Page:Beyond the Horizon (1920).djvu/86

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her he’d have to mortgage the farm—said he didn’t know how he’d pull through ’til harvest without it, and he can’t get money any other way. [She straightens up—indignantly.] Now what do you think of your Robert?

Mrs. Mayo—[Resignedly.] If it has to be——

Mrs. Atkins—You don’t mean to say you’re goin’ to sign away your farm, Kate Mayo—after me warnin’ you?

Mrs. Mayo—I’ll do what Robbie says is needful.

Mrs. Atkins—[Holding up her hands.] Well, of all the foolishness!—well, it’s your farm, not mine, and I’ve nothin’ more to say.

Mrs. Mayo—Maybe Robbie’ll manage till Andy gets back and sees to things. It can’t be long now.

Mrs. Atkins—[With keen interest.] Ruth says Andy ought to turn up any day. When does Robert figger he’ll get here?

Mrs. Mayo—He says he can’t calculate exactly on account o’ the Sunda being a sail boat. Last letter he got was from England, the day they were sailing for home. That was over a month ago, and Robbie thinks they’re overdue now.

Mrs. Atkins—We can give praise to God then that he’ll be back in the nick o’ time. I’ve got confidence in Andy and always did have, when it comes to farmin’; and he ought to be tired of travellin’ and anxious to get home and settle down to work again.

Mrs. Mayo—Andy has been working. He’s head