Page:Beyond the Horizon (1920).djvu/106

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of you! Oh, if I’d only known! If I hadn’t been such a fool to listen to your cheap, silly, poetry talk that you learned out of books! If I could have seen how you were in your true self—like you are now—I’d have killed myself before I’d have married you! I was sorry for it before we’d been together a month. I knew what you were really like—when it was too late.

Robert—[His voice raised loudly.] And now—I’m finding out what you’re really like—what a—a creature I’ve been living with. [With a harsh laugh.] God! It wasn’t that I haven’t guessed how mean and small you are—but I’ve kept on telling myself that I must be wrong—like a fool!—like a damned fool!

Ruth—You were saying you’d go out on the road if it wasn’t for me. Well, you can go, and the sooner the better! I don’t care! I’ll be glad to get rid of you! The farm’ll be better off too. There’s been a curse on it ever since you took hold. So go! Go and be a tramp like you’ve always wanted. It’s all you’re good for. I can get along without you, don’t you worry. I’ll get some peace. [Exulting fiercely.] And Andy’s coming back, don’t forget that! He’ll attend to things like they should be. He’ll show what a man can do! I don’t need you. Andy’s coming!

Robert—[They are both standing. Robert grabs her by the shoulders and glares into her eyes.] What do you mean? [He shakes her violently.] What are