Page:Bryan's dictionary of painters and engravers, volume 1.djvu/321

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Museum, Male portrait, 1535. Darmstadt, Gallen/, Female portrait, 1539. Dresden, Gallery, Descent from the Cross. Frankfort, Stddel, Male portraits (two) ; Female portrait. Munich, Tinakothek^ St. Benedict, St. Catharine, St. Maurice, and St. Barbara ; Descent from the Cross. Petersburg, Hermitage, Portraits of a man and his three sons ; Portraits of the wife and one daughter (the lady is the same as that in aportrait by £ruyn in the Museum at Cologne),

BRDYN, CoRNELis DE. See De Bbuyn.

BRDYN, NicoLAES de. See De Brhtn.

BRDYN, Theodore de, was a. Swiss landscape and cattle painter, who settled in England in 1760. He exhibited for several years in the Royal Academy, and decorated the chapel of Greenwich Hospital. He died in London in 1804.

BHY. See De Bry.

BRYAN, Alfred, a well-known caricaturist and black-and-white artist, born in 1852. He com- menced drawing for 'The Hornet' in 1872, and later became one of the principal and most prolific contributors to ' Moonshine,' for many years pro- viding the weekly cartoon for that paper besides other sketches. He also executed work for the 'Sporting tmd Dramatic News,' and for the 'Entr'acte.' He turned out a constant supply of drawings with great facility, and died in 1899.

BEYER, Henry, was a pupil of Wynne Ryland, and became his partner as a printseller in Cornhill. He engraved a few plates, chiefly from the designs of Angelica Kautlmann. Among other prints by him we have a ' Bacchus and Ariadne,' and a large plate of ' Mars and Venus discovered by Vulcan.' He died in 1799.

BRYSAKIS, Petros, a Greek historical painter, bom at Thebes in 1814. He went to Munich in 1832, and studied in the Academy there, and there died in 1878. Amongst his works are :

Apotheosis of the Greek War of Independence. The Metropolitan blessing the Greek Banners (Munich Pinnkothek). The Camp of Karaiskakis.

BRYDLOV, Karl Pavlovitch, an historical painter, was born at St. Petersburg in 1799. He received his first instructions at the Academy there under Ivanov, and obtained notice in 1819 by a ' Narcissus.' In 1823 he proceeded to Rome, where he copied for the Czar Raphael's ' School of Athens,' and produced his own picture ' The Last Day of Pompeii,' now in the Hermitage Gallery, which was followed by ' The Murder of Ines de Castro.' He now became court painter, as well as member of the Academies of St. Peters- burg, Milan, and Bologna. After his return he executed a number of genre pictures and portraits in oil and aquarella. In 1835 he travelled in Greece, Turkey, and Palestine, where he painted a number of landscapes which were included in Davidov's 'Travels. Further on he executed an" ' Ascension of Clirist ' in the cathedral of St. Petersburg. He died in 1853 at Marciano, near Rome.

BUCHAN, Henry David Erskine, Earl of, who was born in 1710, and died in 1767, practised engraving as an amateur with some success. He engraved various views and portraits.

BDCHHORN, Karl Ludwig Berxhard Chris-TLAN, was an engraver bom at Halberstadt in 1770. He was a professor of the art of engraving in Berlin. He died in 1856. Among his best en- gravings are those of ' Christ blessing the Bread,' after Dolci ; ' Martin Luther," after Cranach (1806) ; and ' Psyche and Cupid,' after Angelica KaufEmann (1801).

BUCK, Adam, who was bom at Cork, exhibited portraits in crayon and oil, as well as miniatures, at the Royal Academy very frequently between 1795 and 1833. He is best known by his work, 'Paintings on Greek Vases,' containing 100 plates drawn and engraved by himself, and published in 1812.

BUCK, Samuel, and Nathaniel. These brothers are known by the great number of plates they engraved of views of the antiquities, ruins of churches, castles, &c., in England and Wales. The number of their plates is near 500. Samuel Buck died in 1779 aged 83; his brother some years before him.

BUCKLER, John Chessel, a painter of land- scapes and topographical subjects, was born at Cal- bourne in the Isle of Wight in 1770. Early in life he was articled to an architect and surveyor in Southwark, and afterwards practised those pro- fessions on his own account until 1826, when he resigned them to his eldest son. In 1797 he pub- lished two aquatint engravings of Magdalen Col- lege, Oxford, and in 1799 a ' View of Lincoln Cathedral from the South-east,' and thus originated the publication of the series of English cathedrals (in plates twenty-four inches by seventeen), which occasioned their author a considerable share of pro- fessional credit and pubUc reputation. Contempora- neously with these, and at intervals until the year 1819, he published views of many of our finest col- legiate and abbey churches, complete sets of which are now rare and valuable. In 1827 he published ' Sixty Views of Endowed Grammar Schools,' and in 1847 ' A History of the Architecture of St. Alban's Abbey.' He exhibited water-colour draw- ings at the Royal Academy almost every year from 1790 till 1840. Examples are in the South Kensington Museum. His death occurred in Lon- don in 1851.

BUCKSHORN, Joseph. See Bokshoorn.

BUCOURT, Philibert Lodis de, a French painter and engraver, was born in Paris in 1755, and became a pupil of Vien. He executed a few plates in mezzotint ; the ' Heureuse f amille,' the ' Benediction de la mariee,' and the ' Cruche cassee,' after his own designs. But his attention was chiefly given to engraving in aquatint, in which he produced his chefs-d'oetivre after Carle Vernet, the ' Horse frightened by a Lion,' the ' Horse frightened by Lightning,' the ' Strayed Huntsman,' and other subjects. Bucourt, who was for some years assisted by his pupil and nephew, M. Jazet, died at Belleville in 1832.

BUDD, George, was an English artist of whom little is known. He painted portraits, landscapes, and stiU-life. There is a portrait, engraved after him by McArdell, of Timothy Bennett, the so-called patriotic shoemaker of Hampton Wick, who suc- cessfully opposed the Princess Amelia in obtaining a passage through Bushey Park ; it was published in 1756.

BUECKELAER, Joachim, (Beukelaab, or Beucklaer,) was bom at Antwerp in 1530. He was the nephew of Pieter Aartszen, by whom he was instructed. His pictures, like those of his uncle, represent market-places, fairs, and the hiteriors of kitchens, with figures, dead game, fish, fruit, &c. They were much admired, although Descamps