Page:Beyond the Horizon (1920).djvu/164

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enters and sits down in his chair, holding his head in his hands.] Ruth! [She lifts her eyes to his.] Hadn’t we better go in and see him? God! I’m afraid to! I know he’ll read it in my face. [The bedroom door is noiselessly opened and Robert appears in the doorway. His cheeks are flushed with fever, and his eyes appear unusually large and brilliant. Andrew continues with a groan.] It can’t be, Ruth. It can’t be as hopeless as he said. There’s always a fighting chance. We’ll take Rob to Arizona. He’s got to get well. There must be a chance!

Robert—[In a gentle tone.] Why must there, Andy? [Ruth turns and stares at him with terrified eyes.]

Andrew—[Whirling around.] Rob! [Scoldingly.] What are you doing out of bed? [He gets up and goes to him.] Get right back now and obey the Doc, or you’re going to get a licking from me!

Robert—[Ignoring these remarks.] Help me over to the chair, please, Andy.

Andrew—Like hell I will! You’re going right back to bed, that’s where you’re going, and stay there! [He takes hold of Robert’s arm.]

Robert—[Mockingly.] Stay there ’til I die, eh, Andy? [Coldly.] Don’t behave like a child. I’m sick of lying down. I’ll be more rested sitting up. [As Andrew hesitates—violently.] I swear I’ll get out of bed every time you put me there. You’ll have to sit on my chest, and that wouldn’t help my health any. Come on, Andy. Don’t play the fool. I want