Page:Bryan's dictionary of painters and engravers, volume 1.djvu/229

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loftiest style. This promising artist died in the prime of life, in 1546.

BOCCACCINO, Francesco, was bom at Cremona about the year 1680. He studied at Rome, first under Brandi, and afterwards in the school of Carlo Maratti, imder whom he acquired a pleasing manner of composing and painting easel pictures of historical subjects, which were well esteemed in private collections, and of which he painted more than of larger works for the churches. He some- times imitated the style of Albani, and, like that painter, he was fond of treating mythological subjects. He died in 1750.

BOCCARDI, GiovA.VNi, known as Maestro Gio- vanni, was a miniature painter who lived at Florence in the early part of the 16th century, and who, with his son Francesco, painted (1507-23) a number of the choir-books of Monte Cassino and Perugia. The influence of the school of Raphael was noticeable in these productions.

BOCCATI, Giovanni, of Camerino, is known by a picture — signed and dated 1447 — in the Gallery of Perugia. The subject is ' The Virgin and Cliild enthroned, and surrounded by Angels, Seraphim, and Saints.'

BOCCHI, Fadstino, was born, according to Or- landi, at Brescia in 1659. He was a scholar of Angelo Everardi, called II Fiamminghino. He chiefly excelled in painting battles and skirmishes of cavalry, which he composed with great in- genuity, and touched ^vith a spirited pencil. His figures, though on a small scale, are correctly drawn, and his landscapes are very pleasing. He died in 1742.

BOCCIARDO, Clemente, called Clementone — according to Soprani, from the prodigious size of his person — was born at Genoa in 1620. He was a Bchoiar of Bernardo Strozzi, and accompanied Bene- detto Castiglione to Rome, where hfe studied some time, and afterwards visited Florence, where he met with encouragement, and painted his portrait for the Florentine Gallery. It is engraved in the 'Museo Fiorentino.' His principal works are at Pisa, of which Lanzi distinguishes his ' Martyrdom of St. Sebastian,' in the church of the Carthusians. More ingenious in his compositions, and more correct in his design, than Strozzi, he is inferior to him in the truth and purity of his tints. He died in 1658.

BOCCIARDO, Domenico, was born at Finale, near Genoa, about the year 1686, and was a dis- ciple and a follower of the style of Giov. Maria Morandi. Without the possession of much inven- tion, he was a correct designer and an agreeable colourist. In the church of San Paolo, at Genoa, is a picture by this painter of St. John baptizing several figures.

BOCHOLT, Fbanz von, a German engraver, who flourished from 1458 to 1480, is said to have been a shepherd at Mons, in Hainault ; but it is more probable he was a native of Bocholt, a small town in the bishopric of Munster. His prints, amounting to fifty-five, are chiefly copies after the plates of Martin Schongauer and Von Meckenen, although he engraved some few plates from his own designs. They are all executed in a laboured, stiff stjde, and are generally marked F. v. B. The following are by him :

copies from martin schongauer. St. Anthony carried into the air by demons St. .lames reading St. Michael and the Dragon.


The Judgment of Solomon. The Annunciation. The Virgin and Child ; in an arch.


A Friar stmggling with a Girl, who defends herself with her distaff. Samson strangling the Lion. Two Men quarrelling. St. George and the Dragon, with ' Francis van Bocholt,' in very old characters.

BOCK, Hans, was a German painter of the 16th century, who flourished at Basle, where he executed, within and without the Rathhaus, some colossal frescoes, which render his name famous. The Rathhaus also possesses a painting of the 'Calumny of Apelles,' by him. His works, though mannered, displav much power and energy.

BOCKHORST, Jan van. See Boekhorst.

BOCKHORST, Johann von, called Langen Jan, was born at Miinster in 1610. His family had settled at Antwerp when he was young, and he became a scholar of Jacob Jordaens. Under that able in- structor he became a very distinguished painter of historical subjects. There are many of his pictures in the churches in Flanders, and they are deservedly ranked among the best productions of the Flemish school. In 1633 he entered the Guild of St. Luke at Antwerp. He seems to have taken the works of Van Dyck as his model, and some of his best pictures are so much in the styb of that admirable painter that they may easily be mistaken for his works. He also excelled as a portrait painter; many of his portraits are only inferior to those of Van Dyck. He died in 1668. The following are some of his principal works :

, , f Church of Triptych — Resurrection : Annun- ^' Segu/fKS. ciation: and Ascension. „ St. Augustiru The Empress Helena with the true Cross. Ghent. Si. Jacques. Martyrdom of St. James. Lille. Museum. Martyrdom of St" Maurice. 166L Madrid. Gallery. Mercury. „ „ Ulysses in female attire at the Court of Lycomedes.

BOCKLIN, J. C. was a German engraver, who executed a set of British portraits for a German edition of the ' History of England.' They are poorly engraved, and the whole are copied from the prints by White.

BOOKMAN, G., was a mezzotint engraver, who, if not a native of England, resided here in the first half of the 18th century. He appears to have been also a painter, as he engraved a plate of ' St. Dunstan and the Devil,' which is signed with his name, with the addition of 2nnx. et sculp., 1743. He died about 1768. We have several portraits by him, among which are the following :

William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland ; after Van Loo. Another Portrait of the same, with his hat on ; ad rivum. 1746. Mary, fourth Daughter of George II., consort of Fred- erick II., of Hesse Cassel ; after J. If'onda/e. Philip Yorke, Earl of Hardwicke ; after M. Dahl. Thomas Chubb, the Deist.

BOOKMAN. R., is known as the painter of portraits of Naval Heroes at Greenwich Hospital aiid Hampton Court, and also as a mezzotint engraver. It is believed that he died about 1769.

BOCKSBEKGER. Hans, (or Bocksperger,) born at Salzburg in 1540. He painted battle-pieces, hunting-parties, allegorical, mythological, and historical subjects: and was principally occupied with