Page:Bryan's dictionary of painters and engravers, volume 1.djvu/300

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BRETHERTON, James, an English engraver, distinguished himsi-lf by several etcliings and plates in aquatint, from the designs of H. W. Bunbury, and other masters, as well as from his own compositions. His works are dated fiom 1770 till 1790.

BRETON, FRANgois Pierre Hippolyte Ernest, a French artist and archseologist, was born in Paris in 1812. He studied under Kegnier, Watelet, and Champin, and exhibited some landscapes at the Salon. He contributed to Gailhabaud's ' Monu- ments anciens et modernes,' and in 1843 published ' Monuments de tous les Peuples.' His latest works were ' Pompeia,' 1855 ; ' Athenes,' 1861 ; and 'L'Alhambra,' 1873. He died in Paris in 1875.

BRETSCHNEIDER, Andreas, a German en- graver, etcher, and designer, was born at Leipsio about 1578, and was working there up to 1640. Among his best engravings may be cited : A Nobleman in Spanish clothing. Christ on the Cross. 1601. Gustavus Adolphus on horseback. Eleven views of the Festivities at Dessau in 1814. Thirty woodcuts of Bibhcal Representations.

BRETSCHNEIDER, Jouann Michael, who was born at Aussig, in Bohemia, worl^ed at Prague in the early part of the eighteenth century. A ' Entertainment' by him is in the Pinako- thek at Munich.

BRETT, John, marine painter, bom in 1830. He was greatly influenced in early life by the writings of Ruskin, and the whole Pre-Raphaelite movement, as exhibited in his works, 'The Stone- breaker,' shown in 1858, and ' The Val D'Aosta,' in the foUuwing year. After 1870 he turned his attention to the sea-shore of the south of England, producing luminous skies and calm seas. Among his most powerful works we can name, ' Spires and Steeples of the Chaimel Isles ' (1875), ' Mount's Bay ' (1877), ' Cornish Lions ' (1878), and ' Britan- nia's Realm,' bought by the Academy in 1880. His 'Sere and Yellow Leaf' was exhibited in 1896, and he died in 1902. p_ p_

BRETT, Joseph William, the son of a clergy- man, was born in 1816. He was one of the com- petitors for the decoration of the Houses of Par- liament, and sent in a cartoon of ' King Richard forgiving the Soldier who shot him,' which was unsuccessful. He died by his own hand at Chelsea in 1848.

BRE 0, JoRQ (or Brew, or Prew), — who flourished at Augsburg from about 1512 to 1530, and died there in 1536, — was a painter and draughtsman on wood, whose style was influenced by Hans Burck- mair. A Madonna and Child by him (formerly wrongly ascribed to Burckmair) is in the Berlin Gallery ; it is signed with his monogram, and bears the date 1512 ; aild the ' Battle of Zama,' by him, is in the Pinakothek at Munich.

BREUGHEL. See Brueghel.

BREUIL. See Dubrehil.

BREUKELAAR, Hendrik, a Dutch artist of great promise, was born at Amsterdam in 1809, and was instructed by C. and J. A. Kruseman. He painted the picture of ' Van Speyk at the tomb of De Ruyter,' and others, which gained him the applause of his countrymen. His works are not numerous, owing to his early death, which occurred in 1839.

BREVI^RE, Loms Henri, born at Forges-les- Eaux in 1797, was a French wood-engraver, to whom is due the honour of haN-ing revived the art of wood-engraving, which had been neglected in France since the 17th century. His works number about 3000, and among them may be especially noticed the Palais de Gaillon, the arch of the Gros- Horloge at Rouen, and his engravings from the designs of Chenavard, Grandville, Meissonier, Descamps, Fragonard, Girardet, Frantjais, Tony Johannot, Raffet, Dev^ria, Gavarni, Gustave Dorl, Bertall, and others. He died at Hyferes in 1869.

BREW. See Bred.

BREWTNALL, Edward Frederick, was bom in 1846. As a painter in water-colours he exhibited first in 1868 at the Royal Society of British Artists a picture entitled 'Post Time.' The following year appeared 'Missing,' and in 1872 'Chestnuts.' He was elected a member of that Society in 1882. He made his first appearance at the exhibitions of the Royal Society of Painters in Water-Colours in 1875 with four pictures, and in 1883 became a full member of the Society. His pictures there ex- hibited include — 'When Love was Young' (1878), ' The Honeymoon ' ( 1 880), ' The Visit to the Witch ' (1882), ' Blue Beard's Wife ' (1884), ' The Ravens ' (1885), 'Where to Next?' (1886), 'On the Wing' (1888), 'The Red Fisherman" (1891), 'The Shell' (1894), 'The Fisherman and the Genie' (1897), and 'La Vie de Boheme' (1900). He painted also in oils, and latterly contributed to the Royal Academy among others the following — ' Merely Players' (1898), 'On the Embankment' (1899), and 'The Inn by the Sea' (1900). He died in 1902.

BREYDEL, Frans, was born at Antwerp in 1679, and was instructed by Rysbraek, the landscape painter. He painted conversations and gallant assemblies, and also portraits of a small size, agree- ably coloured and neatly touched. He passed a great part of his life at the court of Hesse-Cassel, where his works were much esteemed. He also visited England. He died at Antwerp in 1750. The Dresden Gallery has two signed works by him.

BREYDEL, Karel, called 'Cavalier Breydel,' was a brother of Frans Breydel, and was born at Antwerp in 1677. He was also a scholar of Rys- braek, under whose instruction he remained three years. He afterwards went to Italy, and on his return painted at Nuremberg, Frankfort, Cassel, Antwerp, and Brussels, executing a number of landscapes, and views of the Rhine, in the manner of Griffier. He is more reputed as a painter of battles and attacks of cavalry, which are ingeniously composed, and painted with spirit, after the manner of Van der Meulen. Tlie Museum of Brussels has two ' Cavalry Sldrmishes ' by him, and the Uffi^i, Florence, two small landscapes, and the Cassel Gallery a ' Paradise ' and a landscape. He died at Ghent in 1744.

BRIARD, Gabriel, was a landscape and por- trait painter of some grace and facility of hand, the master of Demarne, and the father of Mme. Le Brun. He visited Italy in 1749, became an Academician in 1768, and died in 1777.

BRICART, Cladde, a French engraver, who flourished about 1730. He executed several plates after J. B. Santerre and others.

BRICCIO. See Bbizzi.

BRIDELL, Frederick Lee, was born at Southampton in 1831. He very early showed a talent for painting;, and at the age of fifteen began life in his native town as a portrait painter. Some of his works attracted the notice of a picture-dealer, who first employed him to reproduce por-