Page:Bryan's dictionary of painters and engravers, volume 1.djvu/275

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was created Chevalier of the Orders of the Lion of the Netherlands and of Leopold of Belgium, dying on the 14th of September, 1891.

BOSC, Do. See Du Bosc.

BOSCH, B. VAN DEN. See Van den Bossche.

BOSCH, CoRNELis, (Bos, or Bus,) a Dutch engraver, was born at Bois-le-Duc about the year 1510. He went to Italy when young, and spent the greatest part of his life at Rome, where he died. His style of engraving resembles that of Marco da liavenna and Eneas Vicus, but exhibits inferiority. He was more successful in copying the works of Raphael and Giulio Romano. His plates are executed with the graver, in a dry formal style. He usually marked them with one of these ciphers : The following are his best works : The Last Judgment ; with his cipher. 1530. Lot afid bis Daxigbters. 1-550. David and Uriah. 1546. Jesus preaching to the Jews; inscribed Beati gut, &c. Venus in her Car. 1546. Venus and Cupid coming to Vulcan. l.>46. Combat of the Centaurs and the Lapithse; in two sheets. 1550. Death seizing a Monk. The Equestrian Statue of JIarcus Aurelius. A set of sixteen of Trophies, Arms, and Grotesques; Jiome. 1550 to 1553. Moses brealoDg the Tables of the Law ; after Raphael. 1550. Moses presenting the Law to the People; after the same. 1551. The Triumph of Bacchus ; after Giulio Uomano ; in two sheets. 1543. The Entombing of Christ; after Frana Florit. 1554. The Battle of the Giants. The Descent from the Cross. 1545.

BOSCH, Elias, was a German engraver, whose works are little known, though they are not desti- tute of merit. His plates are executed entirely with the graver, in a neat, finished style. His name is affixed to a small print representing ' The Holy Family, with Angels,' after .Johann von Aachen.

BOSCH, Jac. van den. See Van den Bosch.

BOSCH, Jebom. See Aeken. Hiebonymcs van.

BOSCHAERT, Nicolas, was born at Antwerp in 1696, and was a scholar of Crepu, a flower painter of some reputation, whom he soon surpassed, and became a very eminent artist in that iine. His pictures of flowers and fruit are painted with great lightness of touch, are delicately coloured, and are disposed with taste. He was frequently employed in painting flowers and fruit in the pictures of contemporary artists.

BOSCHER, Philip van, flourished in the seven- teenth century ; no details of his life are recorded. A picture of a ' Widow,' signed P. V. B. f., in the Hermitage, St. Petersburg, is attributed to him.

BOSCHI, Fabrizio, was born, according to Baldinucci, at Florence about the year 1570. He was a scholar of Domenico Passignani, under whom he made so great a progress that at the age of nineteen he executed, in fresco, a consider- able work of the 'Life of St. Bonaventure,' which that author reports to have excited the admiration of the artists of his time. One of his best performances was ' The Martyrdom of St. Peter and St. Paul,' painted for the church of the Certosa, at Florence. Another capital picture by him is in the church of the Dominican convent of St. Lucia, representing ' The Assumption of the Virgin, surrounded with Angels, and the Apostles below.' He died in 1642.

BOSCHI, Francesco, was bom at Florence in 1619, and was the nephew and scholar of Matteo Roselli. He finished some of the works left im- perfect at the death of his master, and painted several pictures of his own compositions for the churches at Florence. His greatest merit, how- ever, consisted in portrait painting, which he practised with great ability. He died in 1675. A 'St. Matthias' by him is in the Uffizi at Florence.

BOSCHINl, Marco, was bom at Venice in 1613, and was educated in the school of Palma. He did not confine himself to an imitation of the manner of his master, but occasionally attempted the bolder style of Tintoretto. One of his most esteemed works is an altar-piece, representing 'The Last Supper,' in the sacristy of San Girolamo, at Venice. He also distinguished himself as an engraver, and usually signed his name on his plates, Marcus Bosc/iinius. Boschini was also a writer on art, and was the author of ' La Carta del Navegar pittoresco,' piublished at Venice in 1660.

BOSCOLI, Andrea, was a native of Florence, and flourished in 1553. He was a scholar of Santo de Titi, and acquired some reputation as a painter of history. His best work is a picture of 'St. John preaching,' in the church of the Teresiani at Rimino. He also painted portraits with consider- able success ; that of himself is in the Florentine Gallery. Florent le Comte says he engraved nineteen plates, but does not specify them. He died about 1606.

BOSELLI, Antonio, was a Bergamese artist, who lived in the early part of the 16th century. He was a sculptor as well as a painter. His earliest known work is a fresco in the church of Ponteranica, near Bergamo, which is dated 1495. In 1514 he painted the altar-piece at Santa Maria Maggiore, Bergamo, representing ' Christ in Glory, witii the Virgin and Saints.' In the Lochis Car- rara Gallery of the same city is a panel with St. Lawrence, between SS. John the Baptist and Barnabas ; and in the church of San Cristoforo is a picture representing 'St. Peter, St. Paul, and St. Luke,' and bearing the inscription. Hoc opus An- tonium scito jnnxisse Bosellum, die 23 Februarii, 1509. In the church of the Augustines is another of his works representing ' The Virgin and Infant Jesus in the clouds, and several Saints below.' Records prove that he was living as late as 1527, and it is believed that he assisted Poraponio Amalteo, in Friuli, in the years 1534 to 1536. The dates of his birth or death are not known

BOSELLI, Felice, was born at Piacenza in 1650, and was a disciple of Gioseflo Nuvolone. For some time he attempted historical painting, in which he was not very successful ; but he after- wards adopted a branch of the art more suited to his genius, and became a very reputable painter of animals, birds, and fish. His pictures of these subjects are highly esteemed in his native country, and are to be found in the best collections at Piacenza. He succeeded so well in copying an- cient pictures as to deceive experienced judges. He died in 1732, aged 82.

BOSER, Karl Friedrich Adolf, who was born at Halbau in Prussian Silesia in 1811, studied in Dresden, Berlin, and Diisseldorf ; his paintings,