Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/591

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HULKA. small vessel.

In old records. A hull: or Cowell.

HIILLUS. in old records. A hill 2 Mon. Angl. 292; Cowell.

HUMAGIUM. A moist place. Mon. Angl.

HUNDRED. Under the Saxon organiza-

tion of England, each county or shire comprised an indefinite number of hundreds, each hundred containing ten timings, or groups of ten famiiies of freeholders or frank- plcdges. The hundred was governed by 8. high constable, and had its own court; but its most remarkable feature was the corporate responsihiiity of the whole for the Crimes or detauits of the individual members. The introduction of this plan of organization into England is commonly ascribed to Alfred, but the idea, as well of the collective liability as of the di\ision, was proh- ahly known to the_ ancient German peoples, as we find the same thing established in the Frankish kingdom under Glothaire, and in Denmark. See 1 Bl. Comm. 115; 4 BL Comm. 411. -—Hundred court. In English law. A larg- er court-baron, being held for all the inhabitants of a particuiar hundred. instead of a manor. The free suitors are the judges, and the steward the registrar, as in the case of a court-hnron. It is not H court of record, and resembles a court-h-iron in all respects except that in point of territory it is of greater jurisdiction. These courts have long since fallen into desuetude. 3 13] Comm. 34. 35: 3 Stcph. Comm. 394, 395. -—Hnndx-ed gemote. Among the Saxons. a meeting or court of the frcehuiders of a hundred, which assembled, originally, tweivc times a year, and possessed civil and criminal juris- diction and ecclesiastical powers. 1 Rceve. l-"ng. Law, 7.—Bnnd1-ed lagli. The law of the hundred, or hundred court; iizibiiity to attend the hundred court. Spelma.n.—Hundx- an In old English law. A tax collected from the hundred, by the sherih’ or lord of the hundred. -Hundred sectn. 42 performance of suit and service at the hundred cou1t.—Hund.1-sd setenn. In Saxon law. The dwellers or inhabitants of a hundred. Cowell; Bionnt. Spaimun suggests the reading of weiztena from Sax. ‘st.-eat." a tax.

HUNDRED-WEIGHT. A denomination of weight containing, according to the English system, 112 pounds; but in this country, geueraily, it consists of 100 pounds avolrdu- pois.

1'-IIINDREDARIUS. In old English law. A hundredary or hundredor. A name given to the chief officer of a hundred, as well as to the freeholdcrs who composed it. Spel. roc. "H-u.mlredus."

HUNDREDARY. ofljcer of a hundred

The chief or presiding

HTIINDBEDES EAELDOR, or HUN~ DR!-IDES MAN. The presiding officer in the hundred court. Anc. Inst. Eng.



HUNDREDORS. In English law. The inhabitants or freeholders of a hundred. acniently the suitors or judges of the hundred court. Persons Lmpaneled or fit to be impuneled upon juries, dweliing within the hundred where the cause of action arose. Cromp. Jur. 217. It was formerly necessary to have some of these upon every panel of jurors. 3 Bl. Comm. 359, 360; -1 Steph. Comm 370.

The term "hundredor" was also used to signify the officer who had the jurisdiction of a hundred, and held the hundred court. nnd sometimes the I-aililft of a hundred. Terinu de la Ley; Cowell.

HUNG JURY. A jury so lrreconciiahly divided in opinion that they cannot agree upon any verdict.


A domestic; one of

HUBBLE. In English criminal law. A kind of sledge, on which convicted felons were drawn to the place of execution.

HURRICANE. A storm of great vio- ience or intensity, of which the particular characteristic is the high velocity of the wind. There is n.itur:illy no exact measure to distinguish between an ordinary storm and a hurricane, but the wind should reach a velocity of at least 50 or 60 miles nn hour to he called by the iatter name. or, as expressed in some of the cases, it should be suificient to "throw down buildings." A hurricane is properiy a circular storm in the nature of I cyclone. See Pelican Ins. Co. v. Troy Co-op. Ass'n, 77 Tex. 225, 13 S. W. 9S0; Queen Ins. Co. v. Hudnut Co., B Ind. App. 22. 35 N. E. 397; Tyson v. Union Mnt. Fire & Storm Co., 2 Montg. Co. Law Rep'r (Pa.) 17.

I-IURST, HYRST, HERST, or HIRST. A wood or grove of trees. Co. Lltt. 41). I

HURT. In such phrases as "to the hurt or annoyance of another." or "hurt, molested, or restrained in his person or estate," this word is not restricted to physlcai in- jLu'ics, but includes also mental pain, all well as discomfort or annoyance. See Row- land v. Miller (Super. N 1.) 15 N. li. Supp. 702: Pi-onk v. Brooklyn Heights R. 00.. 68 App. Div. 390. 74 N. Y. Supp. 375; Thurston v. Whitney, 2 (lush. (Mass) 110.

HURTARDUS, or HIIRTUS. A rain or wether.

1-IURTO. In Spanish law. Theft. White. New Recop. h. 2, tit. 20. L

HUSBAND. A married man; one who has a lawful wife living. The correiative of "wlfe."

Etymolog-lcally, the word signified the "house bond ;" the man who, according to Saxon ideas