Page:Beyond the Horizon (1920).djvu/129

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about? I didn’t used to lie to you, did I? And what in the name of God is there to lie for?

Ruth—[Still unconvinced.] Are you sure—will you swear—it isn’t the reason [She lowers her eyes and half turns away from him.] The same reason that made you go last time that’s driving you away again? ’Cause if it is—I was going to say—you mustn’t go—on that account. [Her voice sinks to a tremulous, tender whisper as she finishes.]

Andrew—[Confused—forces a laugh.] Oh, is that what you’re driving at? Well, you needn’t worry about that no more [Soberly.] I don’t blame you, Ruth, feeling embarrassed having me around again, after the way I played the dumb fool about going away last time. You’ll have to put it down to me just being young and foolish and not responsible for my actions—and forgive me and forget it. Will you?

Ruth—[In anguish buries her face in her hands.] Oh, Andy!

Andrew—[Misunderstanding.] I know I oughtn’t to talk about such foolishness to you. Still I figure it’s better to get it out of my system so’s we three can be together same’s years ago, and not be worried thinking one of us might have the wrong notion. No, don’t you fret about me having any such reason for going this time. I’m not a calf any more. Why honest, Ruth, before the ship got to Hong Kong I’d near forgot all that part of it. All I remembered was