Page:Bryan's dictionary of painters and engravers, volume 1.djvu/239

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masterly as that of his admirable instructor, nor his outline so correct and pure, his works are executed with great facility and considerable elegance, and they are held in no small degree of estimation by the judicious collector. We admire in his prints an excellent distribution of the lights and shadows, and a breadth in the masses that is very masterly. His plates are generally marked with his name, either at length or contracted, as Julio Bonoso, and sometimes with the initials B., B., or I. B. F., and also with the cipher 1"^. His work is considerable ; the following is a list of his plates most worthy of notice :


The Pope Marcelhis II., without the name ; scarce. Philippus Hispauiarum prinoeps, Caroli V. filius ; Julio B.F. Cardinal Pietro Bembo. Mt. 77 ; after Titian. Raphael d'Urbino, with and without the name. Michelangelo Buonarroti ; circular. Francisci Flori Antwerpiani inter Eelgos pictoris. Joannes Bernardiuus Bonifacius, &c. m.d.xlvtii. Cardinal Ardingbello ; after a monument.


Adam and Eve ; after his o^on design. Adam tilling the Earth and Eve spinning ; the same. The Holy Family ; /. Bonasone, Inrentore. The Nativity ; the same. The Resurrection ; the same. Twenty-nine of the Passion; entitled Passio Dontim nri. Jesu Christi ; Julii Bonasonis opus, he. Thirteen of the Life of the Virgin ; marked with a B., and some of them with a B. Adam and Eve driven from Paradise ; after Amicn Aspertino. St. George; after Giulio Romano; with the names of the artists. The Holy Family ; after the same. The Nativity, a grand composition ; attributed to Giulio Romano. The last Judgment ; after Michelangelo ; inscribed Julius Bonasonius Bononh proprid Michaelis Angeli, &c. Solomon, David, and Jesse, part of the Sistine Ohapel ; after the same ; Julio Bonasone imitando. &c. The Creation of Eve ; after the same ; with his name. Judith with her Servant coming out of the Tent of Holofemes ; after the same. The Miracle of the Manna, and Moses striking the Rock, on the same plate ; F. Parmesanino inv. ; Julio Bo* lognesefec. 1546. Another Nativity ; after Parmigiano. St. Joachim and St. Anne, presenting the Virgin Mary to the High Priest ; after the same. The Virgin Mary and Infant Jesus in the Air ; after the same, F. P. I. V. ; J. Bonasonis imitando, &c. St. Peter and St. John healing the Lame ; after Perino del Vaga. St. Paul preaching ; oval ; after the same. Christ seated on the Tomb, supported by two Angels, with the Virgin Mary and St. John ; after Polidoro B. 1532. The Nativity of John the Baptist ; after Pontormo ; Jacobus Florentinus Inventor, Julio B. F St. Cecilia ; after Raphael. Christ meeting St. Peter ; after the same. St. Peter made Head of the Church ; after the same. Noah coming out of the Ark ; after the same. Joseph sold by liis Brethren ; after the same. The Cup found in Benjamin's Sack ; with the names of Raphael and Bonasone. The dead Christ on the Tomb, with the Virgin Mary ; after Raphael, without the name of the engraver. The Entombment of Christ ; after Titian, with the names of the painter and engraver. 1563.


Alexander with Bucephalus and Roxana ; circular ; Julio Bonasone, invenfore. M The Triumph of Cupid and Psyche ; Julio Bonasone, inventore Apollo in his Car, with the Hours, and Time walking on Crutches before : L. V. B. Julio Bonasone, inventore. Scipio wounded, retiring from the Battle ; /. J'. Bonaao imitando, &c. Clelia, with one of her companions, on Horseback escap- ing from the Camp of Porsena ; /. X Bonoso imitando, kc. Twenty — Of the History of Juno, with Italian verses ; after his own designs The Fall of Phaeton ; after Michelavqelo. Three Female Figures with Veils ; after the same. The Shipwreck of .ffineas ; after Parmigiano. Niobe and her Children ; after Perino del Vaga, 1541. The Roman Charity ; a frieze ; after Polidoro. Mars and Venus ; after Primaticcio. Achilles dragging the Body of Hector ; after the same. The Taking of Troy; after the same; two sheet.'-. 154.5 Bonasonis F. The Rape of Europa ; after Rajihael ; with the names. Venus attended by the Graces ; after the same. The Birth of Adonis ; dated 1586. There are also several plates of free subjects and statues, bassi-rilieW, and architectural subjects, de- scribed in Heinecken's ' Dictionnaire des Artistes.' Cumberland's Catalogue of the prints of Giulio Bonasone is the most accurate that has hitherto been published.

BONATO, Pietro, a pupil of Volpato, was born at Bassano in 1765, and died in 1820. He engraved plates after Reni, Correggio, &c.

BONATTI, Giovanni, was bom at Ferrara in 1635, and having shown an early inchnation for the art, he was, at the age of fourteen, taken into the protection of Cardinal Carlo Pio, who placed him in the school of Guercino, under wliom he studied three years. He afterwards went to Rome, where he became a scholar of Pietro Francesco Mola. He was employed in several works for the public edifices. In the gallery of the Capitol are two pictures by this master, one representing I-tinaldo and Armida, the other Sisera and Jael. There are other works by him in the Chiesa Nuova, and Santa Croce in Gerusalemme at Rome, where lie died in 1681. In the Uffizi is a 'St. Charles Borromeo ' by him.

BONA VERA, Domenico Mabia, an Italian en- graver, was bom at Bologna about the year 1650. He learned the art of engraving from his uncle Domenico Maria Canuti. His plates are chiefly etched, and finished with the dry point. He en- graved eighteen plates, from the designs of Titian, for a book of anatomy for the use of students. He used a cipher similar to that of Dominique Barriere and of Domenico Bettini, Q) . We have the following prints by him :

The Baptism of our Saviour by St. John ; after Albani ; D. Bonavera sc. {one of his best tvorks). St. Anne teaching the Virgin Mary to read ; after Bom. Maria Canuti; Bom. Bonavera fee. St. Theresa with the Infant Jesus ; after the same. The Martyrdom of St. Christiana ; after the same {one of his best works). St. John preaching; after Lodov. Carracci; B. Bonavera. Lot and his Daughters ; after Ann. Carracci ; D. Bonavera, The Cupola at Parma, the Assumption ; after Correggio ; Domenico Bonavera sc. 1697.

BONAY, Francisco, a Spanish landscape painter, was bom at Valencia in 1655, and died in Portugal in 1730. His landscapes are ornamented with buildings after Perelle, and cattle in the manner of Berchem. His chief work is a landscape in the sacristy of the Carmelites at Valencia.