Page:Bryan's dictionary of painters and engravers, volume 1.djvu/27

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in churches, palaces, and theatres. He worked sometimes in conjunction with Scoppa.

ACQUISTABENE, Maestro, a painter and designer of architecture, who was born at Brescia, flourished about 1295.

ADAM, ALBRECHT, & German painter, chiefly of battle-pieces, was born at Nördlingen, in Ba- in A French and Bavarian army against Austria, and in 1812 went with the Grand Ariny in the ex- pedition against Russia, an officer's rank being conferred upon him, with the title of Painter to the Court. Some of his most effective pictures represent the incidents of that most disastrous campaign; as, The Battle on the Moscowa, Napo- leon surrounded by his Staff.' In 1859 he set out with one of his sons to the Italian campaign of France and Sardinia against Austria, which ended with the Battle of Novara, of which he has left several graphic records, besides a series of large pictures painted from his first sketches, by com- mand of the Emperor Napoleon III. His last great work, a conmission from King Maximilian of Bavaria, has for a subject the decisive charge of the Prussian cavalry against a square of the enemy at the battle of Zorndorf, where Frederick the Great commanded in person. Adain also painted portraits and landscapes, and occasionally etched. His works, less imaginative and dashing than those of Horace Vernet, are remarkable for their historical truthfulness, as well as for their accuracy of detail. He died at Munich in 1862

Albreclit Adam also produced many etchings and lithographs. Amongst others of his works may be noticed Berlin. Yat. Gall. A Stable (signed and dated 1825). The Battle of Abersberg (signed and dated 1826). Interior of the Painter's Studio (signed and dated 1835). Cassel. Gallery. A Wounded Geueral (signed and dated 1826). Darmstadt. Gallery. Horses at Pasture. Munich. Pinakothek. The Storming of the Düppell lie doubt. The Battle of Custozza. The Battle of Norara. Two Men and a Horse. Munich. Pinakothek. A Stable. Cavalry Encampeil. Equestrian Portrait of Field-Marshal Count Radetzky.

ADAM, Franz, a German painter of horses, equestrian portraits, and battle-pieces, was born at Milan, May 4, 1815, and was the pupil of his father, Albrecht Adam. He practised chiefly at Vienna and Munich. He served with the Austrian army in the campaigns of 1849 and 1859, and made innumerable sketches of life in the field, many of which he afterwards used for pictures. He was a member of the Academies of Munich and Vienna, and gained medals in Paris and Berlin. He died September 29, 1886.

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ADAM, GEORO, who was born in 1784, was a designer, engraver, and painter of landscapes. In Munich, acquainted with the most distinguished painters of landscapes, he improved rapidly in this art; and he several times visited the Tyrol. He was one of the most fertile engravers, and his works, mostly landscapes and views, are of merit. He died at Nuremberg in 1823.

ADAM, Hans, a designer and engraver of Nuremberg, flourished about 1560. A print, entitled 'A Representation and Description of the Battle of Silbershausen, one of several ascribed to him, bears the mark of a figure of Adam naked standing by a tree, and also the letters H. A. he is said to have died in 1567.

ADAM, Heinrich, a brother of Albrecht Adam, was born at Nördlingen in 1787. He studied the art of painting at Augsburg and Munich, and dis-tinguished himself as a painter of landscapes and as an engraver. In 1811 he stayed with Albrecht at the Lake of Corno, and painted in water-colours. He also engraved six hunting-pieces, after his brother Albrecht, at Milan, in 1813. Subsequently he painted landscapes and views of towns, which are executed with great truthfulness. He died at Munich in 1862. In the Pinakothek there are by him a View of the Marienplatz in Munich' sur-rounded by 14 sinaller views, and a View of the Max-Joseph-Platz, also surrounded by 14 smaller views.

ADAM, JAKOB, an engraver, born at Vienna in 1748, was brought up in the Academy in that city. In conjunction with his countryman, Jobann Ernst Mansfeld, he made himself known by a series of portraits of the distinguished personages of Anstria, published at Vienna, which are exe-cuted with great neatness and finish; of these, that of the Empresa Maria Louisa is accounted the best. He also executed the plates for a Pictorial Bible, or “Bilderbibel' (1803), which gained him considerable credit. He died in Vienna in 1811.

ADAM, JEAN VICTOR, A French painter and lithographer, born at Paris in 1801, was the son of Jean Adam, an esteemed engraver. During the years 1814 to 1818 he studied at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, and also in the ateliers of Meynier and Régnault. In 1819 he exhibited Herminia succouring Tancred. He was almost immediately afterwards employed to paint various subjects for the Museum, at Versailles, amongst which are, 'The Entry of the French into Mainz,' "The Battle of Varroux," "The Taking of Menin,' «The Battle of Castiglione," "The Passage of the Cluse," "The Battle of Montebello," "The Capitulation of Meiningen;' the last three in association with Alaux. He also exhibited down to the year 1838: Henry IV., after the Battle Coutras, Trait of Kindness in the Duke de Berri,' The Postillion, The Vivan-dière, The Road to Poissy,' "The Return from the Chase,' Horse-fair at Caen,' and numerous other subjects. He then retired from publicity till 1846, when he appeared as the exhibitor of some works in lithography, to which branch of art he afterwards restricted himself. In this line he produced a lithographic album, Views in the Environs of Paris, Studies of 'Animals for an edition of Buffon,' &c. He obtained a gold medal in 1824, a second class medal in 1836, besides several others from Lille, Douai, and other cities. He died at Viroflay in 1867.

ADAM, John, was an English engraver latter part of the 18th century, who engraved for Caulfield's History of Remarkable Characters from the time of Henry VIII. to James II.,' and Herbert's Biography of Scottish Personages of Distinction.' He also engraved the portraits of Queen Elizabeth, and Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, after F. Zucchero.

ADAM, Josepu Dexovan, was born at Glasgow in 1842. He spent his early years in London, where he received his first tuition in art under his