravers, volume 1.djvu/421

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it that of Paolo Foppa, i. e. Paolo Caylina, the nephew and heir of Viuc-nzo Vecchia.

CAYLUS, AssE Clacde Philippe db ThttbiSres DE Grimoard de Pestels de Levi, Comte de, a celebrated amateur, was born in Paris in 1692. He entered the army and saw some service in the field, but eventually devoted himself to the pursuit and encouragement of art, in the service of which he may be said to have spent his hfe and fortune. He visited Italy, Greece, Turkey, and Asia Minor, where he sought to discover the site and ruins of Troy, and 13 well-known by his ' Recueil d'Antiquitfe,' an elaborate publication in seven volumes, the last of which appeared in 1767, tsvo years after his death. His etchings, more remarkable for the extraordinary zeal shown in producing them than for any special talent, are to be counted bj- thousands. His plates, after the drawings of Bouchardon, v.-ere finished by Fessard and his pupils. His work has been the means of preserving to us the subjects of masterly sketches by some of the most celebrated painters. His portrait was engraved by Charles Nicolas Cochin, the younger. He died in Paris in 1765, and his tomb is in the church of St. Germain I'Auxerrois. His etchings are marked with the followina: monograms : C*. C***. CC. C de C. C.S. C*S. MleCdeC.

Amongst them the following are most worthy of attention : A set of about three hundred plates of the Gems in the CoUectiou of the King of France. A set of ten Antique Subjects — from drawings by £time Bouchardcyt^ etched by C. de Caylus, and finished with the graver by Ze Bas. X set of six llythological Subjects ; after Bouchardon ; etched by C. de Caylns^ and finished with the graver by Fessard. A set of thirty Heads ; after Rubens and Van Byck ; from the Crozat Collection. A set of fifty grotesque Heads ; after Leonardo da Vinci. A set of five Sketches ; after Sella Bella. Portrait of Polidoro da Caravaggio. Tea subjects from the Life of Joseph ; after sketches by Eenibraridt. The Deliverance of St. Peter ; after the same. Set of eight plates for " Les Chats ' of II. de Moncrif. The Amusements of the Country ; after TVatteau. Portrait of Camille Falconet ; after Loubkt.

CAZENAVE, — , was a French engraver, bom in Paris about 1770, who reproduced with a certain succefs in the dotted manner some of the compo- sitions of Boilly and other popular artists, and like- wise executed some historical scenes of the Revo- lution. The date of his death is not recorded. His best works are :

L'Optique ; after Boilly. La Kose prise ; after the same. L'AmouT couronne ; after the same. La Tolupt^ ; after Fegnault. A Female Head ; after Pnid'hot.

CAZES, Pierre Jacques, bom in Paris in 1676, was successively the pupil of Houasse and of Bon de Boullongne. He was noted as a painter of historical subjects, and executed several works for Notre Dame, and for the choir of St. Germain- des-Pr^s. In the Louvre is a study of ' St. Peter resuscitating Tabitha.' He became a member of the Academy in 170.3. He became Prof^^ssor in 1718, Rector in 1743, Director in 1744, and Chancellor in 1746. P. A. Robert, Ch. Parocel, Chardin, and the Swedish portrait-painter Lund- berg were amongst his scholars. He died in Paris in 1754.

CAZES, RoMAjs, a French historical painter, was born at St. Beat (Haute-Garonne)in 1810. He was a pupil of Ingres, and is known chiefly by his portraits and subjects from sacred history. He decorated the church of St Fracfois Xavier at Paris, and died in 1681.

CAZIN, Jean Charles, a famous French land scape painter, bom at Samers (Pas-de-Calais) in 1840, the son of a doctor. He studied under Lecoq de Boisbaudran and went to England, where he came under the influence of the Pre-Raphaelite school. It was from London he first sent to the Salon of 1876 'Le Chantier,' afragment of a projected decora- tive work. His principal later works were ' The Flight into Egypt,' 'The Journey of Tobias,' 'The Departure of Joseph and Mary from Judjea,' the latter obtaining an honourable mention. In 1880 his ' Hagar and Ishmael ' was awarded a first-class medal, but from 1883 he principally produced land- scapes, luminously painted and full of sentiment. He was Vice-President of the National Society des Beatrs Arts, and created Knight of the Legion of Honour in 1882, and an officer in 1889. He married Marie Guillet, also a well-known artist, and died at the age of sixty.

CEA, JuAS DE, a Spanish painter, flourished in the middle of the 16th century at Burgos, in the cathedral of which city he executed, in 1565, in conjunction with Juan de Afied a, several paintings of merit.

CECCARINI, Sebastlaxo, was bom at Urbino abont the year 1700, and was a pupil of Agostino Castellacci. He painted historical subjects at Rome with distinction during the pontificate of Clement XIL The surporta of the church of Sant' Urbano in Campo Carleo, and the high altar-piece are by him, also the altar-piece in the Cappella degli Svizzeri in the Quirinal. His best works are at Fano ; amongst them may be mentioned his ' St. Lucia' at the Augustine Church, and historical subjects in the Piazza del Popolo. ^He died in 1780.

CECCHI, Gaetano, was a painter born at Flor- ence, who flourished there about the year 1770. He engraved some plates of historical subjects, after the Italian painters, which are etched, and finished with the graver.

CECCHI, Giovanni Battista, was a Florentine engraver, bom at Florence about the year 1748. He engraved several portraits for the work entitled ' Serie degl' Uomini illustri,' and also for the ' Life of the Marquis de Pombal.' We have also by him the following plates :

The Calling of St. Andrew to the Apostleship ; after L. Cardi. The Martyrdom of St. Laurence ; after Pietro da Cor- tona. The Martyrdom of St. Vitalis ; after F. Barrocci. The Stoning of St. Stephen ; after the same. The Entombment of Christ ; after Daniele da Volterra. Catiline's Conspiracy ; after Salvator Rosa.

CECCHINI, Francesco, a Roman engraver, who flourished about the close of the 18th century, is best known by a set of five engravings after Perugino's frescoes in the Sala del Cambio at Perugia. He also engraved the ' Visitation of the Virgin to St. Elizabeth,' after Moretto, and several other subjects from the Old and New Testaments. He was no longer living in 1811,

CECCHINO DA VERONA is only known as the painter of a ' Virgin and Child, between SS. Vigilius and Sisinius," in the cathedral of Trent, supposed to have been painted about 1450.