Page:Beowulf (Wyatt).djvu/35

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235þegn Hrōðgāres,þrymmum cwehte
mægen-wudu mundum,meþel-wordum frægn:
“Hwæt syndon gēsearo-hæbbendra
byrnum werede,þe þus brontne cēol
ofer lagu-strǣtelǣdan cwōmon,
240hider ofer holmas[hringed-stefnan]?[1]
Ic wæs ende-sǣta,ǣg-wearde hēold,
þē on land Denalāðra nǣnig
mid scip-hergesceðþan ne meahte.
Nō hēr cūðlīcorcuman ongunnon
245lind-hæbbende;ne gē lēafnes-word
gūð-fremmendragearwe ne wisson,
māga gemēdu.Nǣfre ic māran geseah
eorla ofer eorþan,ðonne is ēower sum,
secg on searwum;nis þæt seld-guma
250wǣpnum geweorðad,næfne[2] him his wlite lēoge,
ǣnlīc an-sȳn.Nū ic ēower sceal
frum-cyn witan,ǣr gē fyr *heonan,Fol. 135b.
lēas[e][3] scēaweras,on land Dena
furþur fēran.Nū gē feor-būend,
255mere-līðende,mīn[n]e[4] gehȳrað
ān-fealdne geþōht;ofost is sēlest
tō gecȳðanne,hwanan ēowre cyme syndon.”

  1. 240—1. MS. ‘hider ofer holmas le wæs’ &c., without gap. Thorkelin and Wülcker read Ic for le, but Zupitza says: “le no doubt, not Ic.” Various suggestions have been made for the missing half-line. That in the text is Wülcker’s. Heyne adopts Ettmüller’s ‘helmas bǣron,’ but this is hardly felicitous after holmas. Bugge’s emendation is ingenious:

    hider ofer holmas?[Hwīle ic on weal]le
    wæs ende-sǣta.

  2. 250. MS. ‘næfre’; Kemble ‘næfne.’
  3. 253. MS. ‘leas’; Ettmüller ‘lēase.’
  4. 255. MS. ‘mine’; Kemble ‘mīnne.’