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yellowish white. Wings and tail brownish, white wing bars. Bill and feet dark.
Chin yellowish, throat dusky, below pale whitish. In autumn plumage the male resembles the female.
Cheerful interrogative, "Will you co-ome, will you co-ome, will you?"
A summer resident, also abundant in the migrations. Comes in April, retires to woods to breed in May, emerges in September.
From New England, New York, and the higher parts of Pennsylvania northward.
At the forking of high branches; made of twigs, bark, grasses, and lined with hair, roots, down, etc.
4-5, white, sprinkled and veiled with brown-purple.
Eastern North America to the Plains, north to Hudson's Bay Territory; in winter, south to Cuba and Panama. Accidental in Greenland and Europe.

You will have but little trouble in recognizing this brilliant and talkative little Warbler, which comes to us both as a summer resident and as a migrant. In late April I am always sure to see its green and gold feathers among the hemlocks on the east side of the garden, while it continually utters its anxious and persuasive notes, to which I eagerly respond. It repeats a little phrase that separates it from the indistinct songs of so many of its tribe: "Will you co-ome, will you co-ome, will you?" it says, giving a particularly emphatic pause on the last two syllables.

It has never nested in the garden, and only comes to it before the breeding and after the moulting season.

Pine Warbler: Dendroica vigorsii.

Chimney Swallow.

5.50-6 inches.
Above bright yellowish olive, clear yellow below, dark streaks on sides. Yellow eye line; white bars on wings. White blotches on two outer tail feathers.
Dull throughout, dirty white instead of yellow breast.
A delicately trilled whistle. (Minot.)
A locally common summer resident, May to October and November. Possibly a resident. Some remain in the Middle States all winter.
All through its range, beginning in the Carolinas in March.
Nest and Eggs:
No special marks of identification.