Page:Bryan's dictionary of painters and engravers, volume 1.djvu/225

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others Com. Bio., or V. Bio. The following are tlie principal :


Franciscus Bonisiguus, secretary to Prince Leopold ; C.Bl. Giovauui Battista Toretti, Florentine ; Homa. P. de Grebber ; P. Haarlem consec. ; C. Bio. sc. J. Doens, Scot. Theol. Jacques Faverau ; after Diepenbeeck ; oval. Moses in the Bulrushes. Tne Virgin Mary, and the Infant Jesns caressing her. A Thesis, with three of the Popes in niches. A Frontispiece, where St. Ignatius is presented with a Map.


Bartholomeus Aribertus, liber Baro Malgrati. Athanasius Kircher, Jesuit. Cardinal Francesco Peretti di Montalto. The Tomb of D. Nomi. The Virgio Mary, with the Infant Jesus sleeping. The Infant Jesus, with a Glory. The Assumption of the Virgin ; fine compositiou. St. Jerome in the Desert. The Four Doctors of the Church disputing on the Sacrament. St. Francis kneeling before the Infant Christ. Christ carrying His Cross, and St. Ignatius ; very fine. Avarice, an old Woman counting money by camllelight. Liberahty, a young "Woman giving drink to a child. An old Woman warming her hands at a stove. A half-length figure playing the Eomel-pot, called the Mustard Grinder. Four, called Travellers reposing. Two landscapes, in one a woman with a basket, sitting under a tree, and in the other, a woman sitting ; fine and scarce. Thirteen, the twelve Months of the Year, and the Zodiac. A Cat, with a Rat under her paws ; fine. There are many copies of this plate. The great Owl, with a pair of spectacles and a book.


The Virgin, with the Infant seated on a throne, with St. Eoch and St. Sebastian ; after Baroccio. The Holy Family, with St. Joseph with Spectacles; after Carracci. The Crucifixion ; after the same. St. Margaret ; after the same. The Nativity ; after Pietro da Cortona. The Virgin and Infant Jesus, with St. Martha holding the Palm of Mart5rrdom ; after the same. The Birth of Christ ; after Schiavone. The Genius of Poetry distributing wreaths ; a circular plate. St. John in the Wilderness ; Videns Joannes, ^c. ; after Ciro Ferri. Christ at table with His Disciples ; after the same The Resurrection ; after the same. St. Paul preaching at Athens ; after the same. The Holy Family, with St. Francis kneeling ; after the same. St. Anthony of Padua kneeling before the Infant Jesus ; after the same. St. Peter raising Tabitha from the dead ; after Guercino : extremely tine. The most capital plate of this master. The Virgin Mary adoring the Infant Jesus sleeping ; after Guido. The Annunciation ; after iMnfranco ; inscribed .Spiritus sanctus, ^c. St. Luke painting the Virgin and Infant ; after Raphael. The Adoration of the Shepherds ; after the same. The Holy Family ; after Farmicjiano. The Pvesurrection ; after Paolo Veronese. The Virgin and Infant Christ ; after Titian.

BLOEMAERT, Fbederik, the second Bon of Abraham Bloemaert, was bom at Utrecht about the year 1600, and distinguished himself as an en- graver. He learned the art from his father, and was chiefly occupied in engraving after his designs.

We have a number of etchings by him as well as prints in chiaroscuro. His principal work was a drawing-book, containing 173 plates, engraved from the designs of his father. He also executed a few plates entirely with the graver. His prints are sometimes signed A. Bloem. inv. F. B. filius fecit, and sometimes F. B. The following are principally after his father's designs :

Twelve of the Archbishops and Bishops of Utrecht, two of which are by Corn. Bloemart. Thomas a Kempis. St. Francis in a Hermitage. The Body of Leander on the sea-shore. A set of sixteen figures of Men and Women ; marked F. B. fee. A set of thirty, of Beggars ; on the title is inscribed Nudus inops mutilus, F. B.fec. The Five Senses. The Four Seasons. Twenty Landscapes; F. B.filins fecit et exe. A Landscape, with a Pigeon-house. Fourteen of Animals and Birds ; entitled I'erscheydt Besten und Vogeten. Four of Cock-fighting ; De Hanahijters.

BLOEMAERT, Hendrik, was the eldest son of Abraham Bloemaert. He painted portraits, but never rose above mediocrity. He died in 1647. A portrait of a man signed Bloemaert J^tatis 50, A. 1643, in the Hermitage at St. Petersburg, is attributed to him.

BLOEMEN, Jan Frans van, called Orizonte, was born at Antwerp in 1662. His pictures bear no resemblance to the taste of his country, which may bo accounted for by his liaving visited Italy when he was very young, and having there passed the remainder of his life. He there studied under Antonius Goubau. He died at Rome in 1740 (?). The name of Orizonte was given him by the Society of Flemings at Rome on account of the beauty and delicacy with which he painted the distances in his landscapes. His works are well known in this country, and are justly esteemed. Inferior to Gaspard Poussin, he may still be ranked among the able painters of landscape. He made choice of the most interesting views in the vicinity of Rome and Tivoli, which he represented with great truth and even grandeur. In his forms, as well as in his touch, he appears to have imitated the fine style of Gaspard Poussin, and in some of his best pictures (for he is very unequal) he has approached the picturesque beauty of that admirable painter. He was also influenced by Claude Lorrain. There is scarcely a palace at Rome that is not ornamented with some of his works. His best pictures are in the pontifical palace at Monte Cavallo, and in the Colonna, Doria, and Rospigliosi palaces. The Louvre has six landscapes by him, the Vienna Gallery three, the Hermitage St. Petersburg three, the Berlin Museum one, the Milan Gallery one, and the Dresden Gallery one. He etched five plates of views near Rome, executed in a bold and masterly style.

BLOEMEN, Norbert van, called Cephalus, the youngest of the three brothers, was bom at Ant- werp in 1670. He studied and painted portraits and conversation-pieces in Rome, and afterwards returned to his native country and settled at Amsterdam, where he died in 1746.

BLOEMEN , PiETER van, called Standaart, or Stendardo (Standard), a Ijrother of Jan Frans van Bloemen, was born at Antwerp in 1667. Following the example of his brother, he went to Italy for improvement. The name of Standaart was given him by his countrymen at Rome from