Page:Bryan's dictionary of painters and engravers, volume 1.djvu/364

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CALVET, Esprit Claude FRAN501S, a French physician, antiquary, and amateur painter, was bom at Avignon in 1728. He founded the Museum Calvet at Avignon, and died in that city in 1810.

CALVI, GiULio, called II Coronato, was born at Cremona about the year 1570. He was a scholar of Giovanni Battista Trotti, and according to Zaist, in his 'Notizie istoriche de' Pittori Cremonesi,' painted so much in the manner of his master, that his pictures might have been confounded with the inferior works of Trotti, had he not signed them with his name. Paintings by him can be seen at Cremona and at Soncino. He died young in 1596.

CALVI, Lazzaro aid Pantaleone. These two painters were the sons of Agostino Calvi, a Genoese painter of no great note, but who was one of the first to abandon the old habit of painting on a gold ground, and work on a basis of oil colours. Laz- zaro was bom in 1502, and together with his brother Pantaleone, after receiving some instruction from their father, entered the school of Perino del Vaga. Although Pantaleone was the elder brother, he con- tented himself with unobtrusively contributing to the celebrity of Lazzaro, by an exercise of his powers in the ornamental accessories, which formed no inconsiderable part of the attraction of the works which they executed at Genoa and the different cities of the republic, as well as at Monaco and Naples. Lanzi considers as their principal work the facade of the Palazzo Doria (now Palazzo Spinola), where are represented prisoners, and other figures, in various attitudes, designed in so grand a style, and executed with such fine taste, that it is in itself a school for the study of drawing. This work of the Calvi is mentioned by Lomazzo in terms of the highest praise in his ' Trattato della Pittura.' Their picture of ' The Continence of Scipio,' in the Palazzo Pallavicini, exhibits an acquaintance with the imde which Mengs considered worthy of their master Perino del Vaga, by whom Lanzi suspects they may have been assisted in some of their best works, as he is known to have very liberally accommodated them with his drawings and cartoons. The jealousy or ambition of Lazzaro, irritated by the success of some of his con- temporaries, prompted him to the commission of the most horrid crimes. He occasioned the death of Giacomo Bargone, a most promising artist, by poison ; and he hired persons to vilify the works of the ablest painters of the time, and to extol his own. It was in the midst of these cabals and atrocities that he was engaged, together with Andrea Semini and Luca Cambiaso, to paint, in the chapel of the Nobili Centurioni, ' The Birth and Life of St. John the Baptist ; ' and although, in this competition, he exerted his utmost powers, and produced one of his finest works, the preference was given to the performance of Cambiaso, whom Prince Doria accordingly commissioned to execute the frescoes in the church of San Matteo. Lazzaro was so mortified at this that he determined to abandon the art, and he actually became a mariner, and withdrew himself from painting for twenty years. He returned, however, to his profession, which he continued till he was in his 85th year. His last works were for the church of Santa Cattarina, and it is not surprising that, at so advanced a period of life, they were weak, languid, and senile. He died in 1587 : his brother Pantaleone died iu 1595.

CALZA, Antonio, was a painter of battle-scenes who was born at Verona in 1653. He studied at Bologna under Carlo Cignani, but his genius leading him to paint horses and other animals, and having met with some of the works of Borgognone, he resolved to visit Rome for the purpose of studying under that master, by whose instruction he was greatly assisted. He returned to Bologna, where he painted battle-pieces and landscapes with great success, and had a number of scholars and imitators, his pictures being much in vogue. He died at Bologna in 1714, or, according to Zani, in 1725.

CALZETTA, Pietro, an Italian painter, was the son-in-law of Montagnana, and a disciple of Squarcione. He was engaged at the Santo of Padua in 1466 to paint the chapel of Corpus Christi. In 1470 he restored some works of Stefano of Ferrara in the Santo, and in the same year he contracted to work with Montagnana and Matteo del Pozzo at the decorations of the Cappella Gattamelata in Padua. Up to 1500 he was still employed at the Santo. There is an ' Ecoe Homo ' by him in one of the chapels of that church. No dates can be given as to his birth or death.

CALZOLARETTO, II. See Capellini.

CAM, F. VAN der. See Van der Cam.

CAMACHO, Pedro, was a Spanish painter who, towards the end of the 17th century, executed with one Munoz some well-coloured pictures from the life of San Pedro Nolasco for the cloister of the convent of Mercy at Lorca. To him, likewise, were attributed some pictures of our Lord's Passion in that convent, and of the Four Great Doctors of the Church in the collegiate church of that city.

CAMARON Y BONONAT, JosS, who was born at Segorbe, in 1730, became director of the Academy of St. Charles at Valencia, in which city he died in 1803. A ' Mater Dolorosa,' by him, is in the Madrid Gallery.

CAMASSBI, Andrea, was a painter and etcher, who was born at Bevagna in 1601. He first studied under Domenichino at Rome, but afterwards followed the school of Andrea Sacchi. He painted both in oil and fresco, and his powers as an his- torical painter can be seen in many of the public edifices of Rome. His productions arc distinguished by a very careful study of nature, and by tender and graceful colouring. Several of his pictures have been engraved by Bloemart. His etchings are now very rare, not more than one or two being known, and are marked A. (7. scolp. He died at Rome in 1648. Of his works may be mentioned :

Madrid. Gallery. Obsequies of a Koman Emperor. Rome. Palazzo Bondanini. Battle of Constantine with Maxentius. „ Baptistery of the Lateran. Triumph of Constantine. „ La Rotunda. Assumption of the Virgin. „ Capuchin Church, A Pieta.

CAMBIASO, Giovanni, was an artist born near Genoa in 1495, who formed his style from the study of the works of Perino del Vaga and Pordenone in the Palazzo Doria at Genoa. He devoted much time to the study of anatomy, and is said to have been the author of the method adopted in designing whereby the human body is divided into small squares in order to give the correct proportions in foreshortening. He is thought to have lived to an advanced age, but the date of his death is uncertain.

CAMBIASO, Ldca, known as Ldchetto da Genova and as Luchino, the son of Giovanni Cambiaso, was bom at Moneglia near Genoa in 1527.