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and died in Paris in 1711. Le Blanc attributes to him 201 plates, of which 20 are religious subjectSj 46 portraits, and 135 costume prints. His son, Jkan Baptiste Henri Bonnabt, followed his father's profession, and died in 1726, aged about 48 years. In Perrault's ' Cabinet des Beaux-Arts,' published in Paris in 1690, there is a plate of a ceil- ing ornamented with figures, which is probably by him ; it is etched in a free, masterly style, finished with the graver, and marked Jean Bonnart, Junior, del. et sculp.

BONNART, Jean Baptiste, painter and engraver to the king, was born in Paris in 1654, and (vas still living in 1752. Le Blanc assigns to him 34 subjects, of which one is ' Jesus Christ on the Mount of Olives,' 9 portraits, and 24 costume pieces.

BONNART, Nicolas, who was an engraver, was the eldest brother of Henri, Robert, and Jean Baptiste Bonnart, and was born about 1636. Le Blanc attributes to him 379 plates, of which 15 are scriptural subjects, some of them after the works of bis brother Robert, 27 mythological, 32 historical, 24 portraits, and 208 plates of costumes, manners, &c. He died in 1718, aged 81 years. His son, Nicolas Bonnart, an engraver, died in 1762, at the age of about 74 years.

BONNART, Robert, who was likewise an en- graver, was born in Paris in 1652. He was godson of Robert Nanteuil, and a pupil of Van der Meulen, after whom he engraved several plates. He was appointed painter and engraver to the king, and subsequently assistant-professor at the Academy of St. Luke. He died after 1729, and has been often confounded with his son, Robert Francois Bon- Kart, who was professor at the Academy of St. Luke, and was still living in 1759. Le Blanc men- tions only nine plates by him, among which are- Portrait of Louis XIV. Portrait of the Dauphin Louis. The Taking of Valenciennes in 1677 ; after Vai der Meulen. The Taking of Cambrai in 1677 ; after the same. The Siege of Douai ; after the same. The Entrance of the " Queen into Arras, two sheets ; after the same.

BONNCIONE, E.,was an engraver who flourished about the year 1670, and whose name is affixed to a small plate, representing Diana in a chariot drawn by Dragons, with a Cupid behind her, after P. Bol. It is slightly etched in a poor, dark style.

BONNEAU, Jacob, the son of a Frencli engraver, exhibited landscapes painted in water-colours, both at the Incorporated Society of Artists and at the Academy, from 1765 to 1784. He was well known as a drawing master, and was largely employed by the booksellers, for whom, among other plates, he engraved the heads prefixed to the ' History of the American Buccaneers,' published in London in 1741. He died at Kentish Town in 1786.

BONNEFOND, Jean Cladde, who was born at Lyons in 1796, studied under Revoil, and became successful in representing scones from peasant life. About 1826 he went to Rome, and became influenced by the style of Robert and Schnetz, and painted sacred as well as genre subjects. In 1831 he be- came director of the Art School at Lyons, and in 1837 a member of the Academy. He died in that city in 1860. In the Museum of Lyons there are by liira —

The Bed-chamber. 1824. A Woman tired with travelling, succoured by monks. 1827.

The Ceremony of the Holy AVater, on the day of Epiph- any, at the church of the Greek-Catholics at Rome. 1831. Portrait of Jacquard. 1834. {Commissionedhy thetown of Lyons. ) A Greek officer wounded. Rome. 1826. A Roman goatherd deploring the loss of his goat. 1836.

BONNEMAISON, F^r^ol, was a French portrait painter and lithographer, who was distinguished by the skill with which he restored many of the pictures taken to Paris under the first empire. He was educated in the school of Montpellier, and died in Paris in 1827. The Chevalier Bonnemaison published in 1818 a 'Suite d'l^tudes calqufes et dcssindes d'apres cinq tableaux de Raphael,' and in 1822 a series of lithographs from paintings of the uiodern French school in the gallery of the Duchess de Berry.

BONNEMER, Francois, was a French painter and engraver who was born at Falaise in 1637. He worked with Monier, the younger Corneille, and the younger Vouet on the ceiling of the gallery of the King's Audience Cliamber at the Tuileries, and was commissioned by the king to copy some works of Carracci in the Farnese Gallery at Rome. He engraved several plates after Le Brun, and was the master of M^nageot. He died in Paris in 1689.

BONNER, George William, one of the earliest English wood-engravers, was born at Devizes in 1796. He was celebrated for his revival of the art of printing tints by means of a combination of blocks. He died in 1836.

BONNER, Thomas, was born in Gloucestershire in the first half of the 18th century. He was celebrated as one of the best of the topographical draughtsman and engravers of his day. He illus- trated Collinson's 'History of Somersetshire' (1791), Polwhele s ' Devonshire ' (1797), a ' Perspective Itinerary,' and many other works. It is believed that he died soon after 1807.

BONNET, Louis Marin, a French engraver in aquatint and in chalk, was born in Paris in 1743. He resided for some time at St. Petersburg, where he engraved some portraits of persons of the Russian Court. On his return to Paris he published several plates, executed in imitation of drawings in crayons, of which style he pretended to be the inventor. They are chiefly after Boucher, and other modern French masters. Bonnet died about the year 1793.

BONO FERRARESE. See Ferraea, Bono da.

BONOMI, Joseph, the elder of the name, was born at Rome in 1739, and went to London in 1767 to decorate buildings for the brothers Adam. In 1775 he married a cousin of Angelica Kauff- mann. In 1789 he was elected an Associate of the Royal Academy, and from that time constantly exliibited architectural drawings. In 1804 he was appointed architect of St. Peter's at Rome. He died in London in 1808.

BONOMI, Joseph, the son of the architect, was born in London in 1796. He passed many years in Egypt, and became distinguished for his great knowledge of hieroglyphics. He assisted Owen Jones in the decoration of the Egyptian Court at the Crystal Palace, and published ' Nineveh and its Palaces,' and works on Egypt, Nubia, and Ethiopia, illustrated with his own drawings. In 1861 he was made curator of the Soane Museum. He died at Wimbledon in 1878.

BONONI, Bartolommeo, is the author of a 'Virgin in Glory,' in the Louvre, that is signed