Page:Bryan's dictionary of painters and engravers, volume 1.djvu/398

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figures are only accessory, and to which we have nothing superior in grandeur of scenery, in the choice of forms, in aerial tints, and in spirited execution. He also painted genre pictures, as 'The Greedy Eater,' in the Colonna Palace at Rome. The following are his principal paintings :

Berlin. Gallery. Holy Family. „ „ Landscape. And many others. Bologna. Pinacoteca. Madonna adored by six Saints. 1593. „ „ Madonna enthroned, with Saints. „ „ Annunciation. „ „ Assumption. 1592. Cassel. Gallery. Tobias. „ „ Hercules. Castle Howard. The Three Maries. „ Portrait of Himself. Darmstadt. Gallery. Portrait of Domenichino. Dresden. Gallery. The Genius of Glory. „ „ Assumption of the Virgin (dated MDLXXXVII). „ „ Madonna enthroned with Saints (signed HANNIBAL CAEEACTIVS BON F MDLXXXVIII). „ „ S. Roch distributing Alms. „ „ Virgin and Child with the Swallow.

And others. 

Florence. Uffizi. A Bacchante. „ „ Portrait of Himself. „ Pitti Pal. Christ adored by Saints. London. Nat. Gal. Christ appearing to Simon Peter after his Resiurection. „ St. John in the Wilderness. ,j ,, Landscape, with figures. „ „ Landscape, with figures. „ „ Erminia taking refuge with the Shepherds. „ „ Silenus gathering Grapes. „ „ Pan teaching Apollo to play on the Pipes. „ „ The Temptation of St. Anthony in the Desert. „ Bridgewater Gal. St. George in Prayer. Milan. Brera. Christ and the Woman of Samaria. Modena. Museum. Venus. Munich. Pinakothek. Susannah and the Elders. „ „ A Pieta, Naples. Museum. A Pieta. „ „ Satyr and Bacchante. „ „ Holy Family. And others. Paris. Louvre. Birth of the Virgin. „ „ La Vierge aus Cerises.' „ „ The Sleep of the Infant Christ. ('Le Silence du Carrache.') „ „ The Virgin appearing to St. Luke and St. Catharine (signed ANNIBAL CARACTIVS F. MDSCIl). „ „ Preaching of St. John the Baptist. „ „ A Pieta. „ „ Christ at the Tomb. „ „ The Resurrections;(signed ANNIBAL CARRATIVS PINGGEBAT MDXCIII;. „ „ The Magdalen. „ „ Martyrdom of St. Stephen. And many others. Petersburg. Htrmitaye. Anointing the dead Christ. „ Holy Family. Pieta. „, „ The Women at the Sepulchre. „ „ Christ and the Three Maries. " ,, His own Portr,it. „ ,, A Sleeping Maiden. „ ,, Landscape. Rome. Borghese Pal. Deposition of the Cross. „ „ St. Francis. „ Colonna Pal. The Greedy Eater. „ Farnse Pal. Ceiling— Triumph of Bacchus and Ariadne. 1600—1604.

„ Madonna del Popolo. Assumption.

Vienna. Gallery. The Descent from the Cross. „ „ Christ and the Woman of Samaria. „ „ Entombment. „ „ St. Francis in Ecstasy.

By the hand of Annibale Carracci we have about twenty plates, partly etched, and finished with the graver, in which the great master is strongly marked. They are :

The Virgin suckling the Infant Jesus ; oval. The Virgin supporting the head of the Infant Jesus sleeping. The Virgin and Child, with St. John presenting a Bird. The Adoration of the Shepherds. The Virgin of the Porringer, giving drink to St. John. 1606. The Holy Family ; Anni. Car. in. fe. 1590. The Crucifixion ; Anni. in Fe. 1581. The Dead Christ in the lap of the Virgin, called the Caprarola Christ. 1597. Christ crowned with Thorns; Annib. Carracius in. et fecit. 1608. St. Jerome with spectacles ; half-length. St. Francis with a Crucifix and a Skull. Apollo playing on the Lyre, with Pan. Jupiter and Antiope ; A. C. 1592. Silenus, a Faun, and a Satyr, called the Salver of Annibale. Acis and Galatea, with a Satyr. Susanna and the Elders ; very scarce. The Triumph of Bacchus (doubtful).

CARRACCI, Antonio Marziale, a natural son of Agostino Carracci, was born at Venice in 1583. He was educated by his father and by his uncle, Annibale Carracci, whom be accompanied to Rome when he went to paint the Far- nese Gallery. Aided by Annibale' s instructions, and endowed with much natural genius, he soon became a skilful designer, and was taken into the service of Cardinal Tonti, who employed him in the decorations of bis chapel in the church of San Bartolomnieo nell' Isola, where he painted several frescoes taken from the 'Life of the Virgin,' and the 'Passion of Christ.' The chapel of St. Charles Borromeo was ornamented by him with a picture representing that saint communicating the plague- stricken. He also painted a frieze in one of the rooms of the Pope's palace at Monte Cavallo. His works are rarely met with. The Marquis of Lans- downe possesses a ' Virgin and Child' by him. In the Louvre is a picture of 'The Flood'; in the Modena Gallery, 'Christ healing a Blind Man'; and in the Belvedere, Vienna, a 'Lute-Player.' He was greatly attached to Annibale, attended on him in his last moments, and gave him a splendid funeral in the church of the Rotunda, near the tomb of Raphael. Antonio died at Rome in 1618.

CARRACCI, Francesco, called Franceschino, the son of Giovanni Antonio, and a nephew of Agostino and Annibale Carracci, was born at Bologna in 1595. He was brought up by Lodovico, and soon displayed great talent for art. He painted a 'Virgin adored by Saints' for Santa Maria Maggiore, Bologna, and a scene from the life of St. Roch in the Oratory of San Rocco. He sub- sequently set up an opposition school to that of Lodovico, and called it the "True School of the Carracci"; but not meeting with the patronage he expected, he left Bologna, and went to Rome, whither he transplanted the "True School of the Carracci." He died, however, in poverty, at Rome in 1622. There are a few plates engraved by this artist from the designs of Lodovico and Annibale, which are marked F. C, or F. C. S.