Page:Beyond the Horizon (1920).djvu/158

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broke him up terrible—but he’s used to her being gone by this, I s’pose.

Andrew—[Looking at her queerly.] Do you mean to say you’re used to it?

Ruth—[In a dead tone.] There’s a time comes—when you don’t mind any more—anything.

Andrew—[Looks at her fixedly for a moment—with great pity.] I’m sorry I talked the way I did just now, Ruth—if I seemed to blame you. I didn’t realize——— The sight of Rob lying in bed there, so gone to pieces—it made me furious at everyone. Forgive me, Ruth.

Ruth—There’s nothing to forgive. It doesn’t matter.

Andrew—[Springing to his feet again and pacing up and down.] Thank God I came back before it was too late. This doctor will know exactly what to do to bring him back to health. That’s the first thing to think of. When Rob’s on his feet again we can get the farm working on a sound basis once more. I’ll see to it so that you’ll never have any more trouble—before I leave.

Ruth—You’re going away again?

Andrew—Yes. Back to Argentine. I’ve got to.

Ruth—You wrote Rob you was coming back to stay this time.

Andrew—I expected to—until I got to New York. Then I learned certain facts that make it necessary. [With a short laugh.] To be candid, Ruth, I’m not the rich man you’ve probably been led to believe by