Page:Bryan's dictionary of painters and engravers, volume 1.djvu/127

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was a native of Mantua, but became a citizen of Verona, lie flourished about 1650. lli! is men- tioned by Lanzi and Zani as an artist of great ability. It is uncertain whether he was instructed by D. Feti, for his style was varied, but abounding with pictorial grace and beauty.

BARCA, Vicente CALDERON de la. See Calderox.

BARCLAY, Hugh, boni in London in 1797, practised as a miniature painter, and was likewise celebrated for his copies of the Italian Masters in the Louvre. He died in 1859.

BAKCO, Del. See Del Bakco.

BARDIN, Jean, a French historical painter, born at Monthar in 1732, was a pupil of Lagr^nee, the elder ; and afterwards studied at Rome, lie became a popular artist in France, and was ad- mitted into the Acaderaj' in 1779. He was made director of the art school at Orleans in 1788. His subjects are partly historical, partly poetical, and sometimes religious. He was the instructor, in the elements of art, of David and Regnault. He died at Orleans in 1809. BARDON, Michel Franvois d'ANDRE. See Andbe-Bardon.

BARDUCCl, V. The name of this engraver is affixed to a portrait of Pascal Paoli, the Corsican General. It is dated 1768.

BARDWELL, Thomas, was an English por- trait painter, who died about the year 1780. He painted some portraits of the primipal characters of his time, and published, in 1756, ' The Practice of Painting and Perspective made easy.'

BAREN, Jan Anton van uer. See Van deb Baren.


BARENGER, James, a nephew of William Woollett, the celebrated engraver, was born in 1780; and was well known as a painter of race- horses, deer, dogs, and other animals. It is be- lieved that he died soon after 1831, the last year of his exhibiting at the Royal Academy.

BARENTSEN, Dirk, was bom at Amsterdam, in 1534. He was the son of an artist of little celebrity (perhaps Barent de Dowe, called II Sordo), who taught him the rudiments of drawing. When twenty-one years of age he went to Italy and visited Venice, where he had the good fortune to be admitted into the school of Titian, who con- ceived for him a particular regard, and bestowed on him many marks of friendship. After passing seven years under that great master, he returned to Holland, and met with great success as a por- trait painter. The style he had acquired by a minute study of the works of Titian was peculiarly favourable to him in his portraits ; and in that branch of art he was reputed the ablest artist of his country at the time in which he lived. One of lus principal historical works was an altar-piece, representing the ' Fall of Lucifer,' which he painted for the great clmrch at Amsterdam. This picture was destroyed during the religious troubles of liis country. He died at Amsterdam in 1592. A por- trait of the Duke of Alva by him is in the Gallery of that city.

BARENTZEN, Emilius Ditlev, was born at Copenhagen in 1799. He first studied jurisprud- ence, and then spent five years in the West Indies. In 1821 he entered the Academy at Copenhagen, and studied under Eckersberg. In 1831 and 1832 he visited Paris and Munich; but settling in his native city, be soon rose to great reputation as a portrait painter, and there executed no less than two thousand works. He died in 1868.

BARGAS, A. F., a Flemish draughtsman and engraver, who lived at the beginning of the 18th century. He etched a set of six landscapes, from his own designs, and a set of four landscapes, after Pieter Bout, which are sometimes with . the name of Bargas, and sometimes with- Zju out it. -

B.VKGONE, GiAcoMO, was a native of Genoa, and studied under Andrea and Ottavio Semini. He became one of the most promising artists of his country. His drawing was remarkably correct, his execution free and prompt, and the contour of his figures extremely graceful. The possession of such talents excited the jealousy of a contem- porary artist, Lazzaro Calvi, who, as Soprani relates, after inviting him to a repast, mixed a stupefying drug in a goblet of wine, from the effects of which the unfortunate victim perished in the ]irime of life. He flourished in the 16th century.

BARKER, Benjamin, a brother of ' Barker of Bath,' was born in 1776, and became a landscape painter of some note. He exhibited both at the Royal Academy ,ind at the Water-Colour Society, from 1800 to 1821, r.nd occasionally at the British Institution. He died at Totnes in 1838.

BARKER, Charles, was a native of Birming- ham, who during forty years, at the early part of the 19th century, resided at Liverpool, where he ranked high as a teacher of art. He was elected president of the Liverpool Academy, to which he was a regular contributor. He occasionally also exhibited at the Royal Academy in London ; his last works exhibited there were, in 1849, ' Evening after Rain.' ' A Luggage Train preparing to Shunt,' and ' The Dawn of Dav, a Foraging-Party Return- ing.' He died in 1854".

BARKER, Henby Aston, who was bom at Glas- gow in 1774, assisted his father, Robert Barker, in his panoramas, and in time became known for those which he executed by himself. He worked at Constantinople, Paris, Palermo, Copenli.igcn, Malta, and Venice. He died at Bilton, near Bristol, in 1856, having retired from his profession as early as 1826. The 'Coronation Procession of George IV.' was his last work.

BARKER, Robert, inventor and painter of Panoramic Views, was born at Kills, county Meath, in 1739. The first panoraina he painted was a ' View of Edinburgh,' exhibited by him in that city in 1788, and in London in 1789. This picturesque mode of exhibiting on a large scale soon became popular ; and Views of London, Dublin, Athens, Lisbon, and other places, quickly followed, until Barker's Panoramas became cele- brated among the fashionable exhibitions of the day. He died at Lambeth in 1806, leaving two sons, who carried on similar exhibitions for many years in the house built in 1793 by their father in Leicester Square.

BARKER, Samuel, was a cousin of John Vanderbank, by whom he was instructed in por- trait painting ; but having a talent for painting fruit and flowers, he imitated Jean Baptiste, and would probably have excelled in that branch of art, had he not died young, in 1727.

BARKER, Thomas, (called 'Barker of Bath,') a painter of landscape and rural life, was born in th& year 1769, near the village of Pontyjiool, in Monmouthshire. His father, the son of a barrister.