Page:Bryan's dictionary of painters and engravers, volume 1.djvu/119

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Darham, where he died in the prime of life in April, 1846.

BALTARD, Lonis Pierre, a French architect, painter, and engraver, was bom in Paris in 1764. He occupied himself first with landscape-painting and engraving, and was instructed in architecture by Peyre the younger. In 1786 he went to Rome for two years ; in 1792 he designed decorations for the Opera at Paris. Soon after he was made pro- fessor of architecture at the Poljrtechnic School, and subsequently at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts. He died in Paris in 1846. He executed part of the plates for the ' Expedition to Egypt,' and began to publish at the same time, in 1803, his ' Paris et ses Monumens.' The work was left unfinished with the 25th part on account of the grreat expense. His plates are of a light and pure design : among them may be mentioned :

Des Monuments antiques de Rome, 48 plates ; 1808. Galerie fran^aise des productions de tous les Arts, 14 parts. la Colonne Vendome, 145 plates ; 1810. Kssai m^thodique sur la d^oration des monuments, 120 plates ; 1817. Portrait of N. Poussin.

BALTHAZAR, Domenico. See De Costere.

BALTHAZAR, Pieter, (Baltens, or Balten.) See De Costere.

BALTZ, J. Georges, a painter of miniature portraits and landscapes on porcelain, was born at Strashurg in 17G0. He died in Paris in 1831.

BALZAC, Charles Lonis, who was bom in Paris in 1752, was an architect and architectural draughtsman. He made many drawings for De- non's work on the monuments of Egjpt, and also views of various interesting Egyptian buildings, such as the interior of the Mosque at Hassan, the Palace of Kamac, the Great Sphinx, and the Pyramids of Ghizeh. Balzac died in Paris in 1820.

BALZE. Paul Jean, enamel painter, bom at Rome of French parents in 1815, was a pupil of Ingres. He was best known by copies made in conjunction with his brother Rajinond Joseph, of Raphael's frescoes in the Vatican, a work on which be was engag^ed ten years. He also worked for Parisian churches. He died in 1884.

BALZER, JoHANN, a Bohemian engraver, was bom at Kukus, in Bohemia, in 1738. He was first instructed in art by Rentz, but subsequently completed his education by travelling through Germany, where he visited several Academies. He chiefly resided at Prague, where he produced numerous works, mostly portraits, and died in 1799. He left two sons, Anton (1771—1807) and

JoHANN Karl (1771—1805), who were both engravers. In conjunction with his brothers Mathias and Gbegor, and his son Johann Karl, Johann Balzer engraved and published several works ; amongst which are the following : A set of fifty plates of Landscapes and Architectural subjects, with Biblical, mythological, and genre groups of figures ; after Norbert Grundy an old German painter.

Two sets of Portraits of Artists and Learned Men of Bohemia and Moravia; published at Prague in the years 1773 to 1782 (nmety plates).

BAMBERGER, Fbiedrich, born at Wiirzburg in 1814, was instructed in the principles of paint- ing at Dresden ; he afterwards visited the Aca- demy at Berlin, and became a disciple of Krause, a painter of marine pictures, and at Cassel of Primavesi, an engraver. In 1832 he went to Munich, where he became acquainted with Rottmann, whom he subsequently followed in his landscapes, with great success. In 1845 he visited Normandy and England, and one of his best paintings of that time is the ' Battle-field of Hastings, with a view of the sea.' After a first joumey to Spain he settled at Munich, but subsequently paid two more visits to that country. Many of his Spanish landscapes were highly esteemed, but he did not possess the capacity of producing great effects. Several of his productions are in the Pinakothek and the Schack Gallery at Munich. His drawings and studies are of especial merit. He died at Neunenhain, near Soden, in the Taunus, in 1873.

BAMBINI, GlAcoMO, who was bom at Ferrara about 1582, was a scholar of Domenico Mona. There are many of the works of this master in the churches and other public edifices in his native city. In the cathedral are three altar-pieces, re- presenting the ' Annunciation,' the ' Flight into Egypt,' and the ' Conversion of St. Paul.' He died at Ferrara in 1622 or 1628. A particular account of his other works will be found in Barotti's Pitture e Scolture di Ferrara.

BAMBINI, Cavaliere Niccol6, was bom at Venice in 1651, and first studied under Giulio Mazzoni at Venice ; but afterwards went to Rome, where he became a scholar of Carlo Maratti. According to Lanzi, he was a correct and elegant designer, with a chaste and simple principle of colouring. Some- times he designed in the taste of the Roman school, as in his picture of San Stefano, painted soon after his return from Rome ; and at others he imitated the style of Liberi, particularly in the beauty of his female heads. He died at Venice in 1736. He had two sons, Giovanni and Stefano Bambini, who painted in the style of their father.

BAMBOCCIO. See Laar, Pieter van.

BAMESBIER, Johann, a portrait painter, of German extraction, was a disciple of Lambert Lombardus. He was bom in 1500, and died in 1598, at Amsterdam.

BAMPFYLDE, Coplestone Wabre, a well-known amateur, of Hestercombe, Somersetshire, was the only son of John Bampfylde, M. P. He was an lionorary exhibitor of landscapes at the Academy towards the end of the 18th century, and a few of his works have been engraved by Vivares and others. He died in 1791.

BANCHERO, Angelo, was born in 1744 at Sestri, near Genoa, and went to Rome and studied painting under Pompeo Batoni. On his retum he executed various pictures for the churches of Genoa. Especially noticed is a 'St. John in Prison,' painted for his native Sestri. Banchero died in 1793.

B.'VNCK, Van der. See Van deb Banck.

BANCKS, Charles, (or, as he usually wrote it, Banks,) was a Swiss by birth, but settled in England in 1746, while still young. He practised the art of miniature painting, and occasionally exhibited at the Royal Academy in the latter part of the 18th century.

BANDIERA, Benedetto, was bom at Perugia in 1557. From the resemblance of his works to those of Federigo Barocci, it is supposed he was a disciple of that master. He painted history, both in oil and in fresco, and his pictures were in considerable repute. He died Ln 1634.

BANDINELLI, Babtolommeo, or Baccio, was born at Florence in 1493. He was a very distinguished sculptor; and if he was not so successful as a painter, he is yet entitled to our notice from the grandeur of his design, although he did not succeed equally well as a colourist. He was