Page:British and Foreign State Papers, vol. 144 (1952).djvu/316

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45. The fiscal régime, insurance and social aid shall be applied in accordance with the standards of protection for the family, established in this Constitution.

Childhood and youth are protected against exploitation and moral and material abandonment. The Nation, Provinces and Municipalities shall organise adequate institutions for the purpose.

46. Subject to the restrictions specified in this Constitution, Cubans shall be at liberty to bequeath one-half of the estate.

Section 2.—Culture

47. Culture in all of its manifestations is a primary interest of the Nation. Scientific investigation, artistic expression and the publication of the results thereof are unrestricted; as is teaching, without prejudice, with respect to the last-named, to the inspection and regulation to which the Nation is entitled and which is established by law.

48. Primary instruction is obligatory for minors of school age, and it shall be furnished by the Nation, without prejudice to the co-operation entrusted to municipal initiative.

Both this instruction and preprimary and vocational instruction shall be gratis when given by the Nation, Province or Municipality. The necessary school supplies shall also be gratis.

Lower secondary instruction and all higher instruction furnished by the Nation or the Municipalities shall be gratis, excluding specialised pre-university and university study.

At the Institutes now created or which may be created in future, having a pre-university status, there can be maintained or established by law the payment of a modest matriculation fee by way of co-operation, which shall be devoted to the requirements of each establishment.

So far as possible, the Republic shall offer scholarships for the enjoyment of official instruction that is not gratis, to youths who, having shown outstanding vocation and aptitude, are prevented by insufficient resources from undertaking such studies for their own account.

49. The Nation shall maintain a system of schools for adults, devoted particularly to the elimination and prevention of illiteracy: predominantly practical rural schools, organised