Page:Bryan's dictionary of painters and engravers, volume 1.djvu/297

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SCBJECTS FBOM HIS OWS DESIGNS. Pierre BrSbiette, Calcographus, in a Border, with two Angels. Fran9ois Quesnel, Pictor, with two fignres of Painting and Fame. A set of various subjects ; inscribed Opera diversa a Peter BrebietteinveTitajlGSS. The Nativity. The Adoration of the Magi ; an on- finished plate. The Virgin Mary kneehng before the Infant Saviour, with two Angels. The Virgin, with the Infant Jesus sleeping. The Virgin, with the Infant crowned. Several Saints kneeling before the Virgin. The Conversion of St. Paul. The Martyrdom of St. Catharine. The Martyrdom of St. Sebastian. The Combat of the Lapithae; a frieze. The Death of the Children of Niobe ; a frieze, 1625. Thetis at her Toilet ; a frieze. Sacrifice to Ceres ; a frieze. Orpheus surrounded by Animals. Four oval plates of the Seasons. Ten friezes, of Bacchanalian subjects. Twelve friezes, of ditto ; after various masters. Four friezes, of Marine Gods. The Holy Family, with St. John; after Raphael. The Holy Family, with St. John ; after Andrea del Sarto. The Martyrdom of St. George ; after Paolo Veronese. Paradise ; after Palma; a grand composition, in two sheets ; fine.

BRECE, Jean Marie de, a French historical and portrait painter, was bom at Brece about 1502. This very skilful artist, who was like«nse an en- graver, flourished in Paris in 1530, and was em- ployed at the Carmelite convent of Brece in 1534.

BRECKELENKAMP (Breckliskam, &c.). See Beekelenkam.

BREDA, Carl Feedbik von, painter to the Swedish Court, was bom at Stockholm in 1759. He was a pupil of RejTiolds, and distinguished liiniself especially in portrait painting, on account of which he obtained the sobriquet of ' the Van Dyck of Sweden.' He obtained much praise for his ' Four Presidents at the Reichstag- of 1810,' and the portrait of Lagerbring, at the Ritterhaus in Stockholm. His ' Belisarius ' is another of his best paintings. He died in 1818. His son JoHAK Fbedrik Bbeda, born in London in 1788, died at Stockholm in 1835, was also a painter.

BREDAEL. The following table shows the relationships of the various members of this family of artists. According to Kramm, the form Breda is an error, but a picture in the Amsterdam Gallery, ascribed to Jan Frans van Bredael, is signed I BREDA F : Willem van BredaeL Pieter, 1821-1718. Jan Pieter. 16M?— 1733. Alexander. A 1720. I Jan Frans, IM3— 1750. I George.

BREDAEL, Alesaxder van, (not Breda,) was a native of Antwerp, who painted Italian views, fairs, and markets with figures and cattle, which were held in some estimation at his time. He died in 1720. A ' Fete in Antwerp ' signed Alexander van Bredael. f. is in the Lille Gallery.

BREDAEL, Jan Frans van, (not Breda,) the son of Alexander van Bredael, was born at Antwerp in 1683, and was instmcted in art by his father. He attached himself to study and copy the works of Philips Wouwerman and Jan Brueghel, and was the most successful of the imitators of the former. He visited England with Rysbrack the sculptor. His pictures became in vogue, and after a residence of a few years he returned to Flanders amply re- munerated for his labours. In 1726 he was made director of the Academy of St. Luke at Antwerp. When Louis XV. made his entry into Antwerp in 1746, he was pleased with the works of this artist, and ordered four of them to be purchased for him ; and tlie example was followed by many of tlie attendant courtiers, who liberally paid for all the pictures he could finish. The works of Bredael have little claim to originality, being entirely com- posed and painted in undisguised imitation of Wouwerman ; but he never came near his model, either in the purity of his colour or the exquisite touch of his pencil. His skies and distances are as blue as the admirers of gaudiness can wish them. The Dresden Gallery has two works by him — a ' Horseman having his Steed shod,' and a ' Hawking Party ; ' a ' MiUtary Camp ' by him is in the Louvre, and a ' View of a Village ' is in the Amsterdam Gallery. He died at Antwerp in 1750.

BREDAEL, Jozef van, a Flemish painter, bom at Antwerp, August 14, 1688, paiuted landscapes, but was best known as a copyist of the works of Braeghel, Wonvermans, and others, for the picture- dealer Jacob de Witte. In 1736 he settled in Paris, where he became painter to the Duke of Orleans. He died in Pari^ in 1739. There is a river land- scape by him in the Kijks Museum at Amsterdam.

BREDAEL, Pieter van, was bom at Antwerp in 1622, and entered the Guild in 1650. It is nut said under whom he learned the art, but he imi- tated the works of Jan Brueghel, in whose style he painted small landscapes, with figures neatly touched and well coloured. He passed some time in Spain, where his pictures were much admired. From the objects he introduced into his landscapes, it is very probable he had been in Italy, as they represent the ruins of architecture in the environs of Rome. He died at Antwerp in 1719. The four works attributed to him in the Vienna Gallery are stated to be by another painter. Two Italian landscapes with figures by him are in the Academy at Bruges, and one is in the Hague Gallery.

BREE, Mattheus Ignatius van, bora at Ant- werp in 1773, was instructed by Regemorter ; lie afterwards went to Paris, and after having obtained by a 'Cato in Urica' the second prize for Rome, he went to that city in 1797 — returning to his J;a- tive country in 1804. His conceptions are fre- quently poetical, and his compositions graceful, delineated with a light, free, and spirited pencil ; but his colouring is rather too florid in some instances. Among his most important works are ' The Patriotism of the Burgomaster Van der Werft,' in the Town-Hall at Leyden, and ' The Death of Rubens,' in the Museum at Antwerp. He brought forward some of the most eminent of the later Flemish painters, among whom are Wappers and De Keyser. Van Brde died at Antwerp in 1839.

BREE, Philipphs Jacobus van, scholar of his brother Mattheas, was bom at Antwerp in 1786. He studied at Antwerp, in Paris (where he became a scholar of Girodet), and at Rome; and also visited Germany and England. He employed himself on historical, fancy, and architectural sub- jects. Of the last, the Belgian Government pur- chased his ' View of the Interior of the Church of St. Peter at Rome,' and presented him with a gold medal in addition to the price. He was made conservator of the Museum at Brussels, where he died in 1871.

BREEMBERG. See Breenbebgh.

BREEN, GlsBERT, or Claes, van, a Dutch engraver, flourished about the year 1600. His plates