Page:Bryan's dictionary of painters and engravers, volume 1.djvu/359

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father's death he executed a number of pictures from Paolo's designs, and in his manner. Paolo's style was also closely copied by his brother Bene- detto Caliari, by his early companion Zelotti, and several other painters, so that many works are set down to him which are merely the productions of his school.

Paolo does not appear to have left Venice for any long period after he had once settled there. He journeyed to Yicenza and a few other places in northern Italy occasionally for the execution of commissions ; but, for the most part, all his great works were executed in Venice and for Venice. It is said he was invited to Spain by PhOip II. to assist in the decoration of the Escorial, but he de- clined the invitation, and devoted himself wholly to the service of Venice.

I^aolo Veronese is well represented in the National Gailery, where there are no fewer than six pictures, iucluding the large and important, but iminteresting, ' Family of Darius,' painted for the Pisani family. The 'Vision of St. Helena' (No. 1041), added to the collection in 1878, is a charming exan pie of his school. There is a noble grace and poetry about this work that leads one to regret that festive banquets and gorgeous altar-pieces had so large a share of his time.

Paolo Caliari died at Venice, April 19, 1588, and was buried in the church of San Sebastiano, which he had adorned with so many splendid works.

PAINTINGS ATTRIBUTED TO CALIABI. Murano. Ch. ofSt.Pietro Florence. Z'jpzi. Verona. Finacoteca. „ Ch. ofS. Giorgio. „ Ch. of S.Paolo. Yeidce. Acad.of Fine Arts. IJtical Palace. Manfrini Palace Ch .oj S.Seha^tiano. „ Ch.of S.Catarina. „ Ch.of S.Francesco „ Ch.of St. Andrea. Caatlfnco.Ch.ofS.Liberale Taking down from the Crosa. Portrait of P. Guarianti. Martyrdom of St. George. Madonna with two Saints. Feast of the Levite. Crucifixion. SS. Matthew and Mark. SS. Luke and John. Ezekiel. Isaiah. Battle of Lepanto. Annunciation. Assumption. Glorified Madonna with St. Dominick. Madonna with Saints. Coronation of the Virguj. Rape of Europa. Allegories : Music, Mathematics, and Fame. Adoration of the Magi. Venice Enthroned. Battle of Lepanto. Venice Enthroned, with eight allegories around. Apotheosis of Venice. .Jupiter and Hebe {ceiling), .Coronation of Virgin. The four Evangelists. Three scenes from life of Esther. Madonna in glory. St. Sebastian beaten with rods. St. Sebastian before Diocletian. Miracles at Porch of Betbesda. Purification of the Virgin. S3. Marcellus and Marcellinus. Martyrdom of St. Sebastian. Crucifixion. Madonna and Child. Marriage of St. Cathaiine. Holy Family. Resurrection, St. Jerome. Justice. Temperance. Time and Fame, Pitti Palace. Milan. Brera Gallery. Eome. Vatican. ,, Palazzo Doria. ,, Palazzo Borghese. „ Colonna. ,, Palazzo Corsini. Bergamo. Gallery. Brescia. Ch. of S. Afro. Turin. Pinacoteca. I* ti Genoa. Palazzo Brignole ft It tt Vicenza. Monte Bcrico. Padua. Santa Giustiyia- Paris. Lo'Ure. Bennes. Museum. Rouen. Museum. London. NationalGallery. Cambridge. FitzviUiam. Oxford. Christ Church. Dresden. Gallery. Munich. Pinakothek. Vienna. Belvedere. Madrid. Gallery. St. Jerome in the Desert. Man's Portrait. Holy Family and St. Catharine. Annunciation. Martyrdom of St. Justina. Esther before Ahasuerus, Portrait of a Man. Holy Family. Head of St. Paul. Portrait of Painter's wife. Portrait of Daniele Barbaro. St. Benedict. Presentation in Temple. Baptism of Christ. Feast in House of Simon. Adoration of the Magi. SS. Gregory and Jerome. SS. Ambrose and Augustine, Baptism of Christ. SS. Anthony, Cornelius and Cyprian. Last Supper. l*assion of Christ. Dream of St. Helena. Angel with Tambourine. Christ bearing the Cross, Portrait of a Woman, .St. John preaching in Dtsert. St. Anthony preaching to the fishes. SS. Cosmo and Daraian. Portrait of a Man in Green. Marriage of St. Catharine. St. Christina. Martyrdom of St. Afra. Feast at the House of Simon. Visit of Queen of Sheba. Judith. Several Portraits. Supper of St. Gregory the Great. Martyrdom of St. Justina. Marriage of Cana. Feast in House of Simon. Susannah and the Elders, Supper at Emmaus. Perseus and Andromeda. St. Barnabas healing the sick. Alexander and Family of Darius. A 'oration of the Magi. Consecration of St. Nicholas. Vision of St. Helena. Four Allegorical Groups. Mercury audAglauros. Jlarriage of St. Catharine. Adoration of the Magi. Marriage at Cana. Clirist bearing the Cross. JIadonna of Cuccina Family. Crucifixion. Resurrection. Death of St. Catharine. Venus and Adonis. Portrait of Daniele Barl aro. Leda and Swan. Snsaimah and Elders, Good Samaritan. Centurion of Capernaum. Justice, with sword and balance. Love. Mother with three chil- dren. Faith,?rViA a chalice in her hand. Strength. A powerful female form. Portrait of a "Woman in brown dress. Holy Family. Death of Cleopatra. Repose in Egypt. Christ healing St. Peter's Mother-in-law. Bt. Paul.

Venus and Adonis.