Page:Bryan's dictionary of painters and engravers, volume 1.djvu/375

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Prince Xavier of Saxony. The sepulchral Monument of Cardinal Spinola. The Philosopher ; after Spagnoletlo. The Glory ; after Lomenichino. A Sibyl ; after Angelica Kartffmann. Paris and CEnoue ; after Van Loo. Adam and Eve driven from Paradise ; after Albam. Christ and St. John ; after Van der Werf. Christ appearing to St. Thomas ; after ilat. Freti ; this plate was finished by Beaiwarlet. A Turkish 'Woman ; after Dietrich. Spring ; after the same.

CANALETTO. See Bellotto, and Canal.

CANDERRON, Bebnardino, was a Spaniard who, assisted by Fray Felipe and Alonso Vazquez, painted a missal enriched with miniatures in six volumes for the cathedral of Toledo. This work he executed between 1514 and 1518 by order of Cardinal Ximenes. It is considered the most beau- tiful work of the kind ever executed in Spain.

CANDIDO, Martino di. See under Tolmezzo.

CANDIDO, PiETRO, (or Pieter Candid). See De Witte.

CANE, Carlo, was bom at Gallarate, a small town in the Milanese, in 1618, and was instructed by Melchiore Gilardini. He copied the works of Morazzone with success, and became a historical painter of some note, particularly in fresco. His best works are ' St. Ambrose ' and ' St. Hugo,' painted in fresco in the Certosa at Padua. He also painted landscapes and animals, which he touched with great spirit. He died at Milan in 1688. There was also a Carlo Cane, of Trino, who is mentioned by Irico, in his ' History of Trino,' as having painted in 1600 two altar-pieces for the Benedictine abbey of Locedia.

CANELLA, Giuseppe, who was born at Verona in 1788, was a painter of architectural scenes and sea-pieces ; he worked at Milan, and died at Flor- ence in 1847. Amongst his best productions are : Views of Paris and the Boulevards. The Cathedral at Blilan. The Harbour at Honfleur. The Church of Santa Croce in Florence. New Street in Venice. View of a Village — moonlight {in the Brcra, Milan). ,

CANERIO, Anselmo, was a Veronese painter who flourished between 1560 and 1575, and pro- duced a number of works in oil and in fresco at So- ranzo, Castelfranco, Vioenza, and Verona. He was a follower of Paolo Veronese. There is a frieze of his to be seen in the palace of Count Murani, and a ' Pharaoh's Daughter ' in Signor Ridolfi's mansion — both at Verona.

CANETI, Francesco Antonio, an Italian minia- ture painter, born at Cremona in 1662, was a pupil of G. B. Natali. He afterwards became a Capuchin monk, and died in 1721.

CANINI, Giovanni Angelo, or Giannangiolo, a historical painter, was born at Rome in 1617. He was first the pupil of Domenichino, and after- wards of Barbalonga. He was received into the Academy of Rome in 1650, and was eventually appointed Court painter to Queen Christina of Sweden, for whom he executed some considerable works. Though possessed of much talent as an artist, he devoted more of his time to archeology, and published two works on that subject. There is an engraving by this artist of Cardinal Mazarin, touched with a light hand, and showing much feeling and spirit. Two paintings by him repre- senting the martyrdoms of SS. Steohen and Bar- tholomew are in the church of San Martino ai Monti, Rome. He died in Paris in 1666.

CANINI, J. B. L. MAES. See Maes Canini.

CANLASSI, GuiDO, commonly known as It Cagnacci, a surname given to him on account of his deformity, was a painter of the Bolognese school, born at Castel San Arcangelo, near Rimini, in 1601. He was a pupil of Guido Reni, whose style he imitated in a somewhat too methodical manner ; still his work was careful, and has something of his master's delicacy. He worked at Rimini and Bologna, but did not execute many paintings in Italy, as he went in early life to the Court of the Emperor Leopold, where he laboured with consider- able industry. Beauvarlet, Cunego, Magalli, and Prenner have engraved after his works. He died at Vienna in 1681. The following are among his extant paintings :

Cassel. Gallery. Lucretia. Dresden. Gallery. The Penitent Magdalen. Florence. T^ffizi. Jupiter and Ganymede. Pitti Pal. The Assumption of the Magdalen Munich. Pinakothtk. The Magdalen. Mater Dolorosa. Paris. Louvre. St. John the Baptist. Petrsbrg. Hermitage. The Assumption of the Magdalen Rome. S.LucaAccad, Tarquin and Lucretia. „ Borghese Pal. A Sibyl. Vieuna. Gallery. Death of Cleopatra. Madonna and Child. „ Liechtenstein Coll. Jacob and Labau.

CANO, Alonso, a Spanish painter, architect, ana sculptor, was born at Granada in 1601. He ac- quired the knowledge of architecture from his father, Miguel Cano, and then went to Seville, where he learned sculpture from Juan Martinez Montanez, and studied painting under Pacheco and Juan del Castillo. In 1630 he completed the altar- piece which his father had commenced at Lebrija, where his statue of the Virgin and Child is con- sidered a masterpiece. In consequence of a quarrel he left in 1637, and made his way to Madrid, where he was employed by Count Olivarez in the decorations of his palace ; ho also painted the monument for the Easter Week in the church of St. Giles, and the triumphal arch erected at the solemn entry of Maria of Austria into Madrid. In 1643 he unsuccessfully applied for the post of architect to the cathedral of "Toledo, but was called upon in 1650 to direct the works there. In that same year he painted for the church of Porta Coeli in Valencia a ' Nativity,' ' Christ scourged at the Pillar,' and a ' St. John the Baptist.' Although since 1647 steward of the Brotherhood of Our Lady of Seven Dolours at Madrid, he joined a religious order in Granada in 1652, in order to devote him- self more entirely to his art. Although he had never visited Italy, yet his style had a noble, clas- sical simplicity, which he had acquired from his careful study of the antiques in the collection of Count Alcala at Seville. His sculptures manifested a strong resemblance by their energy and vigorous treatment to those of Michelangelo, and in addi- tion a most extraordinary grace and delicacy. Aa a painter he combined clear and brilliant colouring with decision in drawing and great power of ima- gination. He died at Granada in 1667. Nearly all the churches of Granada are enriched by his paintings, and examples may be found in many other churches of Spain. We may especially mention :

Berlin. Gallery. St. Agnes.