Page:Beowulf (Wyatt).djvu/140

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þæt hē þone nīð-gæst  nioðor hwēne slōh,
2700secg on searwum,  þæt ðæt sweord gedēaf
fāh ond fǣted,  þæt ðæt fȳr ongon
sweðrian syððan.  Þā gēn sylf cyning
gewēold his gewitte,  wæll-seaxe gebrǣd
biter ond beadu-scearp,  þæt hē on byrnan wæg;
2705forwrāt Wedra *helm  wyrm on middan.Fol. 189a.
Fēond gefyldan,  ferh ellen wræc,
ond hī hyne þā bēgen  ābroten hæfdon,
sib-æðelingas;  swylc sceolde secg wesan,
þegn æt ðearfe.  Þæt ðām þēodne wæs
2710sīðas[t] sige-hwīle[1]  sylfes dǣdum,
worlde geweorces.̌  Ðā sīo wund ongon,
þe him se eorð-draca  ǣr geworhte,
swēlan ond swellan;  hē þæt sōna onfand,
þæt him on brēostum  bealo-nīð wēoll,
2715āttor on innan.  Ðā se æðeling gīong,
þæt hē bī wealle  wīs-hycgende
gesæt on sesse,  seah on enta geweorc,
hū ðā stān-bogan  stapulum fæste
ēce eorð-reced  innan healde.[2]
2720Hyne þā mid handa  heoro-drēorigne,
þēoden mǣrne,  þegn ungemete till,
wine-dryhten his,  wætere gelafede
hilde-sædne,  ond his hel[m][3] onspēon.
Bīowulf maþelode:  hē ofer benne spræc,
2725wunde wæl-blēate;  wisse hē gearwe,

  1. 2710. Grundtvig’s emendation. Kemble ‘sīðes sige-hwīl’; Grein ‘sīðast sige-hwīla.’
  2. 2719. Heyne ‘hēoldon.’ For the tense of. ll. 1923, 1928, 2486; and for the sing. verb with pl. subject in a subordinate clause cf. l. 2164, and see the note on l. 2035.
  3. 2723. MS. defective at edge, here and in l. 2727.