Page:Bryan's dictionary of painters and engravers, volume 1.djvu/16

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and others by the editor, the article on Beardsley being the result of personal acquaintance with this much maligned and very clever artist. In addition to these articles, shorter accounts have been specially written of Armitage, Absolon, Adam, Andrews, Arbo, Aivozowski, Alvarez, Anguisciola, Barnard, Barlow, Barber, Burgess, Brown, Barwell, Beavis, Beard, Bonington, Bashkirtseff, Bierstadt, Bosboom, Brierley, Benouville, Browne, Ballantyne, Bellermann, Boyce, Bryan, Brandard, Brownlie, Binet, Bles, Boudin, Baudry, Brett, Blanchard, Bloch, Brozik, Collier, Casado, Casanova, Cattermole, Cousen, Cope, Cabat, Chaplin, Calthrop, Cosway, Cazin, Clays, and Corbet, making in all a total of seventy-two new biographies. In addition to these new biographies many others have undergone revision in the light of recent research, among which may be specially mentioned, Correggio by Dr. Corrado Ricci of the Brera Gallery, Milan; Michel Angelo (Buonarroti), Paolo Veronese (Caliari), Cossa, Costa, Cimabue, Cima and Carpaccio by Mr. Charles Holroyd of the National Gallery of British Art; Sodoma (Bazzi) and Beccafumi by Mr. R. H. Hobart Cust, author of "the Pavement Masters of Siena." Dealing as a work of this sort does, with facts rather than with criticism, the labours of preceding writers must necessarily be used with a frequency which makes special reference in every case impossible; but the Editor trusts that he will not be found to have placed himself under any obligations that he may not here frankly and gratefully acknowledge. Succeeding volumes of the work will be augmented and improved in a similar manner.

June 1903.