Page:Bryan's dictionary of painters and engravers, volume 1.djvu/41

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tectural viewa, and was much employed by the emperor and nobility of Russia to decorate their palaces. He died in St. Petersburg in 1824. The Hermitage possesses good examples of his views of Moscow, which are considered his best pro- ductions.

ALEMANI, Gaetan'o (or Alaman.xi), a painter of Bologna — who distinguished himself in various styles, particularly in architectural and ornamental painting for the decoration of churches and theatres — flourished in the latter half of the 18th century. He died in 1782

ALEMANNO, Giovanni (or Alamann'us), was also called Giovanni da Mubano (one of the Venetian Isles). He is supposed from the former name to have been a German. He worked in conjunction with Antonio da Murano. Between them they executed two pictures now in the Academy at Venice ; a ' Coronation of the Virgin,' signed and dated, Joanes et Astonids de Mubi- Aso F., MCCCC5XXX. , and a ' Madonna and Child enthroned,' signed and dated 1446, Johannes Alamannus Antonius da Muria.vo Fe. Several pictures by them are still in the chapel of San Tarasio in San Zaccaria at Venice. Alemanno is known to have painted from 1440 till 1447, after which year there is no record of him.

ALEMANNO, Justus d' (or Allamagna), a German painter, who practised at Genoa in the 15th century. He painted in fresco an 'Annunci- ation ' in a cloister of Santa Maria di Castello, in 1451 ; Lanzi considers it a precious picture of its sort, finished in the manner of the miniaturists, and apparently the precursor of the style of Albreeht Durer. Justus d' Alemanno is not the same as Justus of Ghent, as some writers have supposed.

ALEMANXO, Pietbo, a painter of Ascoli in the latter part of the loth century, was a pupil of Carlo Crivelli. Several of the churches of Ascoli possess paintings by him, but they show little ability either in drawing or colour. The church of Santa Maria della Carita has an altar-piece by him dated 1489, representing the ' Virgin and Child between SS. Michael, Blaise, .Jerome, and Nicholas ; ' and in the collection of the late Mr. Barker of London was a ' Virgin and Child, enthroned.' No exact inform- ation can be given of the dates of his birth or death.

ALEMANS. See Hallemans.

ALEN, Jan van, a Dutch painter, was born at Amsterdam in 1651. He was an imitator of Melchior Hondekoeter, and his pictures, like those of that master, represent fowls, landscapes, and still-life. Though inferior to Hondekoeter, he painted those objects with great fidelity. He also imitated other masters of the period with so much success that his copies have often passed for originals. He died in 1698.

ALENI, TOMMASO DE, called II Fadino, was bom at Cremona, and, according to Orlandi, was a disciple of Galeazzo Campi. He was also influenced by the works of Perugino. He painted history in the style of his instructor, and his works in San Domenico, at Cremona, where he was em- ployed with Campi, are so much in the manner of that master that it is difficult to distinguish them. Neither the date of Aleni's birth nor that of liis death is known. Orlandi says he was bom in 1500, but a picture signed by him bears that date. It is a 'Madonna and Child with Saints,' in the Bignani Collection, Castel Maggiore. Another, a ' Nativity,' signed and dated 1515, formerly in the church of San Domenico, is in the town-hall of Cremona.

ALENZA, Leonabdo, a Spanish painter and etcher, was born at Madrid in 1807. He studied art under Juan Rivera and Jos^ de Madrazo, and became a good portrait painter, but was more especially famous for his pictures of the habits of the lower classes. He became a member of the Academy of Madrid in 1842 ; and died there three years later.

ALEOTTI, A.^JTONIO, a Ferrarese painter, who flourished at the end of the loth century, was a native of Argenta. He is probably identical with Antonio dall' Argento, who lived in 1495, and painted the frescoes in the Chiesa della Morte in Ferrara.

ALESIO, Matted Pebez de, called by Baglione Matted da Leccio. This painter was born in 1547, and studied under Michelangelo. He was a Roman by birth, but he is chiefly known by the works he executed in Spain, whither, in 1583, he had been induced to migrate by the liberal protection bestowed on art by Philip II. It does not, however, appear that he went thither by the in-itation of the king, or that he was employed by that monarch in the Escurial. His principal works are his fresco paintings in the churches at Seville. His manner of designing partakes of the grandeur of Michelangelo. The most remarkable perfonnance of Alesio is a colossal picture, painted in fresco, in 1584, in the cathedral at Seville, representing St. Chris- topher carrying the Infant Saviour on his shoulder. It is of prodigious dimensions, the figure of St. Christopher being nearly forty feet high. Palo- mino speaks of this enormous production in very high terms. He painted in 1587 the same sub- ject for the church of San Miguel, and he also painted in other public edifices at Seville. After residing some years in Spain, he is said to have quitted it on account of the preference given to the works of Luis de Vargas, whose superiority the candour of Alesio induced him to be one of the first to acknowledge. Palomino says that Alesio returned to Rome and died there about the year 1600. Baglione, on the other hand, tells us that, after having acquired great riches in the West Indies, he died there in poverty.

ALESSANDRI, Innocents, an Italian engraver, was born at Venice about the year 1740, and was instructed by F. Bartolozzi, before that artist left Italy. He has executed several prints in line, aquatint, and chalk, among which are the fol- lowing :

Four prints, representing Astronomy, Geometry, llusic, and Painting; after Domenico Mnggiotto. The Virgin Mary, with the guardian angel and the souls in Purgatory ; after Seb. Bicei. The Virgin Mary with a glory of angels ; after Piaz- zetta. The Annunciation ; after F. U Maine. The Fh'ght into Egypt ; after the same. Two Landscapes ; after Marco Jiicci. Two series of Twelve Landscapes; after the same.

ALESSANDRINO. See Magnascd, Alessandbd.

ALESSANDRO and JULIO, two painters of Italian origin, of whom little is kno'n, were sup- posed to have been brothers and fellow-pupils under Giovanni da Udine. In the early part of the 16th century, they painted in the Alhambra, Granada, and elsewhere in Spain, frescoes in the