Page:Bhagavad Gita - Annie Besant 4th edition.djvu/279

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The book gives in a modest compass a succinct history of the Hindu, Pathan and Moghul dynasties who reigned over Delhi and also a vivid account of the British occupation together with the story of the Mutiny. The present edition may claim to be an exhaustive handbook compiled from authentic sources. To make the book thoroughly comprehensive three appendices have been added giving picturesque accounts of the Durbars and the War Conference and the Conference of Ruling Chiefs and Princes,

The Indian Mirror.— The book gives brief accounts of the Hindu, Pathan, and Moghul sovereigns who reigned over Old and New Delhi, and full particulars of the various sights which visitors are expected to "do." For the modest sum of Rs. 2 the reader has at his disposal reproductions of the graphic accounts of these sights from the costlier productions of Fergnsson and Fanshawe, and the "Imperial Gazetteer of India." A large number of illustrations intersperse the volume.

With an Index and 54 Illustrations.
Rs. Two. To Subs, of the " Indian Review," Re. 1-8.

G, A. Natesan & Co., Publishers, George Town, Madras,