Page:Blackwood's Magazine volume 046.djvu/876

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from Quarter to Quarter everything interesting to the practitioner of medicine, surgery, and midwifery. To every such practitioner in our country, we recommend it as the most valuable medical journal that is published in our language.


Late Prof. of Theo. and Prac. Mcd. Harvard University, and one of the Physicians to the Massachusetts General Hospital.

Boston; Sept. 6, 1840.

The British and Foreign Medical Review has been in my hands from its first publication, and I may say I have read its Numbers with some care. It appears to me to have always been conducted with great spirit, diligence, and judgment, and may be considered, I think, as an epitome of European and American Medical andSurgical Science since its commencement. The talents of its Editor, Dr. Forbes, are well known by his various scientific productions. The auxiliary contributors are gentlemen of the highest respectability. With great pleasure, therefore, I recommend this work to the attention of my countrymen, and hope its circulation in America may equal that in Great Britain. JOHN C. WARREN, M.D.

Professor of Anatomy and Surgery in Harvard University, Boston

Boston; Sept. 7, 1840.

I regard the British and Foreign Medical Review as a periodical of very great value, and believe that an extensive circulation of it among the members of the Profession in this country would have the happiest effect in the promotion of Medical Science. JOHN WARE, M.D.

Professor of the Theory and Practice of Physic in Harvard University.

Boston; August 31, 1840.

I have taken the British and Foreign Medical Review since its first publication, and I regard it as one of the ablest and most useful Medical Journals that I have ever known. Its criticisms are, in general, impartial and just; and the reviews exhibit an extensive acquaintance with the pathological observations and opinions of recent as well as earlier writers, both on the continent and in Great Britain; so as, with the intelligence which the numbers contain, to present a summary view of the actual state and progress of Medical Science throughout the world, ENOCH HALE, M.D.

New York; Augusts 31, 1840.

I have long been a subscriber to the British and Foreign Medical Review, and consider it, in many respects, superior to any publication of the same kind we receive from Great Britain. ALEX. H. STEVENS, M.D.

Emeritus Professor of Surgery, Consulting Surgeon N. Y. Hospital, &c.

New York; August 19, 1840.

The subscriber, having read with attention the British and Foreign Medical Review as far as published, would commend this journal to such of his professional brethren as may not be familiar with its merits, as abounding with the latest information upon medical topics and collateral branches, gleaned from all parts where knowledge is cultivated The critical articles are of the highest order; emanating from erudite genius, liberal and generous, yet devoted to the paramount interests of science. Its range of observation is so extensive, and its critical articles so elaborate, it may be said, without interfering with the interests of other medical periodicals at home and abroad, that this journal is indispensable to all who would most improve their acquaintance with philosophical medicine, or practice the art in its most rational aspects. MARTYN PAINE, M.D.

New York, Sept. 7, 1840.

The British and Foreign Medical Review stands unrivalled as a practical journal of Medical and Chirurgical Science. No work of a similar design has ever before evinced greater erudition, more copious illustration, or profounder clinical sagacity. The critical department is alike distinguished for its candour, impartiality, and dignity. There can be but one opinion entertained of the talents and learning of its editor, Dr. Forbes, whose eminent qualifications for the discharge of his responsible task challenges the approbation of every friend of medical philosophy. JOHN W. FRANCIS, M.D.

Late Professor of Medical Jurisprudence, Obstetrics, &c.