Page:Bryan's dictionary of painters and engravers, volume 1.djvu/235

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Brussels. Gallery. Portrait of a 'Woman ; F. BOL F. 1660. (Fomerly called a Rembrant)

Cambridge. Fitzwilliam Mus. Portrait of Saskia van Ulenburgh, wife of Rembrandt van Ryu.

„ „ A Portrait.

„ „ Portrait of Ferdinand Bol.

Dresden. Gallery. Rest on the Flight into Egypt ; F. BOL FECIT. 1644.

„ „ Jacob's Vision ; f. bol fecit.

„ „ Joseph presenting Jacob to Pharaoh.

Frankfort. Städel. Portrait of a Young Man holding his Hat and Gloves in his Hand; F. BOL. 1644.

„ „ Portrait of a Man with Curly Hair; F. BOL. 16-59.

Hague. Gallery. Portrait of Van Juchen. „ „ Portrait of Engel de Kuijter ; F. BOL. 1659.

Liverpool. Institute. The Angel appearing to Hagar.

London. Nat. Gallery. Portrait of an Astronomer ; K. BOL FECIT. 1652.

„ Northbrook Coll. Portraits of a Bride and Bridegroom.

„ „ A Scene from Guarini's ' Pastor Fido.'

Leyden. Town Hall. Allegory of Peace (painted in 1664).

Munich. Pinakothek. Abraham, about to offer up Isaac. stopped by an Angel.

„ „ Portrait of a Man clothed in Black

Paris. Louvre. A Philosopher in Meditation.

„ „ Portrait of a Mathematician.

„ „ Portrait of a Man ; F. bol. 16.59.

Petersburg. Hermitage. Portrait of a Countess of Nassau-Siegen (probably Eniestina wife of John the younger).

„ „ Portraits of Persons, unknown — as Theseus and Ariadne.

„ „ The Savant, writing.

„ „ Portrait of a Man.

„ „ Portrait of a Lady, in black, seated, holding her gloves.

„ „ Portrait of a Young Man, his right hand on a table.

„ „ Portrait of a Young Lady, standing before ao old Man, who is seated (miscalled ' Esther and Ahasuerus').

„ „The Philosopher (signed).

„ „ Portrait of a Young Man (with a forged signature of Rembrandt). 1641.

„ „ Portrait of an Old Woman ; F. bol. 1651 ; OUT 81 JAER.

Rotterdam. Museum. Portrait of Dirk van der Waeijen ; F. bol. 1656. „ „ Portrait of a Lady ; F. bol fecit. 1652.

Bol's etchings are highly esteemed : they are executed in a bold and free maimer, and his lights and shadows are very judiciously managed. Al- though they are not equal in lightness of touch and tasteful style to the etchings of Rembrandt, they possess great merit. The following is a list of nearly the whole of his prints :


A young Man, with a round Hat ; marked Bol fec. An Officer with his hands on the Hilt of his Sword ; Bol fec. 1643. A young Man, with a Cap and Feathers ; F. Bol. 1642. A young Woman, half length, with a Cap and Feathers; marked F. Bol f. 1644 ; fine, oval. The Woman with the Pear, at a Window; in the manner of Rembrandt ; very fine. An old Man sitting in a Chair, with some Books and an nnlighted Candle ; marked Bol ; scarce. An old Man, half length, with a Bonnet, leaning on a Cane ; in the manner of Rembrandt ; F. Bol fec. 1642.

Bust of an old Man, seen in front, with a fur Robe, fastened with Diamonds ; no name ; very scarce.


A Philosopher in Meditation, resting on a Table, on which are some Books and a Globe ; very fine. Another Philosopher, holding a Book ; F. Bol. 1642. The Astrologer, an old Man sitting at a Table, with Books and a Globe ; he wears a flat Hat, and his Hands are crossed. The Family — A Woman suckling a new-born Infant, with a Man holding Linen ; F. Bol. 1649. Abraham's Sacrifice ; an arched plate ; F. Bol f. Hagar in the Desert, with the infant Ishmael ; F. Bol f. A very scarce print, mentioned by Heineken. The Sacrifice of Gideon. St. Jerome in a Cavern, contemplating a Crucifix ; F Bolf.

BOL, Hans, or Jan, a Flemish painter and engraver, was born at Mechlin in 1534. After studying two years under an obscure painter, he travelled through Germany, and passed some time at Heidelberg, where he was employed by the Elector of the Palatine for two years. After visiting his native city he went, in 1572, to Antwerp, where he stayed till 1584. He then visited Bergen, Dordrecht, and Delft, but he subsequently settled at Amsterdam, where he died in 1593. His works, which were greatly esteemed, included several copies from the most eminent masters. Van Mander speaks highly of two pictures by this master, representing 'Diedalus and Icarus,' and 'The Crucifixion.' He is, however, more known as a painter of landscapes and views in the neighbourhood of Amsterdam. A Landscape by him is in the Berlin Gallery. He also painted portraits and fruit and flower pieces. In later life he devoted himself entirely to miniature painting, in which he was very successful. The cabinet of miniatures at Munich possesses good examples of his art. He etched several plates from his own designs in a slight spirited style, which he sometimes marked H. B., and sometimes H. Bol, the H and B joined together. We have the following prints by him : The Reconciliation of Jacob and Esau ; circular. The first interview between the Servant of Abraham and Rebekah. Twelve circular plates of the Twelve Months of tho Year ; Ad. Collaert excud. A set of twelve Landscapes ; IT. Bol tin: Joh. Sadeler exc. A set of twelve Landscapes ; H. Cock exc. H. Bol. A large Landscape, with a Man in a Boat catching a Goose, with several figures.

BOLDRINI, Leonardo, lived in the 16th century, and is the author of an altar-piece, whose panels are now hanging apart in the church of San Gallo, near Zogno. No further information of him is known.

BOLDRINI, Niccolò, frequently confused with Niccolò Vicentino, was an engraver on wood, born at VicenEa in the early part of the 16th century, and who was still living in 1566. His prints are chiefly after Titian, and it is thought that he studied under that master; they are executed in a bold free style. His works are scarce. He marked his prints with the cipher (Symbol missingsymbol characters) have the following by him:

John, Baron de Schwarzenburg ; with a border; after Albrtcht Düirer.

The Wise Men's Offering; after Titian, with his cipher