Page:Bryan's dictionary of painters and engravers, volume 1.djvu/162

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St. Jerome kneeling before a Crucifix; after Titian; marked N. B. L. F. St. Elizabeth, Queen of Hungary, relieving the dis- tressed ; after Mutiano. The Last Judgment; after Michelangdo. Dated 1562. In nine sheets.


The Sacrifice of Iphigenia; on the altar is inscribed Iphigenia ; it is marked N. B. L. F. Ganymede; after Michelangelo; inscribed Ganimedei Jnvenis^ i^c. The Fall of Phaeton ; after Michelangelo ; retouched by Beatrici. Tityus devoured by a Vulture; after the same; Ant. tialamancha, ex. Silenus carried by Children ; after the same ; N. Bea- trice, fee. The Dream of Human Life, emblematical subject ; after the same. Shootiug at a Target ; after the same. Vertunmus and Pomona ; after Tontormo. Reason combating Love ; after B. Batidinelti ; with his cipher. A Combat between five Men and five Wild Beasts ; after Giii/io Romano. 1532. The Battle of the Amazons ; after a hasso-rilievo ; in- scribed Amazonnm pugiia, ^-c. 1559. The Battle of the Dacii ; after the basso-rilievo of the Arch of Coustantine; marked N. B. and inscribed Tabula Marmora, Sfc. The Emperor Trajan triumphant ; after a basso-rilievo, 1560. The Pantheon of M. Agrippa ; marked iV. B. F. The Temple of Fortune ; after a ilrawing bg Saphael ; marked N. B. F. The great Circus; marked Jf. Beatrizet Lotaringta ; two sheets. The Front of the Farnese Palace ; after the design of Michelangelo. 1548. Statue of Moses ; after Michelangelo ; inscribed Moysis ingens, ^-c. Statue of Jesus Christ ; after Michelangelo ; with liis name. Equestrian Statue of M. Aurelius. 1558. Statue of a Philosopher reading ; inscribed Anaximenes, ^'C. : the plate was afterwards retouched, aud the Philosopher changed into St. Paul. The Castle of St. Angelo. The Siege aud Taking of Luneville ; Xic. Beatrizet Lo- taringas, incidet, 1558.

BEAU, Pierre Adrien le. See Le Beau.

BEAUBliUN, Henri, a French portrait painter to the king, and a member of the Koyal Academy of Painting in 1648, was born at Aniboise about 1603 ; he died in 1677. Charles Beaubrdn, his cousin and fellow-worker, also a portrait painter, was bom at Amboise in 1604, received into the Academy in 1651, and died in Paris in 1692. Works by them are in the Madrid Gallery. Mathieo Beaubrun, the father of Charles and brother of Louis, was likewise a painter. He died in Paris in 1642. Lonis Beaubrdn, a portrait painter of the 16th century, an imitator of the Pourbus, was uncle of Charles and Henri, and died in Paris in 1627. In 1616, on the occasion of the entry of Louis XIII. and Anne of Austria into Paris after their marriage, Louis Beaubrun executed a large alle- gorical painting for the decoration of the Porte St. Jacques, which he himself engraved.

BEAUCLERK, Lady Diana, a daughter of Cliarles Spencer, second Duke of Marlborough, was born in 1734, and became an amateur artist of some celebrity. She married, in 1757, Frederick, second Viscount Bolingbroke, from whom she was divorced in 1768. Two days after she married the celebrated wit, Topham Beauclerk, by whom slie was left a widow in 1780. Her illustrations of Burger's 'Leonora' (1796), and Dryden's 'Fables* (1797), are well known to book collectors. She also designed groups of young Bacchanals, and other bas-reliefs for Wedgwood. She died in 1808.

BEAULIEU, Anatoi.e Henri de, a French painter of historical, genre, and military subjects, was born in Paris in 1.S19, and was a pupil of Delacroix. He died in 1884.

BEAUME, JosKPH, a French historical painter, born at Marseilles in 1796, was a favourite pupil of Gros, and a frequent contributor to the Salon between 1819 and 1878. In the time of Louis Phihppe he was commissioned to paint several large battle-pieces for Versailles. His ' Henri IIL on his Death-bed ' is in the Luxembourg. He died in September, 1885.

BEAUMEZ, Jean de, is recorded to have been "painter and valet" to Philip the Hardy, for whom he painted numerous works, and decorated, among other chapels, that of the Castle of Argilli,in Bur- gundy. Jean de Beaumez was employed by his patron from about 1375 to 1395.

BEAUMONT, Cuvaliere Claddio, was bom at Turin in 1694. After studying some time in his native city, he went to Rome, and applied himself to copying the works of Raphael, the Carracci, and Guido. He appears to have had little respect for the Roman painters of his time, except Trevisani, whose manner he imitated in the vigour of his tints. On his return to Turin, he was employed in decorating the royal palace, where he also painted in fresco, in the library, various symbolical subjects, relative to the Royal Family of Sardinia ; and in the other apartments he represented the ' Rape of Helen,' and the ' Judgment of Paris.' In the Chiesa della Croce is a fine picture of the ' Descent from the Cross.' The King of Sardinia conferred on him the order of kniglithood in 1766.

BEAUMONT, Charles Edgdard de, painter, was a native of Lannion (Cotes de Nord), and a pupil of Boisselier. He painted genre pictures, generally of a humorous character, both in oils and water-colour, and gained medals in 1870 and 1875. He was president of the Society des AquareUistes Franpais at the time of his death, which took place in January, 1888.

BEAUMONT, Sir George Howland, Baronet, an amateur painter, was bom at Dunmow, in Essex, in 1753. He was a liberal patron of artists, and very fond of their society. He was a great admirer of Claude and of Wilson ; and painted in a respectable manner scenes at Coleorton and the groves at Charnwood. In 1826 he presented sixteen pictures to the National Gallery, which collection he greatly helped to establish. The Gallery also possesses two landscapes by him. presented after his death by his widow. He died at Coleorton, Leicestershire, in 1827.

BEAUMONT, Jean Fran?ois ALBANIS de. See Albanis de Beaumont.

BEAUMONT, John Thomas BARBER, who was born in London in 1774, was in early life a miniature painter; and from 1794 to 1806 exhi- bited his works under his original name. Barber, at the Royal Academy. He subsequently adopted the name Beaumont in addition to Barber. He is best known as the originator and manager of the County Fire Office and of the Provident Life Office. He died in London in 1841.

BEAUMONT, Pierre FRAN901S, a French engraver, was born in Paris about the year 1720. He