Page:Beyond the Horizon (1920).djvu/112

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Mary—Will he play wiv mc, Dada?

Robert—Not now, dear. You mustn’t bother him. After a while he will, maybe. [A moment later Andrew comes up from the left, whistling cheerfully. He has changed hut little in appearance, except for the fact that his face has been deeply bronzed by his years in the tropics; but there is a decided change in his manner. The old easy-going good-nature seems to have been partly lost in a breezy, business-like briskness of voice and gesture. There is an authoritative note in his speech as though he were accustomed to give orders and have them obeyed as a matter of course. He is dressed in the simple blue uniform and cap of a merchant ship’s officer.]

Andrew—Here you are, eh?

Robert—Hello, Andy.

Andrew—[Going over to Mary.] And who’s this young lady I find you all alone with, eh? Who’s this pretty young lady? [He tickles the laughing, squirming Mary, then lifts her up at arm’s length over his head.] Upsy—daisy! [He sets her down on the ground again.] And there you are! [He walks over and sits down on the boulder beside Robert who moves to one side to make room for him.] Ruth told me I’d probably find you up top-side here; but I’d have guessed it, anyway. [He digs his brother in tho ribs affectionately.] Still up to your old tricks, you old beggar! I can remember how you used to come up here to mope and dream in the old days.

Robert—[With a smile.] I come up here now be-