Page:Bedřich Smetana, The bartered bride, Die verkaufte braut.pdf/4

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The scene is laid in a small village in Bohemia. A chorus is joyfully singing of love. Marie, a young girl, and her lover, Hans, are not so happy, for Marie's parents want to marry her off to a man she does not love. Hans, her lover, is sure that all will turn out well, and that if she only loves him, no one can compel her to marry the other man. At the sound of approaching footsteps, Hans goes, and Marie hides as Kezal, a matrimonial agent, Kruschina, Marie's father, and Kathinka, her mother, come on the scene. Kezal has been negotiating for a marriage between Marie and Wenzel, the son of Micha, one of the men of the village, but they have not yet told Marie of their choice. The father does not think it necessary to get her consent, but the mother has more sympathy for her daughter, and asks them to wait and hear what Marie has to say. Kezal sings the praises of Wenzel and arouses their curiosity to such an extent, that they regret that he did not bring Wenzel with him. Marie comes on the scene and refuses to hear of marrying Wenzel. She loves Hans and will marry no one else. Kruschina promises Micha in writing that he will give Marie to his son. Marie is still firm in her decision, so Kezal tells Kruschina to go and talk it over with Micha, while he goes to see what he can do with Hans. In the next scene, which ends the act, some country folk are gathered in front of the inn, drinking, while the young men and girls dance.


A room in the inn. Hans is seated at one end of the table, and Kezal at another. They drink. Hans is extolling the joy of loving and being loved, when Kezal comes up to him and tells him that love is nothing if one has no money, but Hans disagrees. Young men and girls are dancing. Wenzel comes in rather tipsy, when Marie approaches him, and begs him not to marry the girl he is promised to, because she loves another. She also tells him that she knows a very pretty girl, who is madly in love with him. Wenzel promises to renounce the girl, and is very much touched by the interest Marie has taken in him.

The Bartered Bride