Page:Bedřich Smetana, The bartered bride, Die verkaufte braut.pdf/39

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Wenzel (comes up, angrily).

What's up now?

(He notices Marie, pleasantly surprised.)

To her—to her I spoke this morning!
No-now there's nothing more to do!

Kathinka, Agnes, Kruschina, Micha, and Kezal.

But I know not where and how?
Spoke he really to Marie?


Yes, this morning, early,
I suited her, said she!

Kathinka, Agnes, Kruschina, Micha, and Kezal.

For she is the bride
We picked out for you!


Then it's settled!


No more talking.
Doubting and delaying,
We have reached our goal!


I pray you, just a little while
Leave me here alone!

Kathinka, Agnes, Kruschina, Micha, and Kezal.

Just a little while, Marie,
Remember it!
But soon we'll come
To fulfil
Your wishes,
Do we leave you here.
Your life's happiness
Is in your own hands,
O, don't reject it,
Once you have known it!


It's in my hands,
It is with me!

(All go, except Marie.)


Marie (alone.)

Alone at last!
Alone with myself, and with my sorrow!
Still I cannot believe it,
Though this signature is on it!. . .
Whatever speaks warmly for him,
To that I must not listen.
Was his love but madness?
Alas, poor me!
What have I done to him?


How strange and dead is all around me.
And it was so dear and full of life!
The world has no more joys for me,
I must resign myself to it.

O spring, your pretty flower-dress,
How faded has it now become!
The wicked Fall before its time
Has blown in from the north. . .

(as if waking up.)

No! All is still as it was
and only seems so altered,
Because my eyes are sad
From weeping.

O May, how beautiful you were
With all your fresh young sprouts!
Farewell now, gladsome songs of joy!
Farewell, you youthful love!


(Marie and Hans.)

Hans (rushes in joyfully).

And so I find you here, my love,
My longing and desire?
O speak, relate to me
What meanwhile has occurred!


Away! I'm not your love,
Away with your bad jests!
At first you stole me, dishonorable thief,
And then you sold my heart!