Page:Bismarck and the Foundation of the German Empire (1899).djvu/543

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checked by Parliament, 430; compiains of conduct of Reichstag, 431; friction with Parliament as to freedom of debate, 434; his Parliamentary receptions, 435, 436; his recourse to criminal law against his adversaries, 436; his lack of generosity in political struggles, 437; celebration of his seventieth birthday, 438; presented with two million marks, purchases Friedrichsruh, 438; defends bill for army increase, 441; his release of French spy, 441, 442; his interview with the Czar, 442; enters into secret agreement with Russia, 442, 443; proposes army increase, 443; his speech, 443-445; foundation of his power removed by death of Emperor William, 445, 446; his prospects with Emperor Frederick, 447; opposes marriage of Princess Victoria of Prussia to Prince Alexander of Battenberg, 448-450; his differences with Emperor William II., 450, 451; his power, 452; finds his influence and authority undermined, 452, 453; chief causes of his differences with the Emperor, 453, 454; refuses to acquiesce in degradation of his position, 455; his first separation from the Emperor, 455; declines to justify interview with Windhorst, 456; resigns, created Field Marshal and Duke of Lauenburg, 456; his leave-takings, 457; his restlessness in leisure, his energy, 457, 458; receives deputations, 458; opposes and defies the Government, 459; his disclosures, 460; the avowed enemy of Court and Ministry, 461; absents himself from Moltke's funeral, 461; his triumphal journey to Vienna, 461; his reconciliations with the Emperor, 462; celebration of his eighty-fifth birthday, 462; his loneliness and infirmities, 462; his interest in public affairs, his unbroken mind and spirit, 463; his death, his burial at Friedrichsruh, 463

  • Bismarck, Rudolph von, 5
  • Bismarck-Bohlen, 9, 19
  • Blankenburg, Moritz von, 30, 144
  • Bonin. 109, 140, 141
  • Boulanger, General, 440
  • Brandenburg, Count, 51, 81
  • Brandenburg, the nobility of, 6-8
  • Bucher, Lothar, 56, 325, 420, 421
  • Bundesrath, 296
  • Burnside, General, 361


Caprivi, General, 460, 462
Castelnau, General, 349
Cavour, 22, 129-132
Charles Frederick, Prince, 60
Crevisse, 5, 8


Delbrück, 365, 412
Diebwitz, Fräulein von, 9
Disraeli, 156, 157


Erfurt, Parliament of, 79, 80


Favre, Jules, 356-360, 370, 373, 376
Frankfort, 87
Frankfort, Peace of, 376, 377
Frederick, Crown Prince, afterward Frederick III., 183, 184, 207, 219, 220, 236, 260, 276, 324, 325, 336, 342, 343, 366, 369, 416, 445-450