Page:Bryan's dictionary of painters and engravers, volume 1.djvu/378

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Bologna. S. Procolo. The Last Supper. „ S. Giacomo Mnc/giore. St. Thomas of Villa- nuova. „ La Morte. St. Apollonia.

CANTON, Franz Thomas, an Austrian landscape painter of repute, was a native of Udine. He was born in 1677, and died at Vienna in 1733.

CANTON, JoHANN Gabeiel, wlio was born at Vienna in 1710, studied under his father, Franz Thomas Canton, and became known as a painter of battles, landscapes, and animals. In the Belve- dere, Vienna, is a 'Landscape with peasants dancing ' by him. He painted the animals in the landscapes of Orient and the battles in some large pictures of Martin von Meytens, and died at Vienna in 1753.

CANU, Jean Dominique Etienne, a French engraver, born in Paris in 1768, was a pupil of Delaunay. He engraved the series of 'Costumes des troupes fran9aises de 1792 4 1816,' many theatrical and other portraits, and a large number of plates of animals and plants for the ' Description de I'Bgypte,' Cuvier's 'Iconologie du Kegne animal,' the ' Museum d'Histoire naturelle,' Du- perrey's ' Voyage autour du Monde,' the ' Flore des Antilles,' and other works. The date of his death is unknown.

CANUTI, DoMENico Maria, a painter and etcher, was born at Bologna in 1620. He studied art under Guido Reni, and subsequently founded a school of his own in his native city. He went to Home, and remained there for some years, and also visited Mantua and Padua. He is the painter of the frescoes in the library of San Michele in Bosco. His best frescoes are those in the Palazzo Pepoli at Bologna, in the ducal palace at Mantua, and in the Colonna Palace at Rome. His paintings exhibit much imagination and skill in foreshortening, and are Bnished in the style of Guido Reni, after whose works he has left several etchings and engravings. The church of the Olivelan Fathers at Bologna possesses a very fine painting by him, representing 'The Descent from the Cross,' with a moonlight effect ; and in the church of San Bernardino in the same city are two Madonnas with Saints and Angels by him, of one of which he has left an etching. In the Bologna Gallery is a 'Death of St. Bene- dict' painted for Santa Margherita in that city. He died at Bologna in 1684. The following en- gravings are by him :

Portrait of Lodovico Carracci. „ Agostino Carracci. „ Annibale Carracci. The Virgin in the Clouds, with Christ ^ j^^^ , ^ j,-j ^^.tandmg by | ^„ ^„. St. Francis praying ; after Guido,

CANY, Jean Baptiste de, a French historical painter, is known only by a 'mai,' representing ' The Conversion of St. Denis at Athens,' which he painted in 1671 for the cathedral of Notre-Dame at Paris.

CAP ANNA, Pnccio, was a Florentine painter of the 14th century, who was admitted a member of the Florentine Guild in 1350. He was a pupil of Giotto, and enriched with frescoes of Scriptural subjects, in the manner of his master, the cities of Florence, Rimini, Pistoja, Bologna, and Assisi. There are some pictures of the Passion on the vaulting of the Lower Church at Assisi, which are attributed to him. The paintings in the chapter- bouse of S. Francesco at Pistoja, representing scenes from the life of St. Francis, and from that of our Lord, are still in a good state of preservation :• some are from the hand of Capanna, who died at Assisi.

CAPDEBOS, Pierre Feanqois, a French his- torical painter, born at Perpignan in 1795, was a pupil of Berthon. He was the founder of the Museum of Perpignan, inaugurated in 1833, and was also professor of drawing in the free school of that town. He died in Paris in 1836.

CAPELLA, II. See Dagih, Francesco.

CAPELLANI, Antonio, was an engraver, and born at Venice about 1730. He was a pupil of Wagner, and engraved several plates both at Rome and Venice. The greater part of the portraits in the edition of Vasari, published by Bottarini at Rome in 1760, were engraved by Capellani. He also engraved several of the plates for the ' Schola Italic® Pictura>,' under the direction of Gavin Hamilton. The following are his principal prints :

Portrait of Michelangelo Buonarroti. The Drawing School ; after Dom. Maiotto. Diana and Endymion ; after the same. Apollo and Daphne ; after the same. The Creation of Eve ; after Michelangelo. Adam and Eve driven from Paradise ; after the same. Marriage of St. Catharine ; after Correggio. The Repose in Egypt ; after Sarocci. 1772. View of the Portico of the Villa Albani ; after Panim.

CAPELLE, Jan van deb. See Van deb Cafpelle.

CAPELLI, Feancesco, was a native of Sassuolo in the province of Modena, and was educated in the school of Correggio. He flourished about 1568. In _ the church of San Sebastian at Sassuolo is an altar- S piece of the ' Madonna and Child in Glory, with w attendant Saints,' which is executed by him in the style of his master, and bears a strong resemblance to a picture in the Dresden Gallery, which is also by him. He was also called Caccianemici, hut must not be confounded with another Francesco Caccianemici, who was a pupil of Primaticcio, and lived about the same period.

CAPELLI, Giovanni Antonio, was born at Brescia in 1664. He was first instructed by Pompeo Ghiti ; he afterwards visited Bologna, where he studied some time under Lorenzo Pasinelli, and finally went to Rome, where he frequented the school of Battista Gaulli, called Baciccio. He painted historical subjects, and his works in fresco were held in considerable estimation ; they are chiefly in the public edifices at Brescia. Zani is of opinion that he was bom in 1669 and died in 1741.

CAPELLINI, Gabriele, called II Caligarino, or II, Calzolaeetto (the little shoemaker), from his having first pursued that trade, was a native of Ferrara, who flourished about 1520, and is said to have been induced to attempt painting, and to have become a scholar of Dosso Dossi, from having been complimented by that artist on the elegant shape of his shoes. His pictures imitate those of his master so skilfully that they are often taken for those of Dossi. In the church of San Francesco at Ferrara is a picture by him of 'St. Peter and St. James,' and in San Giovannino the principal altar-piece, representing ' The Virgin and Infant, with several Saints,' is by him.

CAPELLINO, Giovanni Domenico, was born at Genoa in 1580, and studied painting under Giovanni Battista Paggi, of whose manner he was a successful imitator. His style is less noble than that of his master, but he possessed other qualities of the art that render his works interesting, as is evident in his ' Death of St. Francis ' in San Niccolo at