Page:Bryan's dictionary of painters and engravers, volume 1.djvu/102

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Time discovering Truth ; ajter N. Foussiti ; a ceiling. Tile Plague; after P. Mtgnard. In the first impies- sions of this plate, the figure in the clouds is Juno with a Peacock ; in the latter the figure is changed to that of the destroying Angel.

Christ bearing His Cross ; after the same. Three plates — Of the ceiling of the lesser Gallery at Versailles ; after the same ; Apollo and the Muses, Prudence and Vigilance. Six plates — Of the ceiling of the Val de GrSce, repre- senting the Felicity of the Blessed. The Martyrdom of St. Laurence ; after Le Sueur. The Martyrdom of St. Gervais and St. Protais ; after the same The Aurora; after the same; inscribed Lucerna pedibus. Time and Truth dispersing the Clouds of Ignorance ; after L. Testellin. Pharaoh's Host destroyed in the Red Sea ; after F. Verdier. Flight into Egypt ; after the same. Battle of the Saracens ; after Bourg^tignon. Taking of the Town of Damietta. The Judgment of Solomon ; after Ant. Coypel. The Deluge ; after La Fage. The Passage of the Red Sea ; after the same. The Rape of Proserpine ; after the marble by Girardou. Moses and the Burning Bush ; after C'has. le Bru». The Descent of the Holy Ghost ; after the same. The Stoning of Stephen ; after the same. Four sheets— Of the triumphal Entry of Constantine into Rome; after the same. Five sheets — Of the Ceiling of the Chapel of the chateau of Sceaux ; after the same ; very fine. Six sheets — Of the Pavilion of Sceaux, called the Pavilion of Aurora ; dedicated to Louis XFV. ; after the same. Thirteen large sheets, making together the four prints of the Battles, &c. of Alexander ; after le Brun. 1. The Passage of the Granicus. 2. The Defeat of Darius at Arbela. 3. Porus brought before Alexander after his Defeat. 4. The triumphal Entry of Alexander into Babylon. To these are added, The Family of Darius ; engraved by Gerard Edelinck, and noticed under his name. [The best impressions of these superb prints are those marked with the name of Goyton, the printer.]

AUDRAN, Germain, who was born at Lyons in 1631, was instructed by his uncle Charles in the art of engraving in Paris. He died at Lyons in 1710. His merit was considerable, although very inferior to that of some others of his family. Ger- main had four sons, Claude III., Benoit I., Jean, and Louis. He engraved several plates, consisting of portraits, and a variety of ornaments, ceilings, and vases, amongst which are the following: Portraits of Charles Emmanuel II. of Savoy, and his wife, in an oval ; after F. de la Monce. Portrait of Cardinal de Richelieu, in an oval. Portrait of Theophile Reynauld. 1663. Six sheets of Ceilings ; after George Charmeton. Six ornaments of Vases ; after N. Robert. A book of Friezes ; after La Fage. A book of views in Italy ; after Fancus. Six Landscapes ; after Gaspar Poussiti. Thirty-one designs — Of Fountains, Friezes, &c. ; after Le Brun. His plates are signed with bis surname, and with his Christian name, in the following forms : O: Ger : Germ: and in full.

AUDRAN, Jean, the brother of Benoit, and the third son of Germain Audran, was bom at Lyons in 1667 ; h'.ving learned the rudiments of the art under his father, he was placed under the care of his ur.cle, the famous Gerard Audran, in Paris. Before he was twenty years of age he displayed uncommon ability, and became a very celebrated engraver. In 1706 he was made engraver to the king, with a pension and apartments at the Gobelins. The hand of a great master is discernible in all his plates ; and without having attained the extraordinary perfection of Gerard Audran, his claim to excellence is very considerable. He died in 1756. His principal prints are :

POrvTRAITS. Louis XV. ; full length ; after Gobert. Maximilian Emmanuel, Elector of Bavaria, with his Page ; full length ; after Vivien. Clement Augustus of IBavaria, Elector-Archbishop of Cologne ; after the same. The Duke d'Antin ; after Rigaud. The Abbe Jean d'Estrees ; after the same. Victor Marie, Duke d'Estrees, Marshal of France ; after Largilliere. Cardinal Pietro Ottoboni ; after Trevisani. Fran(^ois de Salignac de la Motte Fenelon, Archbishop of Cambray ; after Vivien. rran(;ois Pierre Gillet ; after Tortebat. Fran(;ois Robert Secousse, sitting ; after Rigaud. Peter Paul Rubens ; after Van byek ; for the Luxembourg Gallery. Noel Coypel, Painter to the King ; after Coypel. Antoine Coysevox, Sculptor to the King ; after Rigaud. [The two last were engraved by Audran for his recep- tion at the Academy in 1708.]


Our Saviour preaching to the Multitude ; after Raphael. The Infant Saviour regarding the Cross presented by Angels ; after Albani. The Nativity ; after Pietro da Cortona ; oval. The Good Samaritan ; after Ann. Carracci ; arched. St. John administering the Sacrament to the Virgin ; after Lodovico Carracci. Our Saviour on the Mount of Olives; after Lomenichino. St. Andrew led to Crucifixion ; after Guide. The Martyrdom of St. Peter ; after Guide ; on the plate improperly called after Domeniehino. St. Paul preaching at Athens ; after Ciro Ferri ; a small frieze. The Triumph of Galatea ; after Carlo Maratta ; for the Crozat Collection. The Miracle of the Loaves; after Claude Audran. Six plates — Copies of the large Battles of Alexander ; by G. Audrati. St. Augustine ; after P. de Champagne. Simeon holding the Infant Jesus ; after M. Corneille. Moses saved from the Nile; after Ant. Coypel. Jacob and Laban ; after the sa?ne. Athaha and Joash ; after the same. Esther before Ahasuerus ; after the same. The Resurrection ; after the same. Cupid and Psyche ; after the same. Our Saviour curing the Sick ; after Ant. Dieu. Clirist bearing His Cross ; after the same. The Elevation of the Cross ; after Van Byck. The Crucifixion ; after the same. The French Parnassus ; after the bronze by Gamier, The Miraculous Draught "of Fishes ; after Jonvenet. The Resurrection <ji Lazarus ; after the same. The Queen Blanche inspired with the Holy Spirit ; after the same. Acis and Galatea; after F. Marot. Venus punishmg Psyche ; after J. M. Nattier. Psyche consoled by Cupid ; after the same. The dead Christ, with the Marys, St. Jolm, and Nicodemus ; after Poussin. The Rape of the Sabines; eftcr Poussin; his most esteemed print. St. Scholastica at the point of Death ; after J. Reslout. Andromache entreating for her Son ; after L. Sihestre. Henri IV. deliberating on his future Marriage ; after Rubens. Henri IV. departing for the German War ; after the same. The Coronation of Marie de M^dicis ; after the same.

[The three last form part of the Luxembourg Gallery.]

AUDRAN, Louis, the fourth and youngest son