Page:Books from the Biodiversity Heritage Library (IA synopsisofbritis00hobk).pdf/197

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slightly recurved, broadly ovate, pointed, concave, thickly nerved nearly to apex; per. l. elliptic, with an excurrent nerve; caps. oblong immersed, appearing secund; lid conical, pointed: synoicous.

Trunks of trees.

var. β. aquatilis. st. elongate, l. roundish ovate obtuse; stones in running streams, or trees.


556. F. antipyretica. L. St. very long, often 1ft., with long spreading branches; l. ovate-lanceolate, very concave, keeled, nerveless, all on each branch with one margin reflexed on the same side, the other plane, sometimes serrulate near apex; caps. oval or ovate, immersed; lid long conical acute.

Streams and stagnant water. VI. VII.

557. F. squarrosa. L. St. shorter, but elongate; br. numerous, crowded fasciculate, not spreading; l. lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, concave, not keeled, margin not reflexed, nerveless, entire; caps. similar to last.

Mountain rivulets. VI. VII.

90. DICHELYMA. Myrin.

558. D. capillaceum. Dicks. St. 3-6in. slender, brittle, with a few distichous spreading branches; l. erecto-patent, secund, subulate-setaceous, keeled, with a long excurrent nerve; per. l. long convolute, nerveless; caps. short oval, almost immersed; lid large conical, beaked.

Alpine rivulets. Summer.