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when dry; caps. large obconical or clavate, sub-pendulous, neck tapering; lid pointed.

Rocks and walls; rare. VI. VII.

322. (31) B. obconicum. Hornsch. St. short tufted, branched; l. oblong-ovate pointed, concave, entire, margin recurved, not twisted when dry; caps. obconical, pendulous; neck long tapering; lid convex apiculate.

Walls. Barnard Castle, 1843 (Spruce). VI. VII.

323. (32) B. capillare. Hed. St. ¼-1in. tufted; l. lower ovate-oblong, upper obovate-oblong, all with longish slender points, concave, much contorted when dry, margin bordered with smaller cellules, reflexed, sometimes serrulate at apex; caps. sub-clavate or obovate, tapering, pendulous, only slightly constricted at mouth when dry; lid pointed.

Walls, rocks, trees, &c., frequent. VI.

var. β majus. st. longer, l. broader, and with a wider margin, caps. larger and thicker. (Wilson says this is the most frequent English form.) On walls.

γ. minus. l. concave imbricate; caps. smaller.

δ. flaccidum. l. lower, purplish, flaccid, not contorted when dry, distinctly serrate at apex.

324. (33) B. Donnianum. Grev. St. shorter than last, branched; l. ovate-oblong, slightly pointed, not contorted, but slightly twisted when dry, margin thickened, serrulate at apex; caps. long clavate, constricted at mouth when dry, sub-pendulous, lid pointed.

Sandy banks and rocks, rare. Warrington (Wilson); Hurst-pier-point (Mitten); Winchelsea (Jenner).