Page:Bryan's dictionary of painters and engravers, volume 1.djvu/283

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engraver, crowned with laurel by Fame. It is executed with the graver, in a stiff, formal style.

BOUDAN, Alexandre, was a French engraver, who died in Paris in 1671. There is by him a portrait of Anne of Austria, queen of Louis XIII.

BOUDEWYNS, Adriaan Fbans, not Anton Frans (Bauduins, or Baudouin), was bom at Brus- sels, in 1644 ; he studied under a landscape painter named Ignace van den Stock, and was received into the Guild there in 1665. He then studied under A. F. van der Meulen, and afterwards painted landscapes in an Italian manner, which Pieter Bout decorated with figures. The Dresden Gallery has ten of their joint productions, the Madrid Gallery nine, the UfEzi in Florence three, the Louvre one, and the Vienna Gallery has two, and they are also seen in the Galleries of Antwerp, Rotterdam, and Brunswick. The date of Boudewyns' death is not known for certain. Besides painting, Boudewyns devoted much of his time to en- graving. His plates are chiefly after the pictures or designs of Van der Meulen, and are etched in a bold, free style, producing a good efEect. His works are as follow

Six Landscapes, with Figures ; middle-sized pl.itcs. Six large Landscapes ; dedicated to Ph. de Cham- pagne. Eight Landscapes, with Buildings. Two Stag-hunts ; one dedicated to the Marquis de Louvois. A large Landscape, with the March of the King to Vincennes ; dedicated to Ch. le Brun. A large Land- scape, with the Queen going to Versailles; dedicated to the Due de Noailles. Six Views of Towns in France. Two Views of Versailles ; as it was, and as it is. View of the Castle of Vincennes. View of the Palace of Fontaiuebleau ; two sheets. Two Views of Gardens in Italy ; after A. Genoels,

BOUDIN, Eugene, a distinguished French marine painter. The son of a Honfieur pilot, he was from his infancy acquainted with the sea, and none of his fellow-artists could equal him in his renderings of its atmosphere and movement. He was a close student of nature, and exhibited first at the Salon in 1853, but it was not till 1881 that he was honoured with a medal of the third class, a second-class medal following in 1883. In 1889 he gained the gold medal, and was created knight of the Legion of Honour in 1892. Two of his best works are in the Luxembourg, namely, ' Une Corvette Russe ' and ' La Rade Villefranche.' He died in 1898 at the age of seventy-three. p, p,

BOUGH, Samdel, a Scotch landscape painter in oil and water-colours, was bom in 1822 at Carlisle, where he worked for two j-ears in the town clerk's ofiBce. He received no systematic instruction in art, although he became connected with many artists. His first efl'orts were in scene painting and decorating interiors. In 1855 he removed to Edinburgh, becoming an Associate of the Scotch Academy in 1857, and a member in 1875. He died at Edinburgh in November 1878. Amongst his most important works are :

Shipbuilding on the Clyde. Kirkwall. Borrowdale. London, from Shooter's Hill. St. Monan's. Winton Castle. Arran Hill. The Baggage-Waggon. Ben Nevis. A Windy Day.

BODHOT, Etienne, a French painter of archi- tectural views, both exterior and inferior, was bom at Bard-les-Epoisses (Cote-d'Or) in 1780. He studied under Prevost, and his works are numerous and much esteemed. He died at Semur in 1862. BOUILLARD, Jacques, a French draughtsman and line-engraver, bom at Versailles in 1744, was editor of 'The Gallery of the Palais Royal.' He engraved classical subjects after Poussin, Annibale Carracci, and Guido Reni, as well as after Le Sueur, Mignard, and Van Loo. He was a member of the Academy of Painting and Sculpture, and died in Paris in 1806. His best plates are :

A Holy Family ; after Annibale Carracci. The Dream of Polyphihis ; after Le Hueur. St. CeciUa ; after P. 3fi<jnarcl.

BOUILLON, Pierre, a painter and engraver, was born at Thiviers (Dordogne) in 1776, and studied under Monsiau. He carried off the first great prize in painting in 1797. Among other pic- tures he produced 'Conjugal Pietj',' exhibited in 1804; 'Christ Resuscitating the Widow's Son' (1819); and 'The Clemency of Ca'sar towards Cinna.' The last two were commissioned in 1817 by the Government, and were placed, the former in tlie council chamber in the Louvre (where it still is), and the latter in the palace of St. Cloud. He engraved the plates for the ' Musee des An- tiques,' published in three volumes folio. He died in Paris in 1831.

BOUIS, AndriS. See Bouys.

BOULANGE, Louis Jean Baptiste, a French landscape painter, was born at Verzy (Marne) in 1812. He studied under Paris and E. Delacroix, and obtaisied a medal in 1859. He died January 1878.

B0ULAN6ER, Cli^ment, who was born in Paris in 1805, studied under Ingres, and died in 1842 at Manisa (Magnesia) in Asia Minor. His pictures are chiefly historical, but he also painted landscapes and portraits.

BOULANQER, Gustave Rodolphe Clarence, painter, was born in Paris, April 25, 1824. He began his art education at an early age, and when only fourteen was sent by an uncle to Africa, where he spent eight months making sketches, and where he seems to have imbibed his love for Oriental subjects. He became a pupil of Paul Delaroche and of Jolivet, and in 1849 gained the 'prix de Rome,' and remained in Italy till 1856. He devoted himself to Roman and Grecian archsological themes somewhat in the manner of Mr. Alma Tadema. In 1882 he was elected a member of the Institute, and was long a professor at the ficole des Beaux Arts. He married Madame Nathalie, of the Comddie Fran^ais. and to this theatre he presented a portrait of his wife, painted in 1867. He was also the author of a series of mural pictures in the Foyer de la Danse of the new Opera house in Paris, and of two in Prince Napoleon's Pompeian house in the Avenue Mon- taigne, the 'Flute Player' and the 'Wife of Diomed,' themes which he several times repeated. He died in Paris, September 22, 1888.

BOULANGER, Jean, though a native of Franca is better known in Italy than in his ovn country. He was born at Troyes in 1606, but went to Bologna when he was young, and entered the school of Guido Reni. Under that able instructor he acquired a correct and graceful mode of designing, and a tender and harmonious colouring. His merit re- commended him to the protection of the Duke of Modena, who appointed him painter to the court ; and he ornamented the ducal palace with several historical pictures, composed and painted in the elegant style of his master. He established an academy at Modena, and had many pupils. He died in 1660. In the Modena Gallery there are five works by him.