Page:Bryan's dictionary of painters and engravers, volume 1.djvu/24

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harmonious. Sandrart asserts, that he received two thousand crowns for this work.

It is no slight proof of the ability of this master, that when Michael van Coxis of Mechlin, one of the greatest artists of. his time, was asked to paint an altar-piece for the new church at Amster- dam, he, on seeing the works of Pieter Aartsen, declined the undertaking, observing, that they had no occasion for his exertions when they pos- sessed such a painter. Aartsen died at Amsterdam in 1,573. Many good works by him were destroyed by the Iconoclasts in 1566 ; the following are his best that remain :

Brussels. Museum. The Cook. Cassel. Caller)/. Vegetables and Fruit. Vienna- Museum. Market Scene

He had three sons, Pieter (called ' de jonge'), Aert, and DiRK, and a grandson Geert, who were all painters.

AARTSZ, Rijkaert. According to Van Mander, this painter, the son of a poor fisherman, was born at Wyck, in North Holland, in 1482. He became a scholar of Jan Mostaert, the elder, a painter at that time in some repute at Haarlem. Under that master he made surprising progress, and not only soon surpassed his instructor, but became one of the ablest artists of his time. His first works on leaving the school of Mostaert, were two pictures painted as folding-doors to an altar- piece in the great church at Haarlem, wherein he represented two subjects from the history of Joseph and his brethren. He afterwards settled at Antwerp, and was received into the Academy there in 1520. He died in that city at the great age of 95. Aartsz's works are for the most part to be seen in Friesland.

ABACCO, Antonio d', was a scholar of Antonio da San Gallo, an eminent architect at Rome, where he followed the same profession with reputation. In the year 1558, he pnblislied a valuable archi- tectural work, entitled Libra d Antonio d Abacco, appartenente a I' architettura, nel quale sijigurano alcuone nobile antichith de Roma, with fine prints engraved by himself. He also engraved the plans of St. Peter from the designs of his master.

ABARCA, F. A. EriiENARD y. See Ethenard.

ABAKCA, Maria de, is noticed in the history of painting in Spain, as having distinguished herself in Madrid as a paintress of miniatures and por- traits, which were much admired, even at a period in which the art may be considered to have reached its highest development in that country, in the time of the celebrated Velazquez. The dates of her works range from 1640 to 1653, and she died probably about 1656.

ABATE ANDREA, L'. See Belvedere.

ABATE CICCIO, L'. See Solimena.

ABBATE Family, The (of Modena). See Dell' Ar.PAT!:.

ABBATI, Giuseppe, who was born at Naples in 1836, studied first under his father Vincenzo, a painter of that town ; and subsequently in the Academy at Venice. He excelled in genre and architecture, and in landscapes, in which he some- what resembles Jules Breton. One of his earliest works, ' A Dominican singing in the choir of Santa Maria Novella, Florence,' was painted in 1865, and received much praise ; it is now in *Jie Pina- coteca of Capodimonte at Naples. In 1866 he took part as a volunteer in the war in the Tyrol. Of his works we may mention a ' Peasant Family taking a Siesta,' one of his best pictures ; ' The Prayer,' in the Galleria Moderna, Florence ; and the ' Dominican,' in the Modern Gallery of Milan. Abbati died at Florence in 1868, from the bite of his own dog — his constant companion.

ABBATINI, GniDO Ubaldo, who was born at Citta di Castello about 1600, was admitted into the Academy at Rome. He was a disciple of Giuseppe Cesari, and distinguished himself as a painter of history in fresco. One of his principal works is the ceiling of the chapel of St. Theresa, in Santa Maria della Yittoria, at Rome. He died at Rome ill 1656.

ABBE, Hendrik, an en- _ _^ . graver, painter, and architect, [_-Ev.'H, ^ttt^ was christened in 1639 in the •- i. ^ 0. cathedral at Antwerp, in which city some prints by him were published in 1670. He is also noticed by Heineken, who only mentions him as having made some designs for the edition of Ovid's Meta- moplioses published by Barrier.

ABBIATI, FiLirro, who was born at Milan in 1640, was a scholar of Carlo Francesco Nuvolone. Under that master he made great progress, and proved a very excellent artist, particularly in fresco. Fertile and bold in his conceptions, his execution was commanding and resolute. In conjunction with Federigo Bianchi, he painted the cupola of Sant' Alessandro Martyre at Milan. One of his best works was ' St. John preaching in the Wilderness,' at Saronno. He painted numerous altar-pieces in Padua, Bergamo, Turin, Milan, and other cities of Italy. He died at Milan, in 1715.

ABBIATI, Giuseppe, a Milanese designer and engraver, lived in the beginning of the 18th century. He etched some small prints of battles, and an allegorical subject from his own design.

ABBIATI, Paolo Maria. The name of this engraver is affixed to a portrait of Girolamo Cor- naro, procurator of St. Mark. It is without a date or the name of the painter. He flourished towards the close of the 17th century ; Zani says he was bom at Milan.

ABBOT, John W., was an honorary exhibitor at the Academy, from 1793 to 1810. He painted landscapes with cattle and figures. There is a small etching of a horse inscribed J. Abbot, dated 1767. He also illustrated books upon American insects.

ABBOTT, Francis Lemuel, an English portrait painter, was born in Leicestershire, in 1760. He was a scholar of Francis Hayman. Without the possession of much taste, he acquired some reputa- tion for the fiiitliful resemblance of his pictures, particularly his portraits of men, which some- times approach to excellence. He painted a por- trait of Cowper and several of Lord Nelson, which were much admired for their truth to nature. A portrait of Joseph Nollekens, the sculptor, by him is in the National Portrait Gallery. He died in 1803.

ABEL, Gottlieb Friedeich, a German en- graver, who was bom in 1763, was a pupil of Johann von MUller. He was engraver to the King of Wiirtemberg, at Stuttgart. He furnished about 125 plates to Reiter's work descriptive of the various trees of Germany.

ABEL, Hans, a painter of Frankfort, who lived