Page:Beowulf (Wyatt).djvu/205

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ge-dryht, ge-driht, st. neut., band, troop, 118, 431, etc.
ge-fægra, compar. adj., more fair?, more dear; nom. hē…wearð…frēondum gefægra; hine fyren onwōd, “he (Beowulf) became more dear to his friends; him (Heremod) crime assailed,” 915.
-gēfan, see -gifan.
ge-fēa, w. m., joy, 562, etc.
ge-feoht, st. neut., fight, 2048, etc.
ge-flit, st. neut., “fliting,” contest, match, 865.
ge-frǣge, adj., renowned, notorious, 55, 2481.
ge-frǣge, st. neut., hearsay; dat. (instr.) sg. mīne gefrǣge, “as I have heard or learned,” 776, etc. [Cf. “mien escientre,” Chanson de Roland.]
gegn-cwide, st. m., reply, 367.
gegnum, adv., forwards, straight, direct, 314, 1404.
gehðo, see giohðo.
ge-hwā, pron., with gen., each, each one; acc. gehwone, gehwane, 294, 2397, etc.; dat. m. gehwām, gehwǣm, 88, 1420, etc.; dat. f. gehwǣre, 25. Masc. form with dependent gen. of fem, or neut. n. 800, 1365, 2838, 2765.
ge-hwǣr, adv., everywhere, 526.
ge-hwæðer, pron., either, 584, etc.; nom. neut. an wīg gearwe ge æt hām ge on herge, ge gehwæþer þāra efne swylce mǣla, “ready for war both at home and in the field, and either (i.e. both) of them even at such times,” 1248.
ge-hwylc, ge-hwelc, adj.-pron., with gen. pl., each, 98, 148, 732, 805, 1090, 1705, etc.
ge-hygd, st. neut., thought, 2045.
ge-hyld, st. neut., protection, 3056.
ge-lāc, st. neut., play, 1040, etc.
ge-lād, st. neut., [lode] path, 1410.
ge-lang, see ge-long.
ge-lenge, adj., belonging to, 2732.
ge-līc, adj., like, 2164.
ge-līcost, superl., likest, most like, 218, 1608, etc.
ge-lōme, adv., frequently, 559.
ge-long, ge-lang, adj.; gelong (gelang) æt þē, “along of, dependent on, thee,” 1376, 2150.
ge-mǣne, adj., common, in common, 1784, etc.
ge-mēde, st. neut., consent, 247.
ge-met, st. neut., measure, power, ability, 779, etc.
ge-met, adj., meet, 687, etc.
ge-mēting, st. f., meeting, 2001.
ge-mong, st. m., troop, 1643.
ge-mynd, st. f., reminder, memorial, 2804, etc.
ge-myndig, adj., mindful, 613, etc.
gēn, adv., again, yet, still, 734, 2070, 3006, etc.; often with þā, nū, 83, 2859, etc.
gēna, adv., still, 2800, etc.
ge-neahhe, adv., enough, 783; frequently, 3152.
genehost, superl., very often. Special passage: genehost brægd eorl Bēowulfes ealde lāfe, “many an earl of Beowulf’s drew his old sword,” 794.
ge-nip, st. neut., mist, 1360, etc.
ge-nōg, adj., enough, 2489, etc.
gēnunga, adv., wholly, utterly, 2871.
gēo, gīo, īu, adv., formerly, 1476, 2459, 2521.
gēoc, st. f., help, 177, etc.
gēocor, adj., dire, sad, 765.
geofon, gifen, gyfen, st. neut., ocean, 362, 1394, 1690, etc.
geofu, see gifu.
geogoð, giogoð, st. f., youth, time of youth, 160, 2426, etc.; gen. iogoðe, 1674.
geogoð-feorh, st. neut., youth-life, days of youth, 537, etc.
geolo, adj., yellow, 2610.
geolo-rand, st. m., yellow buckler, yellow shield, 438.
gēo-mēowle, w. f., former virgin, bride, spouse, 3150; acc. īo-mēowlan, 2931.
gēomor, gīomor, adj., sad, 49, 3150, etc.; f. gēomuru, 1075.
gēomore, adv., sadly, 151.