Page:Bryan's dictionary of painters and engravers, volume 1.djvu/154

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French infiintry. lie also engraved Bome prints <if battles, after the pictures of Charles Parrocel, and a set of small landscapes, after Michau and ethers.

BAUDKY, Paol Jacques Aim^, painter, was born, of humble parentage, at La Roche-sur-Yon, Vendue, November 7, 1828. He first studied under one Sartoris, at La Roche, and was afterwards sent to Paris with an allowance from his native city. In Paris he became the pupil of Drolling, and in 1850 won the Grand Prix de Rome with a ' Zenobia found on the Banks of the Araxes.' Four years in Rome were spent in the study of Michelangelo, Raphael, Titian, and Correggio, from each of whom he endeavoured to take some characteristic quality. During his stay in Italy lie sent pictures to the Salon which attracted much attention, and this success continued after his return to Paris. It was in quasi-historical, decorative painting, in which his fine sense of balance and his pleasant colour served him well, that he succeeded best, and so, about 18G5, he wus invited to take part in the decoration of the new Opera. In preparation for this task he revisited Italy, made a series of partial copies from Buonarroti's frescoes in tiie Sistine Chapel, and studied Raphael at the Stanze. In 1867 he came to England, and finished a series ti copies from Raphael's cartoons. The actual decora- tion of the Opera foyer absorbed Baudry's energies for some twelve years. The subjects are single figures of the Muses, Polymnia excepted, and various scenes from mythology, legend, and even biblical history. Besides these decorations, Baudry painted much for private patrons, and at the Salon of 1881 he obtained the medaUle d'honneur for his ' Glorification de la Loi,' a ceiling for the Cour de Cassation. Throughout his career he combined portrait painting with his decorative work. Among his portraits, the best, peihaps, are those of Beul6 (1857), Baron Dupin(1860), Charles Gamier (1868), and Edmond About (1871). In 1870 Baudry was elected a member of the Institute. He died January 7, 1886.

BAUDUIN, Anton Frans. See Boudewyns.

BAUER, Ferdinand Ldcas, who was bom at Feldsburg, in Austria, in 1760, came to England in 1800, and obtained celebrity as a draughtsman for the Royal Botanical Society, and for various botanical publications. On a journey round the world he stayed some time at Botany Bay, and made many valuable drawings. He returned to Austria in 1812, and died at Hietzing, near Vienna, in 1826. A large collection of his drawings may be consulted in the British Museum.

BAUER. JoH. WiLH. See Baub.

BAUGIN, J., a French engraver, who flourished about the year 1660. lie engraved several por- tiaitB, among which is that of H. de la Mothe.

BAUGIN, Ldbin, was born at Pithiviers (Loiret) about 1610. He was a member of the Corporation of Master-Painters, and was admitted into the Royal Academy of Painting in 1651. He executed many designs for tapestry. He studied and imitated Parmigiano and Guido. His contemporaries called him ' Le petit Guide.' The ' Holy Family,' by him, in the Louvre, has been engraved by F. de Poilly. He died in Paris in 1663.

BAUGNIET, C, a well-known Belgian draughts- man on stone, who practised chiefly in Paris, and whose portraits were especially noteworthy. He died at Sevres, July 3, 1886.

BAUMANN, Adolph, who was bom in 1829, paiuti d historical pictures in oil and fresco at Munich, where he died in 1865. A ' Madonna and Child,' by him, is in the Pinakothek.

BAUMGARTNER, Johann, known by the name of Pater Nobbert, was born about the year 1717. He executed a number of pen-and-ink drawings, as well as historical paintings. He was a member of the Academy of Vienna, in which city he died in 1773. P. Campana engraved his picture at Rome of ' St. Dominic kissing the hand of the Child Jesus.' There also exist by him :

Bologna. Capuchin Mon. The Magdalene. Presburg. Academy. Holy Family. Vienna. Capuchin Mon. Mary when a Child before the High Priest. „ „ Death of St. Joseph.

BAUR, Johann Wilhelm, (or Bauer,) a painter and engraver, was born at Strasburg in 1600. He studied painting under Friedrich Brentel, and it was not long before he surpassed his instructor. On leaving that master he went to Italy, and spent some years at Rome, where he painted ^iews of that city and environs, with small figures, neatly touched, which were greatly admired. The Prince Giustiniani favoured him with his protection ; and he was also patronized by the Duke of Bracciano, who allotted him apartments in his palace. In 1637 Baur left Rome, and went to Venice, where his works were equally admired. He after- wards visited Vienna, and was taken into the employment of the Emperor Ferdinand III., in whose service he died, at Vienna, in 1642. His pencil is very neat and spirited, and his colouring warm and glowing. It is to be legretted that he was not more correct in his design. As an en- graver, he acquired considerable celebrity, and executed a great number of plates from his own designs, the best of which are those taken from the ' Metamorphoses ' of Ovid. They are slightly etched, and finished with the graver. They are very spirited, and resemble the manner of Callot. He marked his plates sometimes with his VW> name, and sometimes with the cipher an-iiexed. The following are his principal works :

Portrait of Don Paolo Giordano II., Orsino, Duca di liraCL-iano ; oval ; dated 1636 ; scarce. A set of Habiliments of different Nations, with his Portrait ; eighteen prints. A set of Battles ; entitled Caprici di varie battaglie ; fifteen prints. Another set of Battles ; fourteen prints, with the title. A set of Landscapes, among which are the Four Ele- ments ; twelve prints. Twenty of Battles, for Strada's History of the Belgic War. The Metamorphoses of Ovid ; one himdred and fifty prints, published at Vienna, in 1641.

BAUR, NicoLAAS, who was born at Harlingen in 1767, was the son of Hendricds Antonius Baur, a portrait painter (born 1736, died 1817). He painted landscapes and views of cities, and many houses in Holland are embellished by his works. He also painted moonlight and winter scenes ; and was particularly successful in marine subjects. He is considered one of the best of the later Dutch marine painters. He died at Harlingen in 1820.

BAUSA, Gregorino, a Spanish painter, born at Mallorca, a town in the vicinity of Valencia, in 1596. He was a scholar of Francisco Ribalta, and was a reputable painter of history. The principal altar-piece in the church of St. Philip of the Carmelites at Valencia, representing the Martyrdom of that Saint, is by Bausa. There are also several pictures by him in the monastery of Los Trinitarios Calzados in that city. lie died in 1656.