Page:Beowulf (Wyatt).djvu/216

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hlāw, see hlǣw.
hlealitor, st. m., laughter, 611, etc.
hlēapan, st. v., leap, gallop, 864.
ā-hlēapan, st. v., leap up, 1397.
hlēo, st. m., [lee] refuge, protection, protector (used of a chieftain or king), 429, 791, etc.
hlēo-burh, st. f., protecting burgh or city, 912, etc.
-hlēod, see -hladan.
hleonian, w. v., lean, slope, 1415.
hlēor-berge, w. f., cheek-guard, 304.
hlēor-bolster, st. m., [cheek-] bolster, 688.
hlēotan, st. v., with acc., get by lot, 2385.
hlēoðor-cwyde, st. m., [sound-speech] courtly speech, ceremonious speech, 1979.
hīldan, st. v.
tō-hīldan, st. v., spring apart; pp. pl. tōhlidene, 999.
hliehhan, st. v.
ā-hliehhan, st. v., laugh aloud; pret. sg. āhlōg, 730.
hlīfian, w. v., tower, 2805; pret. hlīfade, 81, etc., hlīuade, 1799. [“Beiträge” x. 502.]
hlim-bed, st. neut., leaning bed, (last) resting-place, 3034 (see note).
hlið, st. neut., cliff, slope, 1892, 3157.
hlūd, adj., loud, 89.
hlyn, st. m., din, noise, 611.
hlynnan, hlynian, w. v., resound, roar, crackle, 2553; pret. hlynode, 1120.
hlynsian, w. v., resound, 770.
hlytm, st. m., lot, 3126.
hnǣgan, w. v.
ge-hnǣgan, w. v., with acc., fell, vanquish, 1274, 2916.
hnāh, adj., mean, base, illiberal, 1929.
hnāgra, hnāhra, compar., lower, inferior, 677, 952.
hnītan, st. v., encounter, clash, 1327; pret. pl. hnitan, 2544.
hof, st. neut., court, dwelling, lodge, residence, manor, mansion, 312, 1236, 2313, etc.
hōfian, w. v.
be-hōfian, w. v., with gen., [behove] need, 2647.
hogode, see hycgan.
-hōhsnian, w. v.
on-hohsnian, w. v., check, 1944.
hold, adj., friendly, gracious, 290, 376, etc.; faithful, loyal, 290, 1229, etc.
hōlinga, adv., without reason, 1076.
holm, st. m., ocean, sea, mere, 48, etc.
holm-clif, st. neut., sea-cliff, 230, etc.
holm-wylm, st. m., [sea-welling] sea-surge, 2411.
holt, st. neut., holt, wood, 2598, etc.
holt-wudu, st. m., holt-wood; wood, forest, 1369; wood (material), 2340.
homer, hamer, st. m., hammer, 1285; gen. pl. homera lāfe, “leavings of hammers, i.e. swords,” 2829.
hōn, st. v.
be-hōn, st. v., trans., hang with; pp. behongen, 3139.
hond, hand, st. f., hand, 558, 656, etc.
hand-bona, -bana, w. m., [hand-bane] hand-slayer, 460, 1330.

hand-gemǣne, adj., [hand-common] hand to hand; nom. neut. þǣr unc hwīle wæs hand-gemǣne, “there we two engaged a while hand to hand,” 2137. [Ger. hand-gemein.]

hand-gewriðen, adj. (pp.), hand-wreathed, hand-twisted; pl. 1937.

hand-sporu, st. f., hand-spur, claw, 986.
hond-gemōt, st. neut., hand-meet-ing, hand to hand fight, 1526, 2355.
hond-gesella, w. m., hand-comrade, 1481.