Page:Bryan's dictionary of painters and engravers, volume 1.djvu/416

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was bestowed on him by the King of Prussia. Amongst Catel's landscape subjects, which are marred by a certain touch of conventionality, the best perhaps are ' The Moonlight View of the Colonnade of St. Peter's,' and ' The Storm on Mount Etna.' In the Berlin Gallery are two Nea- politan views, both painted in 1822, and in the New Pinakothek, Munich, are eight works by him, views in Italy. His works may be seen in Munich and Copenhagen. He died at Rome in 1856.


CATENARO, Juan Badtista, was a portrait- painter and engraver, of whom nothing more is known than that he worked in London and in Madrid at the beginning of the 18th century. He etched the portrait of Luca Giordano, and from his own designs ' A Woman with Children, seated in a landscape,' and ' Apollo surrounded by Cupids.' He was still living in 1720.

CATESBY, Mark, was born in England in 1679, and in 1712 visited America, where he remained seven years, studying the botany of the country. He then returned home, but made a second visit to the colonies, and took up his headquarters at Charleston, South Carolina, from which place he made excursions into the interior, through Georgia and Florida. He returned to England in 1726, that he might engrave the plates for his work entitled 'The Natural History of Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama Islands,' illustrated with plates of birds, beasts, fishes, plants, &c. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society, and died in 1749.

CATHELIN, Louis Jacqdes, a French engraver, born in Paris in 1738, was one of the best pupils of Le Bas. He engraved some excellent small portraits of historical personages, literary men, and artists ; and, although his work was singu- larly unequal, he may be classed with Le Mire, Ficquet, Gaucher, and other engravers of the 18th century, who were distinguished by the skill and delicacy of their work. He was received into the Academy in 1777, on which occasion he executed the portrait of the Abbe Terray, after Roslin. Cathelin died in Paris in 1804. Among his best works are the following :

Louis XV. ; after Tan Loo. Marie Antoinette, Queen of France ; afttr Fridou. The same ; Countess of Artois ; Countess of Provence ; after Drouais, Moliere; after Mignard. Pierre Noel Le Cauchois; after Mile, de Noireterre. Jean Paris de Jlontmartel ; after M. Q. de La Tour. Louis Tocqu^, painter; after Nattier. Stanislaus, King of Poland; after Masse. Joseph Vernet, marine painter ; after I 'an Loo. Joseph II., Emperor of Germany ; Maria Theresa, Euipress of Germany ; after Ducreux. La Nouvelle Affligeante; after P. A. 'iVille. Ttie Death of Lucretia; after Pelteiirini. Latona revenged; after Lauri ; begun by Balechou, and finished by Cathelin. Erigone; n;«tr Moxsiau. A Waterfall, with Fishermen ; The Four Hours of the Day ; after J. Vernet.

CATHELINAUX, Christophe, a French painter of dogs and other animals, born at Warcq(Meuse) in 1819, was a pupil of Drolling, and entered the ficole des Beaux Arts in 1839. He exhibited at the Salon from 1857 onwards. He died in 1883.

CATHELINEAU, GaStan, a French painter of portraits and of historical and genre subjects, was bom at Montrichard (Loir-et-Cher) in 1787. He was a pupil of David, and professor of drawing at the Lyceum of Tours from 1835 to 1858. He died at Tours in 1859, bequeathing to the Museum of tnat city fifty pictures by different masters, as well as eleven by his own hand.

CATI, Pasquale, a native of Jesi, according to Baglione, flourished at Rome during the pontificates of Gregory XIII., Sixfus V. , and Clement VIIL He was employed in the Loggie of the Vatican, where he painted ' The Passion of,' as also some friezes in the Sala Clementina. 'The chapel of Cardinal Altemps, in Santa Maria in Trastevere, is decorated by Cati with subjects taken from the ' Life of the Virgin.' He died at Rome during the pontificate of Paul V. (1605—1621), in his 70th year.

CATLIN, George, a designer and painter, was born in 1794 in Wyoming Valley, Pennsylvania. After first studying "law he turned his attention to painting, and is well known for his depicting of the North American Indians. In 1832 he com- menced a prolonged course of visits to their native haunts, and after intercourse with no less than forty-eight different tribes, he published a work in 1851, containing portraits of 200 chiefs and war- riors, together with miscellaneous sketches. He died at Jersey City in 1872.

CATS, Jacob, an excellent draughtsman, who also etched and painted, was born at Altona in 1741. He studied under Abraham Starre and Pieter Louw. He was celebrated for drawing land- scapes with animal accessories, his works ha'ing a distinct originality, and being marked by a poetical rendering of the features of nature, as well as by careful manipulation. They are often suggestive of Adriaan van de Velde and of Berchem, and are highly valued. He also painted some pictures on a smaller scale, and has left us some etchings. He died at Amsterdam in 1799. Amongst his plates may be mentioned :

A View of Amsterdam. Another; after W. Weits. Another ; after J. de Beyer. Six plates of Landscapes.

CATTAMARA, Paoluccio, was an artist of Naples, who flourished about 1718, and painted fruit, birds, medals, &c., with marvellous resemblance to nature.

CATTANEO, Santo, called Santino, an Italian painter, was born at Salo in 1739. He at first practised wooJ-engraving, but afterwards studied painting under Antonio Dusi of Brescia and Fran- cesco Monti of Bologna. He settled at Brescia in 1773, and in 1810 became professor of drawing in that city, where he died in 1819. Many of the churches and residences of Brescia and its neighbourhood are rich in his works.

CATTANIO, CosTANZA, was bom at Ferrara in 1602. He was a pupil of Ippolito Scarsellino, but afterwards frequented the school of Guido Reni at Bologna. This artist was of so quarrelsome and turbulent a disposition that he passed the greater portion of his life in exile or in disgrace. This turbulence of his nature is evinced in many of his works, which generally represented soldiers and banditti, painted in a menacing tone of colour. That he could divest himself of this peculiarity i» evident from his pictures of 'The Flagellation' and the ' Ecce Homo,' in the church of San Giorgio at Ferrara. His 'Christ praying on the Mount' in San Benedetto, and his 'Annunciation' in San Spirito, Ferrara, have something of the suavity of Guido. He died in 1665.

CATTAPANI, Luca, was bom at Cremona about the year 1570, and was instructed in the school of the Campi. Many of the works of his masters were copied by him, with a precision that might