Page:Bryan's dictionary of painters and engravers, volume 1.djvu/350

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of Sant' Antonio at Brescia, which is favourably spoken of by Averoldi. He died at Genoa, accord- ing to Zani, in 1748. He had an elder brother,

GinSEPPE, or GncLIELMO, who was born in 1656, and died in 1682.

CAIRO, Cavaliere Fbakcesco, (called ' II Cava- liere del Cairo,') was born in the territory of Varese, in the Milanese, in 1598. He was a disciple of Pier Francesco Mazzuchelli, and if he did not equal his instructor in force and vigour, he surpassed him in the elegance of his design and the effective charac- ter of his colouring. After quitting Mazzuchelli he had the advantage of studying the works of the great masters at Rome and Venice, to which fact he owed the superiority above alluded to. The charm of the colouring of the Venetian school induced him to study more especially the works of and Paolo Veronese, and he adopted an admiraijle style, which appears to have been formed on a mixture of both. He was invited to the Court of Victor Amadeus, Duke of Savoy, where he painted some historical works, and many portraits, which, according to Lanzi, were entirely Titianesque. He received at Turin the order of SS. Lazarus and Maurice in recognition of his merit. There are several of his works in the churches of Milan and Turin ; one of his best pictures is ' St. Theresa,' in San Carlo at Venice. He died at Milan in 1674. His portrait by himself is in the DfBzi, Florence ; in the Dresden Gallery is a ' Venus and Apollo,' by him, and in the Belvedere, Vienna, a portrait.

CAISNE, Henri de. See De Caisne.

CAISSER, Henri de, was a French engraver, who, according to Florent Le Comte, engraved several plates representing funeral processions, monuments, &c.


CALABIvESE, Marco. See Cabdisco.

CALABRIA, Pedro de, a Neapolitan painter, was a scholar of Luca Giordano, and an imitator of that master, whom he accompanied to Spain and assisted in his works at Madrid. He painted battle- pieces with spirit, and was in the full exercise of his talent from 1712 to 1725. When or where he was born or died is not recorded.

CALAMATTA, Luigi, an Italian engraver, was born at Civita Vecchia in 1802. He studied draw- ing at Rome under Giangiacomo, took his early lessons in engraving from Marchetti, and executed his first plate under the eye of Ricciani. He went to Paris in 1822, and became a follower of Ingres, whose style he copied in his engraving of ' The Vow of Louis XIII.' He made his first appearance at the Salon of 1827, with an engraving of ' Bajazet and the Slifplierd,' after Dedreux-Dorcy. He next p.-oduced the 'Mask of Napoleon,' from the cast taken by Dr. Antonimarchi at St. Helena in 18.=i4, grouping around it a symbolic gathering, embracing portraits, cliiefly from Ingres' drawings, of Mme. Dudevant, Paganini, Martin, and Duclos. He visited Florence in 1836, and the following year saw him installed as professor at Brussels, a post which he eventually exchanged for a similar one at Milan, where he died in 1869. His wiie was also an artist, and produced an excellent portrait of her father, the archeeologist Raoul Rochette, as well as 'The Virgin' (1842), ' Eudora and Cvmadaceus' (1844), 'St. Cecilia ' (1846), 'Eve' (1848"), 'St. Veronica' (1851), and several other works remarkable for distinctness and firmness of design combined with delicacy and softness of treatment. The following is a list of Calamatta's principal works:

MonaLisa; after Leonardo da Vinct. 1837. Madoima di Foligno ; after Raphael The Vision of Ezekiel ; after the same. 1S55. Madonna della Sedia ; after the same. Peace ; after the same. 1855. Our Lord walking on the Sea ; after Cigoli Frances&i da Rimini ; after Scheffer. The Duke of Orleans ; after Ingres Count Mole ; after the same. 1855 Mdlle. Boimard ; after the same. The Vow of Louis XIII.; after the same. Guizot ; after Delaroche. Portrait of an Actor ; after Devena. Portrait of Miss Leverd ; after the same. Portrait of Lamennais ; after Ary Schf^er. Beatrice Cenci, partly etched ; after Guido Rent. 18.57. Recollections of Home, p.irtly etched ; after Stevens Portrait of the King of Spain ; after M.' Jtadrazo. Portraits of Rubens, Georges Sand, and Ingres,

CALAME, Alexandre, was a landscape painter, born at Vevay, Switzerland, in 1810. His father was a poor stone-cutter, and after his death, Calame went to Geneva, and was apprenticed to a tradesman of that city ; but in 1830 he entered the studio of Diday, where he made rapid pro- gress, and eventually succeeded him in the head- mastership of the school. He exhibited a ' Forest Scene near Avranclies' in the Exhibition at Ham- burg in 1837, which made a great sensation ; and his ' Waterfall at Handeck ' was considered by some to be the masterpiece of the Paris Salon of 1839. He visited Germany and Holland in 1839, England in 1840, and Italy in 1845. His best works painted between the years 1838 and 1844 are views of ' Mont Blanc,' ' The Jungfrau,' ' The Lake of Brienz,' ' The Bernese Oberland,' and 'Monte Rosa.' Amongst his most characteristic productions are 'The Four Seasons' and 'The Four Hours of the Day,' which are landscapes full of vigorous treatment and splendid colour. In 1855 he exhibited at the Universal Exhibition his 'Lake of the Four Cantons,' Calame was also a lithographer and engraver, and his numerous plates show much skill and correct taste. The best known are the eighteen ' Views of Lauter- brunnenand Meyringen,' and 'Twenty- Four Alpine Landscapes.' In 1863 he went to Mentone for his health, and died there in the spring of 1864. There are paintings by him at the Palace of Rosenstein, belonging to the King of Wiirtemberg, and in the following galleries :

Basle. Museum, The 'Wetterhom and Schreckhom. Berlin. Gallery. The Lake of Lucerne. 1853. A Mountain Ravine, 1855, Berne. Gallery. Cascade at Meyringen, View near Handeck. Frankfort Stadel. Swiss View. »t ,» Swiss View, Geneva. Museum. Forest at Handeck. Leipsic. Museum. Storm in the Forest. T 1 *S KensiiiKi- )The Lake of the Four Cantons ) (Lucerne), „ » Chain of Mont Blauc {water-colour). Neuchatel. Museum. Monte Rosa.

CALANDRA, Giovanni Battista, was one of the earliest of the mosaicists who wrought in the Vatican, and was born at Vercelli in 1568. In the pontificate of Urban VIII., it was found that the dampness of St. Peter's had materially affected the paintings, and it was determined to remove the principal pictures, and to replace them with copies in mosaic, of which the first was executed by Calandra, after tlie 'St. Michael' of Cesarid'Arpino. With this were ' The Four Doctors of the Church,